Comprehensive Assessment and Monitoring Program (CAMP) Doug Threloff Fish and Wildlife Service Doug Threloff Fish and Wildlife Service John Hannon Bureau of Reclamation John Hannon Bureau of Reclamation 1
This presentation will provide an overview of: 1. CAMP accomplishments in FY 2008. 2. CAMP activities that are expected to occur in FY 2009. 3. Monitoring activities that were conducted with Central Valley Project Improvement Act funds in FY 2007. 2
The foundation for the CAMP: Section 3406(b)(16) of the Central Valley Project Improvement Act requires that a comprehensive assessment program be established to monitor fish and wildlife resources in the Central Valley and assess the biological results and effectiveness of restoration activities. 3
The CAMP has 2 objectives: 1. Assess the overall effectiveness of restoration actions in meeting AFRP production targets. 2. Assess the relative effectiveness of four restoration categories, i.e., water management modifications, structural modifications, habitat restoration, and fish screens. 4
The CAMP also strives to: � Provide leadership in terms of standardizing monitoring techniques and data reporting. � Provide data to Department of the Interior managers, stakeholders, and the general public. 5
Watersheds or areas that are of interest to CAMP 6
The CAMP is primarily interested in nine anadromous fish taxa that include: � four runs of Chinook salmon � green and white sturgeon � American shad � striped bass � steelhead 7 Photo courtesy of Marty Gingras, CDFG
Fall midwater trawl survey for American shad in the Suisun Bay 8
Monitoring juvenile Chinook salmon abundance using a rotary screw trap below the Red Bluff Diversion Dam 9
FY 2008 CAMP Accomplishments 1. Developed an “annual” report providing a synthesis of anadromous fish monitoring data collected between 1992 and 2007. These data were analyzed to assess changes in fish numbers over time, and are compared to AFRP fish production targets. 10
Estimated natural production of adult fall-run Chinook salmon from the Central Valley, 1992-2007. Annual estimates reflect contributions from 21 watersheds. NATURAL PRODUCTION OF ADULT FALL-RUN CHINOOK SALMON FROM THE CENTRAL VALLEY 800,000 750,000 700,000 650,000 600,000 550,000 NUMBER OF FISH 500,000 450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 YEAR American River Antelope Creek Battle Creek Bear River Big Chico Creek Butte Creek Clear Creek Cosumnes River Cottonwood Creek Cow Creek Deer Creek Feather River Merced River Mill Creek "miscellaneous creeks" Mokelumne River Paynes Creek Sacramento River mainstem Stanislaus River Tuolumne River Yuba River AFRP production target 1967-1991 average 12
Estimated natural production of adult fall-run Chinook salmon from the American River, 1992-2007. NATURAL PRODUCTION OF FALL-RUN CHINOOK SALMON FROM THE AMERICAN RIVER 275,000 250,000 225,000 NUMBER OF FISH 200,000 175,000 150,000 125,000 100,000 75,000 50,000 25,000 0 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 YEAR AFRP production target 1967-1991 average estimated fish production 13
FY 2008 CAMP Accomplishments 2. Updated a website for distributing CAMP-related data and documents to the public and interested stakeholders. The website address is: 14
FY 2008 CAMP Accomplishments 3. Completed a peer review to evaluate the feasibility of conducting CAMP Program Objective #2, i.e., assess the relative effectiveness of four categories of restoration actions implemented under CVPIA Section 3406(b). 15
FY 2008 CAMP Accomplishments 4. Developed an Excel spreadsheet summarizing monitoring and research activities funded with CVPIA funds in FY 2007. 16
Projected FY 2009 CAMP activities: 1. Continue to develop an annual report tracking the production of eight anadromous fish taxa. 17
Projected FY 2009 CAMP activities: 2. Continue work with the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission to develop statistical and structural design recommendations for a comprehensive database to document and understand changes in the abundance of juvenile Chinook salmon. 18
Projected FY 2009 CAMP activities: 3. Assess the strengths and limitations of rotary screw trap data from the Stanislaus River. 19 Photos courtesy of the Cramer Fish Sciences consulting company
Projected FY 2009 CAMP activities: Collect, review, and standardize rotary 4. screw trap data quantifying the number of juvenile Chinook salmon caught in the Central Valley. 20
Overview of monitoring activities conducted with CVPIA funds in FY 2007 21
A spreadsheet describing 122 data collection activities that were funded with CVPIA funds in FY 2007 is available on the CAMP website. Activities funded in 2008 will be added to the spreadsheet over the next few months. 22
The spreadsheet can be used to understand the: Number of data collection activities that were 1. initiated or conducted by a CVPIA program; Number of data collection activities pertaining 2. to different species; Number of data collection activities pertaining 3. to different watersheds/areas; and Reason for initiating or conducting the data 4. collection activity. 23
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