covid 19 lessons from school nurses teaching virtually

COVID 19: Lessons from School Nurses Teaching Virtually JU JUNE 11, - PDF document

6/11/2020 COVID 19: Lessons from School Nurses Teaching Virtually JU JUNE 11, 11, 2020 2020 Directors, Northeastern University School Health Academy 1 2 Accredited Provider To Obtain Contact Hours Participate fully in the webinar.

  1. 6/11/2020 COVID ‐ 19: Lessons from School Nurses Teaching Virtually JU JUNE 11, 11, 2020 2020 Directors, Northeastern University School Health Academy 1 2 Accredited Provider To Obtain Contact Hours • Participate fully in the webinar. • Northeastern University School Health • Make note of the code at the end. Academy operates within Northeastern • Log into your account at University School of Nursing, an Accredited • Enter the code in the Evaluation box. Provider of Continuing Nursing Education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s • Complete the Evaluation within 2 weeks. Commission on Accreditation (ANCC). • Print certificate from email and/or • The planners and presenters of this program • Print your certificate from your List of All Completed Programs have no conflicts of interest to declare. • Questions? or • No commercial support has been provided for this program. 3 4 1. Articulate that health teaching is a I have knowledge about using virtual health teaching strategies. (n=427) standard of practice for the school nurse 250 Chart Title 2. Describe how health teaching fits into the 6 NASN 21 st Century Framework for School 200 5 Nursing Practice 4 150 Outcomes 3 3. Identify best practices for teaching health 100 virtually: identifying health topics, 2 planning, implementing, and evaluating 1 50 0 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 0 4. Identify supports and barriers to teaching Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Not at all A little Somewhat A lot Fully health virtually 5 6 1

  2. 6/11/2020 St Stand andard of of Pr Practi actice ce 5B. 5B. He Health alth Te Teaching and and Health Health Pr Promotion omotion “Promotes health, wellness, self ‐ care, and safety through education of the school community regarding health issues.” (2017, p. 57) 7 8 Age Agenda nda INTRODUCTION Maureen Archambault, M.Ed, MSN, RN, NCSN, CNE Amy Dark, BA, RN, CSNT Carol Stein ‐ Payne, BA, RN, NCSN Donna Kaplan, M.Ed, BSN, RN Courtney Boudrow, BSN, RN QUESTIONS Annette Kendra, BSN, RN, NCSN, CCAP and Elaine Kusiak, BSN, RN Bill Marrapese, MSN, RN Karen Schwind, BSN, RN, NCSN QUESTIONS CLOSING 9 10 Remote Health & Wellness Maureen Lessons Archambault, MEd, MSN, RN, NCSN, Maureen Archambault MEd, BSN, RN, NCSN CNE 11 12 2

  3. 6/11/2020 Virtual Health Process Where to Start… ● Getting approval “Hands-on” Nursing vs. “Virtual World” Nursing ● Collaboration ● Targeted Age ● Language Barriers ● English Language Learners (ELL) ● Technology ● Student/Family/Staff Interest ● Time Element ● Input from Staff ● Topics 13 14 Implementation Goal Utilized Technology … Zoom, Loom, Screencastify, & Google KEEP IT ENGAGING ● Hangout KEEP IT FUN Embedded 2 slides (English/Portuguese) in each grade level weekly ● calendar KEEP IT SIMPLE SMORE - School Nurse’s News Letter (multiple languages) ● ● 15 16 Lavar as mãos da maneira certa com a Enfermeira A. Hand Washing the right way with Nurse A!! Veja como remover esses germes: 1. Molhe as mãos com água corrente limpa (quente Here's how to scrub those germs away: ou fria). Verifique se a água não está quente demais para mãos pequenas. Wet your hands with clean running water. 2. Use sabão e ensaboar por cerca de 20 segundos. 1. 3. Entre os dedos, nas costas das mãos e sob as Use soap and lather up for about 20 seconds. 2. unhas, onde os germes gostam de sair. E não Make sure you get the lather in between your fingers, 3. esqueça os pulsos! 4. Enxágüe e seque bem com uma toalha limpa. on on the back of your hands, under the nails, and don't forget the wrists! Rinse and dry well with a clean towel. 4. 17 18 3

  4. 6/11/2020 STAYING HEALTHY WITH NURSE A. Contact information for Maureen Archambault: 19 20 Teaching Health Virtually Grades K,1,5 Amy Dark, BA, RN, CSNT Am y E D ar k, BA, RN Cer t i f i ed School N ur s e- Teacher 21 22 G over nor Rai m ondo announced O ur di s t r i ct us es t he G r eat Body Shop t he w eek of M ar ch 16- 20, 2020 Heal t h Cur r i cul um , i t i s al i gned t o w oul d be us ed t o pl an f or t w o Com m on Cor e St andar ds w eeks of vi r t ual l ear ni ng Friday But i t w as l ocked up at s chool ! Ideas and March 13, O h yes AN D Spr i ng Br eak! Planning I am r es pons i bl e f or t eachi ng gr ades K and 2020 1 heal t h cl as s ever y w eek, a 45 m i nut e bl ock, 4 days per w eek W e ar e nur s es , w e ar e f l exi bl e, w e W her e t o begi n? can do t hi s ! 23 24 4

  5. 6/11/2020 First lesson: Why can’t we go I n t he begi nni ng I r evi ewed l es s ons al r eady pr es ent ed How did I ear l i er i n t he year , bas e knowl edge, unt i l s t udent s wer e to school? com f or t abl e wi t h t he vi r t ual f or m at engage the students I m ade a s cr i pt and 5- 7 m i nut e vi deo ever y week f or 12 weeks t o i nt r oduce t he t opi c and s t ay connect ed virtually? I di d not have acces s t o m y heal t h cur r i cul um s o enl i s t ed “ hom e as s i s t ant s ” How did I select the Les s ons i ncl uded: W hy ar e we l ear ni ng at hom e? Per s onal s af et y , bi ke s af et y , t i cks and m os qui t oes , topics? Sunwi s e and Suns af e, wat er s af et y , and dent al heal t h r evi ew and us ed r es our ces f r om t he EPA, PBSki ds . or g, Col gat e dent al pr ogr am , RI D epar t m ent of Heal t h 25 26 Tick Safety Lesson How did I evaluate student participation/engagement? Also included Dr Tickedoff video from CT Lyme Disease Foundation I s et up a googl e cl as s r oom f or I s et t he l es s ons as Heal t h cl as s , each s t udent “ as s i gnm ent s ” and cr eat ed ent er ed t he cl as s r oom wi t h a s i m pl e qui z z es f or t hem t o t ake par t i ci pant code I di d not s et a due dat e t o be I i nvi t ed s t udent s t o r epl y by s ens i t i ve t o hom e s chedul es , em ai l , phot os or vi deos acces s t o a devi ce and dem ons t r at i ng t he s ki l l t aught par ent / ol der s i bl i ng as s i s t ance 27 28 Co- t aught wi t h PE/ Heal t h t eacher Grade 5 • St udent f eedback or acknowl edgm ent Excellent Growth and of l es s on was cons i s t ent l y >80% Vi r t ual f or m at us i ng 2 vi deos we cr eat ed one f or f am i l y/ car egi ver , one t o t he participation! Development s t udent (Puberty) Sent l et t er wi t h l i nks t o t he al ways changi ng cur r i cul um di r ect l y t o par ent s , s am pl e packs hom e i n s t udent s um m er packet s , t hi s el i m i nat ed need f or cons ent . 29 30 5

  6. 6/11/2020 • At t he out s et I di d a l ot of “ r ei nvent i ng t he wheel ” becaus e ever yt hi ng was s o “Beyond the Band Aid” video new series to connect with students • I t t ook m uch m or e t i m e and ef f or t and families wi t hout t he benef i t of m y m at er i al s , Lessons l es s on pl ans , and col l eagues Featured in RI Healthy Learned and • Thi Schools Coalition e-newsletter s was i n addi t i on t o m y s chool nur s i ng r es pons i bi l i t i es Resources • I t gr eat l y i ncr eas ed m y ef f ect i venes s as Used a heal t h educat or and expanded m y t echnol ogy s ki l l s • The s t udent s t r ul y enj oyed t he hom e vi deos and connect i ng per s onal l y 31 32 Thank you! • I f you have ques t i ons or f eedback I woul d be del i ght ed t o connect . Am y D ar k Carol Stein ‐ Payne, am ydar k@ cox. net BA, RN, NCSN 33 34 35 36 6

  7. 6/11/2020 37 38 39 40 41 42 7

  8. 6/11/2020 Donna Kaplan, MEd, BSN, RN 43 44 Courtney Boudrow, BSN, RN Padlet 45 46 Courtney How I planned to teach: How I chose topic: ‐ Used resources: books, card ‐ How could I best support students and staff (without information overload)? decks, own knowledge of ‐ What do I love? What am I good at? ‐ SEL needs of students AND staff before pandemic practice, recent certification ‐ Continuation of in class social emotional lessons and professional development ‐ Was going to offer after school yoga program before pandemic, had a lot of parent interest materials ‐ Something I needed to do for myself personally and professionally ‐ Generated lesson plans the Yoga offers: night before ‐ Social connection ‐ I offered to teachers, they ‐ Physical movement ‐ Awareness of body, brain and breath reached out to me ‐ Self ‐ compassion cultivation ‐ Noncompetitive: everyone on level playing field ‐ Principal supportive of my ‐ Able to incorporate education about the nervous system, brain recharge techniques, meditation, breathing teachings exercises ‐ Doesn’t have anything to do with religion, purely secular practice 47 48 8


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