Building responsive web apps with Concurrent mode Prabashwara Seneviratne (bash)
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In a nutshell What is it? For react, this the ability to work on multiple state updates at the same time
Incremental Adoption Legacy Mode Concurrent Mode ReactDOM.render(<App />, rootNode) ReactDOM.createRoot(rootNode).render(<App />) Blocking Mode ReactDOM.createRoot(rootNode).render(<App />)
Introducing PackagePile A JS framework aggregator to keep track of all the JS frameworks created everyday
Problem #1 The waterfall
Problem #1 In code Then the cards will render and start fetching their data Detail page fetches its data first
Problem #1 In action
Previously on React 16.6 Lazy & Suspense Split javascript code into multiple files so that only what is required by the client would be downloaded
Coming up: the all new, fully extended Suspense Components can use special loaders which will start running straightaway, regardless of the structure
The new suspense In action
The Ideal solution
Problem #2 The jump The app changes state instantly - which leads to an ugly loading spinner while next data loads
The new solution useTransition useTransition lets you show the current state while react works on the next one in the background
withTransition In action
Time for Bad news The “unsafe” lifecycle methods are really unsafe now ReactDOM.findDOMNode(component) Old context API, string refs and findDOMNode are dead
That’s it bash2/package-pile @MewsDevs
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