Cooperative Broadcast for Cooperative Broadcast for Maximum Network Lifetime Maximum Network Lifetime Ivana Maric and Roy Yates Ivana Maric and Roy Yates
Wireless Multihop Multihop Network Broadcast Network Broadcast Wireless • N nodes • Source transmits at rate R • Messages are to be delivered to all the nodes • Nodes can choose transmit powers source
System Model: Orthogonal Channels System Model: Orthogonal Channels • Each link is an AWGN channel with bandwidth W • Each transmission in an orthogonal channel • Nodes can listen to all the channels • Motivation: Sensor networks • Low-powered nodes, very low data rates • Large bandwidth resources • Objective: Energy-efficient network broadcast protocols • Minimum-energy broadcast • Maximum-lifetime broadcast
Minimum- -energy broadcast energy broadcast Minimum • Problem: Broadcast at rate R to all nodes using minimum total power • Formulated as broadcast tree problem [J. Wieselthier, G. Nguyen, A. Ephremides] • Wireless multicast advantage: all the nodes in the range hear a transmission • Problem is NP-complete [M. � agalj et al., Ahluwalia et al., W. Liang] source
Maximum network lifetime Maximum network lifetime • Problem: Maximize the amount of time until the first node battery dies [J.H. Chang and L. Tassiulas] • Performs load balancing : distributes traffic more evenly among the nodes • Static solution given by a broadcast tree • Based on the initial battery energy levels • Dynamic solution consists of a series of broadcast trees [R.J. Marks et al., I.Kang et al.] • suboptimal
Accumulative broadcast Accumulative broadcast • Conventional broadcast: • No interference • A node forwards only when reliable • Each node retransmits the same message • A node receives message from only one transmission as specified by a tree • Accumulative broadcast • Old Idea: Exploit Overheard (side) Information • Allow nodes to collect energy of unreliably received signals • As the message is forwarded, a node collects multiple unreliable copies until it accumulates energy needed for reliable reception
Accumulative broadcast Accumulative broadcast • Allow nodes to collect energy of unreliably received signals Accumulative broadcast Accumulative broadcast Wireless advantage Wireless advantage
Reliable forwarding Reliable forwarding • More energy-efficient than conventional broadcast because it captures more radiated energy •Reliable or unreliable forwarding? • Any node can decide to forward as soon as it receives an unreliable copy •Problem formulation? • • A node can forward a message only after reliable decoding A node can forward a message only after reliable decoding • Suboptimal • Benefits: • Simplifies the system architecture • Still allows for unreliable overheard information
Relays use “ “Repetition Coding Repetition Coding” ” Relays use • • All the nodes use the same codebook: relays resend the same codeword All the nodes use the same codebook: relays resend the same code word • After K nodes retransmit a codeword X : Maximum achievable rate at node m : p 1 K source r m = W log 2 (1 + � h mk p k / N o W) X X p 2 k=1 X X • For a given broadcast rate at the source p 3 Y Y r = W log 2 (1+P T / N o W) � X m X • Node m reliable when p K � k h mk p k � P T X X
Repetition is OK for Large W Repetition is OK for Large W • Given fixed powers {p 1 ,…p K } and reliable forwarding, the maximum rate achievable from the source to any destination is achieved by the repetition coding in the limit of large W . source As W → � , • p 1 r m → � h mk p k / N o ln2 p 2 k k • MAC upper bound: p 3 m C MAC = W � log 2 (1 + h mk p k / N o W) � → � h mk p k / N o ln2 p K k k • Orthogonal channels preclude the coherent combining gain • • How do we solve the accumulative broadcast problem? How do we solve the accumulative broadcast problem?
Network lifetime Network lifetime • A lifetime of a node i - transmission time until node battery is fully drained T i (p i ) = e i / p i e i - initial battery energy p i - transmit power • Network lifetime - duration of a data session until the first node battery is fully drained T net ( p )= min T i (p i )
Transmission schedule Transmission schedule • Choose a transmission schedule • An order in which nodes become reliable • For each node, schedule specifies a subset of nodes that contribute to its reliable decoding • Represent a schedule with matrix X 1 node i scheduled to transmit after node j x ij = 0 otherwise • x ij indicates that node i collects energy from a transmission by node j • Define a gain matrix H ( X ): [ H(X) ] ij = h ij x ij • Problem defined as: min max { p i /e i } H ( X ) p � 1 P T p � 0
Maximum network lifetime problem Maximum network lifetime problem • Network of N = 5 nodes 5 4 • Consider a schedule [1 2 3 4 5] 1 2 3 • Problem is defined as source min max { p i /e i } � P T h 21 p 1 0 0 0 0 0 � P T h 31 p 1 + h 32 p 2 1 0 0 0 0 � P T h 41 p 1 + h 42 p 2 + h 43 p 3 1 1 0 0 0 X = � P T h 51 p 1 + h 52 p 2 + h 53 p 3 + h 54 p 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 � 0 p 1 , p 2 , p 3 , p 4
LP for Transmit Powers LP for Transmit Powers Different node batteries � use normalized node powers • p i = p i e 1 / e i • Problem becomes min max p i H ( X ) p � 1 P T p � 0 • Maximum network lifetime LP q * ( X ) = min q H ( X ) p � 1 P T p � 1 q p � 0
Min Power vs. Max Lifetime Min Power vs. Max Lifetime • Minimum Total Power min � i p i H ( X ) p � 1 P T p � 0 min max { p i /e i } • Maximum Lifetime H ( X ) p � 1 P T p � 0 • Min Total Power is NP-complete • Independently shown by [Y-W. Hong & A. Scaglione] - different physical model • Finding the best schedule is hard • Max Lifetime is easy – Why?
Max lifetime Max lifetime • Identifying one best schedule is not crucial Solution: Power p * = min X q * ( X ) and a schedule for which p * is feasible • Power p * = min X q * ( X ) feasible for a set of schedules X* • • To identify X* : use a simple procedure that, for any power p , finds the schedules for which p is feasible
The ASAP( ASAP( p p ) distribution ) distribution The • Use the observation: As soon as one node transmits with p : every reliable node can use p with no impact on the network lifetime • The ASAP(p) distribution: •during a broadcast with power p , a node transmits with p as soon as possible � as soon as it becomes reliable
The ASAP( ASAP( p p ) distribution ) distribution The • Source transmits with power p � any node can transmit with p reliable no impact on the network lifetime • At each stage: reliable Set of nodes that became reliable in the previous stage transmit with p power p • If p is large enough, ASAP( p ) is source a feasible broadcast : message is delivered to all nodes • All relays transmit with power p • Otherwise, ASAP( p ) stalls
ASAP Theorem ASAP Theorem • Theorem: If p is a feasible power for a schedule X , then ASAP( p ) is a feasible broadcast. • ASAP(p) finds all the schedules for which p is feasible For the optimum power p * , ASAP( p * ) is feasible • • If p * were known, we could broadcast with ASAP( p * )
Maximum Lifetime Accumulative Broadcast Maximum Lifetime Accumulative Broadcast (MLAB) (MLAB) • Finds the power p * to maximize the network lifetime • Then, broadcasting with ASAP(p * ) maximizes the network lifetime • Finds p * through a series of ASAP( p ) distributions • Start with the smallest possible power p=P T / h 21 • If ASAP(p) stalls at stage µ(p): • Find the minimum increase � * for which ASAP( p+ � * ) doesn’t stall at µ(p) • Set p= p+ � * and perform ASAP( p ) • MLAB finishes when ASAP( p ) makes all nodes reliable
p * * ) distribution MLAB – – the ASAP( the ASAP( p ) distribution MLAB 1. Initialize power: p=P T / h 21 2. Apply ASAP( p ) reliable 3. If ASAP( p ) stalls: 4. For all j unreliable find � j: reliable P T = (p+ � j ) � h jk ASAP( p ) stalls � * = min � j set: power p reliable reliable increase: p ← p+ � * power p go to 2. source
MLAB finds the optimal power MLAB finds the optimal power Theorem 2: The MLAB algorithm finds the optimum power p * such that ASAP( p * ) maximizes the network lifetime.
Conventional Broadcast Comparison Conventional Broadcast Comparison • Throw N nodes in a square (100 trials) • Compared with [I. Kang & R. Poovendran] • static problem solution: MST and MSNL • dynamic problem solution: WMSTSW
Accumulative broadcast enables load balancing Accumulative broadcast enables load balancing • Conventional broadcast: Network lifetime determined by node transmitted energy with the most disadvantaged child • Accumulative broadcast: Nodes cooperatively transmit to increase the shortest lifetime in the network network lifetime source All relay nodes have the same lifetime
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