Human System Presentations Presenters: Date: _______________ Teacher: _______________ Category Criteria Points 1 2 3 4 Students are Students Content Students do not have uncomfortable with demonstrate full Knowledge grasp of information; Students at ease information and able knowledge (more (description, causes, cannot answer with basic content, ____ to answer only than required) with symptoms, questions about but fail to elaborate. prevention, rudimentary explanations and subject. treatments) questions. elaboration. Several images of Image of organ Clear image of organ system Image- Organ No image provided system provided, but organ system was provided showing ____ System for the disorder. unclear. provided. details of the disorder. Audience cannot Audience has Students present Students present understand difficulty following information in information in logical, Organization- ____ presentation because presentation because logical sequence interesting sequence Layout there is no sequence student jumps which audience can which audience can of information. around. follow. follow. Exceptional use of fonts & format Some difficulty Fonts & format Use of fonts & through the use of reading fonts & Text- Fonts & impossible to read. format are clear. special effects that format. And/or minor ____ Grammar And/or many spelling Minor/no spelling or clearly emphasize spelling or grammar or grammar errors. grammar errors. important facts. No errors spelling or grammar errors. Students make eye All of # 3 plus contact, do not read involves audience in Students fails to meet Fail to meet 2 criteria from a paper, stand presentation Presence ____ 3 or more criteria from straight, use appropriately through from #3. #3. appropriate the use of an gestures, & interactive review to movement. summarize topic. Students mumble, Students incorrectly Students used a Students’ voices incorrectly pronounce pronounce terms. clear voice and terms, and speak too are clear. Students Delivery ____ Audience members correct, precise quietly for students in pronounce most have difficulty hearing pronunciation of words correctly. the back of class to presentation. terms. hear. Presentation Students unprepared Preparedness delivered on _____ _____ to deliver scheduled date. presentation. Total----> ____ Comments :
Content Knowledge Describe The sequence of events as food moves through the digestive system. The role of accessory organs The different chemicals and the nutrients they act on The sequence of events that lead to the breakdown of a specific nutrient What happens to that nutrient after it is digested, including why the nutrient is important One disorder of the digestive system Image: Organ System Clear image of the disorder discussed for your presentation. Be able to explain the abnormality in the image. Images that are true to the disorder are a nice touch to a presentation. It helps make a true connection to real life situations! Organization: Cleary state for the audience your strategy in terms of: 1) General description of digestive system, 2) specific information about the parts, and 3) specific information about your nutrient. For example, start with general description of digestive system and then narrow your focus to specific parts, then describe your nutrient. Or start with specific parts, discuss your nutrient, then move toward general description as a summary. Just let the audience know what your strategy is! Text- Fonts & Grammar Use a font size that will be clear to read from the back of the classroom. Use a maximum of 3 colors per slide. Anything more will be distracting to your audience. Use of animation is a great touch! Don’t overuse it. Presence Stand up straight. Look at your audience, not your notes.
Use the model as a prop, pointing to appropriate parts. Smile, speak with confidence. Involve the audience is some way – make a connection! Delivery Speak clearly Speak loudly – anyone who can’t hear you will give you a low rating! Pronounce words correctly. Make sense! Model Scaled appropriately- be sure to mention the scale or conversion factor. Neat Appealing to the eye. All parts should be connected. Know how your model is different from the real digestive system.
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