Wr WriteShop (The Food Fi First way…) A fast and efficient way of documen2ng knowledge, sharing stories, forging a strategic vision, and ac2va2ng the voices of social movements
In t In the Begin e Beginnin ing… g… Convene 12-20 Farm, Food & Write Concept Secure funding Climate Jus8ce Note leaders
A New Deal for a Just TransiAon: The power of a farm, food, and climate jusAce alliance • 1: Parity, Environmental stewardship, and supply management • 2: Dairy, beef, poultry and the green path out of corporate feudalism • 3: Urban farming and environmental jus2ce • 4: Labor, equity, farm and food workers • 6: Farming, jus2ce, and climate change • 7: Community Supported Agriculture • 8: Indigenous land and food systems • 9: Black Agrarianism, repara2ons and climate change • 10: Immigra2on, labor, and a pathway to farming • 11: Gendering our agrarian future
Pr Prepar eparaAo aAon n Organize Team: 2 Coordinators Set Date Par2cipants submit 2 Writers & 3-5 page manuscripts Reserve Venue 1 Ar8st 1 Videographer
Th The W e WriteS eShop op 1st reads, discussion, writers take notes, Process ar8st draws, repeats videographer tapes & interviews Second Writers & draJs authors shared & edit first discussed draJ
Str Strategizing gizing Se Sessio ssion n • Summarize lessons, conclusions • Synergies & Visioning • How can our book advance our mission? • How can it strengthen our ac8ons, campaigns & mobiliza8ons? • How can we coordinate and support each other? • Timeline • Agreements
Po Post-producAon • Invited authors write Preface, Introduc8on, Summary • Graphics from Ar8st and photos contributed by authors • Copy edit by Food First • Proofing by everyone! • First print-on-demand runs—100 books/organiza8on
Launches integrated into Coordinated book local campaigns & ac8on s launches across the country. Farm-food- Ac8ons climate jus8ce authors travel to each other’s events. Author-driven social Book media using materials Social Op-Eds/ from the WriteShop Media Videos—Instagram— Launch! Ar8cles Facebook & Twi^er Writers help place in Local & state newspapers, magazines, website s Interviews & Radio features on local + na8onal sta8ons
reflection—action — REFLECTION — action—reflecti Impact Evaluation Webinar • Launches • Actions • Overall impact • Lessons Learned • Next Steps
Team: Convene Farm, #1 Par2cipants Date #2: Coordinators Write Food & 1st reads submit 3-5 Secure Writers Concept & Ini8ate Prepare Climate funding Process page Note discussion, writers WriteShop Ar8st Process Venue Jus2ce manuscripts repeats note, ar8st draws, leaders Video video tapes #3 Retreat Second Writers & draJs authors shared edit Ac8ons Strategies #6 Group Edi8ng, : launch/ #5 Op-Eds/ Social assesses Calendar Preface, layout #4: use book, Agree- First work, of Intro, Prod- Media Ar8cles Launch social ments print Authorp Strategy posi2ons, ac2vi2es Summary uc8on media, roofs synergies ac2ons Radio
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