CSEP 527 Computational Biology http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/csep527/16sp Larry Ruzzo Spring 2016 UW CSE Computational Biology Group
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever. -- Chinese Proverb
Tonight Admin Why Comp Bio? The world’s shortest Intro. to Mol. Bio. 7
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Course Mechanics & Grading Web http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/csep527/16au Reading In class discussion now Homeworks Check web for 1 st , soon reading blogs paper exercises programming No exams, but possible oversized last homework in lieu of final 13
Background & Motivation
Moore’s Law Transistor count doubles approx every two years 17
Growth of GenBank (Base Pairs) 1.E+11 1.E+10 Growth of GenBank (Base Pairs) 1.E+09 1.E+11 1.E+10 1.E+09 1.E+08 1.E+07 1.E+08 1.E+06 1.E+05 1.E+04 1.E+07 Excludes “short-read archive” 1.E+06 1.E+05 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Genbank/genbankstats.html 19
5.1 peta-bases Short Read Archive Growth 21 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/
Modern DNA Sequencing A table-top box the size of your oven (but costs a bit more … ;-) can generate ~100 billion BP of DNA seq/day; i.e. = 2008 genbank, = 30x your genome 27
PLoS Biol 13(7): e1002195. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002195 30
Fig 1. Growth of DNA sequencing. Stephens ZD, Lee SY, Faghri F, Campbell RH, Zhai C, et al. (2015) Big Data: Astronomical or Genomical?. PLoS Biol 13(7): e1002195. doi:10.1371/ journal.pbio.1002195
Table 1. Four domains of Big Data in 2025. In each of the four domains, the projected annual storage and compu6ng needs are presented across the data lifecycle. Data Phase Astronomy Twi2er YouTube Genomics Acquisi9on 25 ze<a-bytes/year 0.5–15 billion 500–900 million 1 ze<a-bases/year tweets/year hours/year Storage 1 EB/year 1–17 PB/year 1–2 EB/year 2–40 EB/year Analysis In situ data reduc6on Topic and Limited requirements Heterogeneous data and sen6ment mining analysis Real-6me processing Metadata analysis Variant calling, ~2 trillion CPU hours Massive volumes All-pairs genome alignments, ~10,000 trillion CPU hours Distribu9on Dedicated lines from Small units of Major component of Many small (10 MB/s) and antennae to server distribu6on modern user’s fewer massive (10 TB/s) data (600 TB/s) bandwidth (10 MB/s) movements Stephens ZD, Lee SY, Faghri F, Campbell RH, Zhai C, et al. (2015) Big Data: Astronomical or Genomical?. PLoS Biol 13(7): e1002195. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002195
The Human Genome Project 1 gagcccggcc cgggggacgg gcggcgggat agcgggaccc cggcgcggcg gtgcgcttca 61 gggcgcagcg gcggccgcag accgagcccc gggcgcggca agaggcggcg ggagccggtg 121 gcggctcggc atcatgcgtc gagggcgtct gctggagatc gccctgggat ttaccgtgct 181 tttagcgtcc tacacgagcc atggggcgga cgccaatttg gaggctggga acgtgaagga 241 aaccagagcc agtcgggcca agagaagagg cggtggagga cacgacgcgc ttaaaggacc 301 caatgtctgt ggatcacgtt ataatgctta ctgttgccct ggatggaaaa ccttacctgg 361 cggaaatcag tgtattgtcc ccatttgccg gcattcctgt ggggatggat tttgttcgag 421 gccaaatatg tgcacttgcc catctggtca gatagctcct tcctgtggct ccagatccat 481 acaacactgc aatattcgct gtatgaatgg aggtagctgc agtgacgatc actgtctatg 541 ccagaaagga tacataggga ctcactgtgg acaacctgtt tgtgaaagtg gctgtctcaa 601 tggaggaagg tgtgtggccc caaatcgatg tgcatgcact tacggattta ctggacccca 661 gtgtgaaaga gattacagga caggcccatg ttttactgtg atcagcaacc agatgtgcca 721 gggacaactc agcgggattg tctgcacaaa acagctctgc tgtgccacag tcggccgagc 781 ctggggccac ccctgtgaga tgtgtcctgc ccagcctcac ccctgccgcc gtggcttcat 841 tccaaatatc cgcacgggag cttgtcaaga tgtggatgaa tgccaggcca tccccgggct 901 ctgtcaggga ggaaattgca ttaatactgt tgggtctttt gagtgcaaat gccctgctgg 961 acacaaactt aatgaagtgt cacaaaaatg tgaagatatt gatgaatgca gcaccattcc 1021 ... 34
The sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus 35
Goals Basic biology Disease diagnosis/prognosis/treatment Drug discovery, validation & development Individualized medicine … 37
“High-Throughput BioTech” Sensors DNA sequencing Microarrays/Gene expression Mass Spectrometry/Proteomics Protein/protein & DNA/protein interaction Controls Cloning Gene knock out/knock in RNAi Floods of data “Grand Challenge” problems 38
What’s all the fuss? The human genome is “finished” … Even if it were, that’s only the beginning Explosive growth in biological data is revolutionizing biology & medicine “All pre-genomic lab techniques are obsolete” (and computation and mathematics are crucial to post-genomic analysis) 39
CS Points of Contact & Opportunities Scientific visualization Gene expression patterns Databases Integration of complex, disparate, overlapping data sources Distributed genome annotation in face of shifting underlying genomic coordinates, individual variation, … AI/NLP/Text Mining Information extraction from text with inconsistent nomenclature, indirect interactions, incomplete/inaccurate models, … Machine learning System level synthesis of cell behavior from low-level heterogeneous data (DNA seq, gene expression, protein interaction, mass spec, … ) ... Algorithms 40
Computers in biology: Then & now ACGGGTAA AC GGTAA – 41
chr11 (p15.1) 11p15.4 15.2p15.1 14.3 14.111p13 11p12 p11.2 12.1 q13.4 11q14.1 14.3 q21 q22.1 11q22.3 q23.3 24.2 q25 hg19 Scale 1 kb chr11: 17,741,500 17,742,000 17,742,500 17,743,000 17,743,500 UCSC Genes (RefSeq, UniProt, CCDS, Rfam, tRNAs & Comparative Genomics) MYOD1 HMR Conserved Transcription Factor Binding Sites TFBS Conserved lincRNA and TUCP transcripts H3K27Ac Mark (Often Found Near Active Regulatory Elements) on 7 cell lines from ENCODE Layered H3K27Ac Transcription Factor ChIP-seq from ENCODE Txn Factor ChIP Placental Mammal Basewise Conservation by PhyloP Denisova High-Coverage Sequence Reads Denisova Seq Multiz Alignments of 46 Vertebrates Chimp Gorilla Orangutan Rhesus Baboon Marmoset Mouse_lemur Tree_shrew Mouse Rat Kangaroo_rat Guinea_pig Squirrel Rabbit Alpaca Cow Horse Cat Dog Microbat Hedgehog Elephant Armadillo Wallaby Opossum Platypus Chicken Zebra_finch Lizard X_tropicalis Fugu Stickleback Zebrafish Lamprey 43
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Course Focus & Goals Mainly sequence analysis Algorithms for alignment, search, & discovery Specific sequences, general types (“genes”, etc.) Single sequence and comparative analysis Techniques: HMMs, EM, MLE, Gibbs, Viterbi … Enough bio to motivate these problems including very light intro to modern biotech supporting them Math/stats/cs underpinnings thereof Applied to real data 48
A VERY Quick Intro To Molecular Biology
The Genome The hereditary info present in every cell DNA molecule -- a long sequence of nucleotides (A, C, T, G) Human genome -- about 3 x 10 9 nucleotides The genome project -- extract & interpret genomic information, apply to genetics of disease, better understand evolution, … 50
The Double Helix Los Alamos Science 51
DNA Discovered 1869 Role as carrier of genetic information – 1940’s 4 “bases”: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), thymine (T) The Double Helix - Watson & Crick (& Franklin) 1953 Complementarity A ←→ T C ←→ G Visualization: http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/explore.do?structureId=123D 52
Genetics - the study of heredity A gene -- classically, an abstract heritable attribute existing in variant forms ( alleles ) ABO blood type–1 gene, 3 alleles Mendel Each individual two copies of each gene Each parent contributes one (randomly) Independent assortment (approx, but useful) Genotype vs phenotype I.e., genes vs their outward manifestation AA or AO genotype → “type A” phenotype 53
Cells Chemicals inside a sac - a fatty layer called the plasma membrane Prokaryotes (bacteria, archaea) - little recognizable substructure Eukaryotes (all multicellular organisms, and many single celled ones, like yeast) - genetic material in nucleus, other organelles for other specialized functions 54
Chromosomes 1 pair of (complementary) DNA molecules (+ protein wrapper) Most prokaryotes: just 1 chromosome most Eukaryotes - all cells have same number of chromosomes, e.g. fruit flies 8, humans & bats 46, rhinoceros 84, … 55
Mitosis/Meiosis Most “higher” eukaryotes are diploid - have homologous pairs of chromosomes, one maternal, other paternal (exception: sex chromosomes) Mitosis - cell division, duplicate each chromosome, 1 copy to each daughter cell Meiosis - 2 divisions form 4 haploid gametes (egg/sperm) Recombination/crossover -- exchange maternal/ paternal segments 56
Proteins Chain of amino acids, of 20 kinds Proteins: the major functional elements in cells Structural/mechanical Enzymes (catalyze chemical reactions) Receptors (for hormones, other signaling molecules, odorants, … ) Transcription factors … 3-D Structure is crucial: the protein folding problem 57
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