Complexities in Open Access Billing By Dr.M.S.Kele, CE (Commercial), MSEDCL, Mumbai.
Agenda Agenda – Open Access Regulations – Open Access Billing – Conventional Generators – Wind Energy Generators – Hydro Generators – Typical Case Studies
Types of Open Access Type of OA Type-I Type-II Non-Conventional (Self Use/Third Party Conventional (CPP/IPP) Source Sale) e.g. TATA Motors, Tatyasaheb Kore, e.g. Uttam Galva,Khopoli Vindhyachal Hydro One to One Group Captive Captive e.g. Finolex, Ratnagiri e.g. KSK Wardha Embedded Non–Embedded Location e.g.Uttam Galva e.g. RPL Urja, Yavatmal-Buldhana Full OA Partial OA Quantum e.g. Jindal e.g. JSW-ISPAT,Pen Interstate Intrastate State e.g. Sterlite Industries e.g. All within state Exchange IEX e.g. Indorama PXIL Interstate trader (License by Intrastate Trader (License by MERC) Trader CERC) e.g. Tata Power Trading e.g. Global Energy, OA through WEG & Co., Conventional generators Billing Methodology & Billing Parameters for every consumers may vary.
Application & Documentation • Application in prescribed format • Demand draft of processing fees • Recent electricity bill • Technical Feasibility from field office • Certificate from Testing dept. for installation of SEM & CT/PT with required specifications. • Consent from source generator • Copy of Trading License in case of source of power is through trader • Letter from exchange if source is exchange • If CPP: Certificate from Chartered accountant showing 26% stakes • Tripartite Agreement- (OA Consumer-Generator & Utility) • EPA with MSEDCL: If utility agrees to purchase over injected units.
Provisions of OA Regulations-2005 Regln Criteria Particulars 3 Eligibility Contract Demand should not be less than 1 MVA 4.2.1/ Reduction of The contract demand to be reduced to the extent of open 4.2.2 contract demand access capacity applied for Connection and use of distribution system agreement o be 5 Agreement executed between DL, Generating company, OA consumer Special Energy Meter is mandatory for both OA consumer & 7 Metering OA generator along with 0.2 S class accuracy CT’s & PT’s Billing parameters to include wheeling charges, 8 Billing transmission charges, cross subsidy surcharge, additional surcharge Security deposit payable for wheeling charges, energy 9 Security Deposit charges Cross subsidy To be payable by open access consumer other than captive 13 surcharge user
Guidelines Issued Date Particular of Guidelines issued 19.12.11 Installation of SEM for FBSM mechanism (15 min data submission) 04.05.12 Standby charges Rs.20/- in addition with regular demand charges. (30 days) 24.05.12 Billing of OA Consumers at HO level 15.06.12 Installation of SEM to WEG 07.07.12 Issuance of credit notes / way forward in view of MERC interim order 17.07.12 Format for Notice of termination / reduction of CD 12.09.12 No reduction / Enhancement of CD at field level for OA consumers 13.09.12 Corrigendum : CD redn & Temporary charges for excess drawal in 15 min time
Charges Applicable Charges EHV 33kV 11kV CSS @ Rs. p.u. as per MERC order dated 21.02.2013 1.63 1.18 0.53 Rs. 5000 p.m. Rs. 5000 p.m. Rs. 5000 p.m. REC reading charges Transmission Losses 4.24 % 4.24 % 4.24 % Transmission Charges (Per Unit) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Wheeling Losses % 0 6 9 System Loss in % 4.24% 9.99% 12.86% Wheeling Charges @ Rs. p.u. 0 0.11 0.60 Processing fee per Operating Charges Load Requisitioned through OA Operating Charges application per month Up to 1 MW Rs.10,000/- Up to 5 MW Rs. 10,000/- More than 1 MW and up to 5 MW Rs.15,000/- More than 5 MW and up to 20 MW Rs.30,000/- More than 5 MW Rs.20,000/- More than 20 MW Rs.50,000/- 2% Charges for non SOP consumers on mixed feeder & whichever higher for express feeder. Standby Charges @Temporary tariff of relevant category: Rs.12.82 for HT & 15.07 for LT Cons Electricity Duty depending upon category: R-15%, C-17%, I-9%, Cinema-10% CPP-30 paise /unit. Tax On Sale of Energy depending upon consumer category : 8 paise/unit FOCA variable per month
OA Consumers Details Type of Generator Wind Hydro CPP – General OA Year 2011-12 2012-13 2011-12 2012-13 2011-12 2012-13 Sale to MSEDCL 105 101 Self Use 90 95 2 1 5 32 Third Party Sale 210 195 1 6 Total 356 391 2 1 6 38 MERC ( Distribution Open Access ) Regulations, 2005 Wind Open Access FY 2012-13:- MERC ( Transmission Open Access ) Regulations, 2005 Sale To MSEDCL :- 101 (65 MW, CERC Power Market Regulations, 2010 Short Term, Excluding EPA ) MERC (SoP), Regulations, 2005 Self Use :- 95 (167 MW) MERC (Supply code) Regulations, 2005 Third Party Sale :- 195 (343 MW) State Grid Code
New CSS (MERC Order No.138 of 21 Feb.2013) Sr.No. Voltage level Category (Industry) New CSS rate Old CSS rate Difference % Rise 1.63 Express Feeder 0.92 0.71 77.17 1 1.20 EHV Non Express feeder 0.52 0.68 131.47 2.84 Seasonal Industry 2.20 0.64 29.09 1.18 Express Feeder 0.61 0.57 93.42 2 0.76 33KV Non Express feeder 0.21 0.55 261.83 2.39 Seasonal Industry 1.89 0.50 26.45 0.53 Express Feeder 0.31 0.22 70.97 0.10 3 22/11KV Non Express feeder 0.00 0.10 10.00 1.74 Seasonal Industry 1.59 0.15 9.43 Impact of OA Consumers on MSEDCL Revenue MSEDCL Reduction Total Nos. Total CD of Total OA Amount of Bill Amount of Bill in MSEDCL Retained of OA OA Capacity of prior to availing after availing Revenue consumers consumers OA cons. CD open access open access 854.6MVA 196.45 Crs 39.17Crs. 157.28 Crs 531.0 MVA 323.6 MVA 44
Open Access Billing Sourcing through Conventional Generators (CPP/IPP/IEX)
Conventional OA -Consumer wise Issues Consumer Capacity Issue i. Wheeling power to 23 Captive users. ii. Captive criterion not fulfilled in 2011-12, CSS levied & 126 MW KSK Wardha stopped & again to be levied from this month Group Power iii. Scheduling & matching with each gen. & consumer. Captive iv. Proportionate billing & No incentives, temporary rate (23 Cons.) v. Levy of Transmission charges , (BPTA). iv. Purchase of excess injected units. (Lapsed/ Agreed rate) i. Previously One to One consumer. ii. Partial Open Access. (220 + 80) MW 275 MW JSW Ispat iii. Proportionate billing, No Incentives, Lapsed units CPP iv. Now, 2 consumers, Pen & Nagpur, (1-2 Cons) v. Standby supply of 30/(42) days with industrial rate. vi. 30 days data storage. (Capacity of meter storage) 36 MW i. Three Cons at Jejuri, Baramati & Ahmednagar ISMT (CPP with ii. Jejuri consumer has tri-partite agreement with InOx. Tripartite iii. No SEM, Billing on ToD meter, Excess injected units consumers) iv. Billing issue (No 3% incentive to tripartite consumer) 14 MW i. Sourcing power from Orissa on 33 KV level. Sterlite (Interstate ii. Non-SOP consumer, EHV CSS issue OA) iii. Consumer in Dist. Franchisee area, Transmission charges.
Conventional OA- Contd…….. Cons. Capacity Issue Indo 7 MW OA i. 7 MVA CD & 31 MW standby. (How many times?) (Breakdown?) Rama (T hrough IEX) ii. Reduction of CD , No SEM iii. Tripartite agreement iv. Scheduling & Billing problems ( No Regulation for OA through exchanges) Uttam 60 MW i. Self use (27) + EPA(30) + Open Access (3) Galva (Embeded CPP) ii. Issue of EPA units, over-injected units, iii. Double charging of transmission charges. (STOA Tr. Charges by SLDC) RPL 10 MW i. Yavatmal to Buldhana Urja (Non embeded ii. Self use (4.2) + EPA(4.9) + OA (2.2) CPP) iii. Non -Embedded unit plus OA Plus EPA with MSEDCL Peculiar Cases…..Asking for OA Heavy i. Plant of Heavy water at Thal is asking power from Gujarat base Kakrapara 17 MW Water Atomic stn (NPCL) Gujarat having cap.of 220 MW (Interdepartmental Board ii. Both departments are coming under Dept of Automic energy but not OA) fulfilling criteria of 26% equity. Filed Case in MERC i. IPP Asking power for his cement plant (3 MW) by laying own dedicated Relian line in our license area . 300 MW plant at ce Butibori ii. CSS is applicable but can we allow lines in our area… (VIPL) iii. Referring APTEL judgment as exclusive preview like CPP i. Plant of Central Railway in Bihar is not ready CR 127 MW for 29 Locations ii. Documents are not provided
Dispute Cases in Various Fora /Courts Regarding Conventional OA Date Case No. Petitioner Particular of Cases Status 161 Of 2011 Non grant of open access, Captive status challenged by Dec, 11 & other Wardha Power Co. Ltd. Compensation for damages, MSEDCL. Case going on. cases CPP status of generator Non – grant of Open access Granted permission. Aug, 11 61 of 2012 Jindal Saw Ltd, Nashik through Exchange MERC order dated 21.11.12 Rajrani Steel Casting P. Non – grant of Open access Granted permission. Sept, 11 84 of 2012 Ltd., Nashik through Exchange MERC order dated 21.11.12 Dec, 12 117 of 2012 Wardha Power Co. Ltd. Refund of CSS Case going on. Dec, 12 138 of 2012 MSEDCL Re-determination of CSS Reserved for order. Non – grant of Open access Granted permission. Jan, 13 4 of 2013 Videocon Industries Ltd through Exchange Non – grant of Open access Granted permission. Jan, 13 10 of 2013 BOC Ltd. thru trader Non – grant of Open access Feb, 13 15 of 2013 Jindal Polyfilm, Nashik Granted permission through Exchange Grant of long term Open Heavy Water Board, Already granted STOA Feb, 13 12 of 2013 access with captive status Dist. Raigad permission. and banking
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