CONSTRUCTION LOGISTICS PROGRAMME Construction Logistics Improvement Group Meeting 2
Ref Item Timing Lead 1 10 GD Introductions 2 10 GD CLIG Terms of Reference Workstream 1 3 15 MS Working Group Feedback Terms of Reference Workstream 2 4 15 MS Working Group Feedback Terms of Reference Workstream 3 Working Group Feedback 5 35 GD Terms of Reference SDG - Barriers to River and Rail Uptake 6 20 All Break 7 10 MS Articulated vs rigid vehicles Workstream 4 Working Group Feedback 8 35 GD Terms of Reference AECOM - Delivery Inefficiency Research Old Oak Common and Park Royal Opportunity Area 9 20 CW (ODPC) 10 Summary and next steps 10 GD
Introductions ▪ Organisation and role Question: From your perspective, is out of hours working possible within construction logistics?
Construction Logistics Improvement Group Terms of Reference
Broader programme issues identified at the sub groups • A cost benefit analysis study is needed to support the whole programme and create the business case for change • A list of opportunity areas (OA) and their phasing should be compiled and an upcoming OA should be identified as a future exemplar development • That a full stakeholder map be developed to cover all relevant players that influence the construction supply chain • A review is required to understand the developments thresholds for referred planning applications • That the objectives of the Programme are fed into the upcoming Mayor’s Transport Strategy and the London Plan • A full literature review of existing studies and research is conducted to ensure the programme resources can be targeted effectively • Explore a method of communicating the programme and providing a repository for its information
E Workstream 1 Programme baseline and evaluation
WORKSTREAM 1 – Terms of Reference Construction logistics baseline model and programme evaluation Purpose: ▪ To create a London Construction Logistics Model that quantifies the amount, type and impact of construction logistics freight ▪ Evaluate the success of the Construction Logistics Programme ▪ Policy scenarios modelling Scope: ▪ Define data metrics and collection methods ▪ Create a model that calculates volumes, impacts and value ▪ Ensure the model can be used for ‘what if’ analysis and policy ‘ optioneering ’
WORKSTREAM 1 – Terms of Reference WORKSTREAM 1 Construction logistics baseline model and Construction logistics baseline programme evaluation model and programme evaluation Next Steps: 1. Re-worded Terms of Reference will be circulated. Gathering of ‘modelling enthusiasts’ group to 2. understand the art of the possible 3. Build spec to commission building the model 4. Ensure political bases are covered 5. Email TfL with any further ideas or thoughts 6. Composition of the working group to be reviewed
Workstream 2 Embedding Construction Logistics Plans
WORKSTREAM 2 – Terms of Reference Embedding Construction Logistics Plans (CLPs) Purpose: ▪ To normalise the planning, conditioning and practical application of CLPs in London & beyond Scope: ▪ Update the existing CLP Guidance ▪ Embed in forthcoming mayoral transport policy statements ▪ Agree roll-out across all 33 London boroughs ▪ Conduct training & development gap analysis ▪ Develop a foundation level professional training course ▪ Secure 200 qualified planners and developers
WORKSTREAM 2 Embedding Construction Logistics Plans Next Steps : ▪ ARUP to share work for review with stakeholders and invite comment/approval ▪ Volunteer organisations needed for ‘show and tell’ for the toolkit ▪ Robin Close to forward exemplar CLPs and investigate an introduction to Multiplex as an exemplar developer ▪ All - Share examples of good CLPs with the project
Workstream 3 Embedding Construction Logistics Plans
WORKSTREAM 3 Reducing Construction Road Freight Volumes Purpose To minimise the volume of construction freight through a mix of mode shift and load consolidation Scope • Oversee and review technical research to investigate the barriers to water and rail freight uptake • Produce and publish a Water Freight Toolkit • Explore and scope a Rail Freight Toolkit • Explore and expose existing rail and water activity • Review alternative methods of construction • Review vehicle types, pay loads, capacity and usage • Review collaboration methods to support efficiency • Develop business case and cost benefits of consolidation
WORKSTREAM 3 Reducing Construction Road Freight Volumes Next steps • Develop an action plan based on Workstream scope • Action plan first step priorities to include: • Take ownership of the Water Freight Toolkit • Finalise barriers to water and rail research • Identify and case study existing rail activity • Identify and case study existing water activity • Identify and expose large capacity vehicle usage • Action plan second step priorities to include: • Explore and scope a Rail Freight Toolkit • Review collaboration and alternative construction methods • Explore the outline business case for consolidation
Project Update Barriers to River and Rail Use
Investigating the barriers to transporting construction material and waste by river and rail Research Project Transport of London (TfL) November 2016
Introduction • Project Background • Project Approach: • Methodology • Timescales • Initial Findings • Project Outputs • Potential interventions • Reporting Investigating the barriers.... November 2016 | 17
Project Background • Comprehensive study that seeks to bring together a thorough understanding of the barriers for all stakeholders of utilising river and rail for construction purposes. • Objective is to speak to a minimum of 200 people across all sectors of the construction industry, including: • Developers • Contractors • Supply Chain • Planners • Boroughs • Other Key Stakeholders (TfL / PLA etc). • Understanding the barriers will assist in identifying appropriate interventions to encourage greater use in years to come. Investigating the barriers.... November 2016 | 18
Project Methodology October 2016 March 2017 Investigating the barriers.... November 2016 | 19
Initial Findings Percentage of barriers identified across all interviews: Awareness Investigating the barriers.... November 2016 | 20
• Awareness Initial Findings • Policy • Resources Percentage of barriers identified across all interviews: • Perception of Cost Awareness Investigating the barriers.... November 2016 | 21
Initial Findings Barrier: Weighted by Number of Responses: Investigating the barriers.... November 2016 | 22
• Awareness Initial Findings • Policy • Resources Barrier: Weighted by Number of Responses: • Perception of Cost Investigating the barriers.... November 2016 | 23
Initial Findings • 71% of all organisations identify skills and / or resources as barrier. • 58% of all organisations identify communication/awareness as a barrier. • 8% of all organisations identify scale / size of goods as a barrier. • 16% of all organisations identify physical constraints as a barrier. • 57% of private sector organisations identify cost as a barrier. • 85% of public sector organisations identify policy as a barrier. Investigating the barriers.... November 2016 | 24
Project Outputs Interventions • Exploring the potential for earlier • Consolidated report outlining results interventions in the planning process. from the three strands of research. • Exploring in greater detail issues • Output likely to focus on key themes associated with cost – cost and resulting recommendations in transparency. easy to read / digest format: • Potential physical interventions – • Interventions more boats, consolidation areas etc. • Enablers Enablers • Relaxation of certain policies where appropriate (i.e. time restrictions on site). • Improving communication / awareness. • Increasing industry skills / resources. Investigating the barriers.... November 2016 | 25
Questions Matthew Harris DISCLAIMER: This work may only be used within the context and scope of work for which Steer Davies Gleave was commissioned and may not be relied upon in part or whole by any third party or be used for any other purpose. Any person choosing to use any part of this work without the express and written permission of Steer Davies Gleave shall be deemed to confirm their agreement to indemnify Steer Davies Gleave for all loss or damage resulting therefrom.
Discussion Articulated Vs Rigid
Proposed area for Investigation ▪ Is there an economic and social gain available from moving to more 44t vehicles? ▪ Circa 2 x 44t vehicles carry the same payload as 3 x 32t vehicles ▪ Less drivers, capital, fuel & emissions ▪ Less road risk 2 vs 3, better qualified drivers, N3 vs N3G ▪ Should be cheaper
Existing Work Freight Best TfL Ground Contractor Projects – Cement Practice Guide Conditions Work Tarmac/Stobart, Aggregates
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