sms switching and billing suite

SMS switching and billing suite Break through your data SMS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

SMS switching and billing suite Break through your data SMS switching and billing suite components SMS switch - a stable and robust platform fully SMS switch developed by 5g Future 5g Future, no opensource code used. Dynamic or static

  1. SMS switching and billing suite Break through your data

  2. SMS switching and billing suite components SMS switch - a stable and robust platform fully SMS switch developed by 5g Future 5g Future, no opensource code used. Dynamic or static routing - a separate routing Dynamic or static routing engine working with the SMS switch SMS switch. All routing/rate info is loaded into memory and is updated every 10 seconds, resulting in very high productivity of 500 requests/sec per a CPU core. Rate management system - a flexible Rate management system solution, allowing to automatically upload vendor rates, generate customer rates, and send amendments. Billing and invoicing - a high precision billing Billing and invoicing solution with invoices automatically sent to partners in your format. Monitoring and alerting - a quick and easy Monitoring and alerting visual monitoring tool with lots of alerting and anti-fraud options. SMPP logger - a tool allowing to visually see all SMPP logger packets used in sending any SMS, including hunts, re-sending attempts, and segments of one large SMS.

  3. SMS switch Fully developed and controlled by 5g Future 5g Future. New Limiting incoming and outgoing trunks by Limiting features can be added on request quickly quickly and efficiently efficiently. TPS and by number of messages per day TPS number of messages per day. High productivity and stability High productivity stability with support for fully Message content screening content screening and routing redundant configurations. redundant based on content. Messages can be received over: SMPP SMPP, HTTP HTTP, and sent Changing message encoding message encoding and modifying over: SMPP SMPP, HTTP HTTP, email email. SSL SSL is supported. its body using regexp patterns regexp patterns. Message queuing queuing at peak times, flexible hunting flexible hunting DLR suppression and generation. DLR depending on release codes, and message re-sending re-sending Sending test SMS right from the web Sending test SMS attempts with pre-configured time patterns attempts time patterns. interface.

  4. Dynamic or static routing A flexible flexible and robust robust routing engine with dynamic dynamic Full range of routing features supported: static routing, routing on both cost cost and quality quality. formulas on cost/quality, profitability control formulas profitability control, temporary gateway blocks gateway blocks, %-based %-based routing, etc. Low balance balance restrictions for customers and vendors. Parent-child relationships in routing plans. Parent-child Routing is done in memory in memory to deliver performance Number translations translations at all levels using regexps regexps. of up to 500 CPS per a CPU core 500 CPS per a CPU core. Routing info and Routing by numbers by numbers and by MCCMNC by MCCMNC, support for rates are updated within 10 seconds 10 seconds. MNP. MNP Multiple routing engines may coexist on the same Multiple Convenient SMS path simulation SMS path simulation and monitoring monitoring server, or may be distributed over several servers several servers, features. allowing for practically unlimited scalability unlimited scalability.

  5. Rate management system, Vendor rate import Auto-import of vendor rates from emails Auto-import from emails, as well as manually manually. Auto-recognition of rate sheet columns. Auto-recognition Possibility to save templates save templates for patterns of: vendor email address, subject, body; attached file names; excel sheet names. Support for codes codes and area area names split between two columns (MCC MCC + MNC MNC). Support for compact code formats compact code formats, for instance: 412-427,429. Support for full A-Z A-Z or partial country partial country replaces. Automatic corrective actions can be assigned to Automatic corrective actions every column in a rate sheet of each vendor. Duplicate codes can be automatically removed, or Duplicate codes can generate a warning. Auto-comparison to previously loaded rates, Auto-comparison reports on all new rates loaded in the last X days. reports Sending notifications notifications to vendor on various events (errors, accepting rates, loading to main rate table, etc.)

  6. Rate management system, Customer rate generation Possibility to generate rates generate rates automatically based on LCR reports automatically LCR reports on vendor rates. Several managers can work with the Several managers same Change deck Change deck to introduce changes, and then the deck can be verified, compared to existing rates, and applied with rate amendments amendments automatically sent to customers. automatically sent Support for full A-Z A-Z or partial country partial country replaces. Various options for the amendments Various options format - files files, attached to emails or selected areas right in the email body email body. Emails to customers can contain links to links to accept rates receipt. accept rates Fully customizable email and Fully customizable amendment file templates templates. Full undo to unlimited depth for Full undo customer and vendor rates.

  7. Rate management system, Rate analysis Quick filtering and sorting of all your rate tables. Quick filtering and sorting Customer rate generation rate generation based on vendor rates Color indication of a rate state rate state: expired, active, future, and statistics statistics. void. Rate alerts in case a vendor rate increase Rate alerts rate increase requires Comparison of rates over a certain interval Comparison certain interval to show rate increase for certain customers. only the rates that changed within changed within this interval. Push and target Push target rates analysis. LCR tables with unlimited depth LCR unlimited depth for all or part of your vendor rates.

  8. Billing and invoicing The SMS switch SMS switch is writing MDRs MDRs with full customer/vendor rate information rate information, received from the routing. In case MDRs MDRs need to be re-rated due to retroactive rate changes, a separate re-rating separate re-rating process processes MDRs, changing the rates and process the statistical data. Each customer or vendor may have several Rate several Rate plans assigned, if needed. Several customers may plans also work under the same Rate plan same Rate plan. Customer and vendor balances balances are calculated on calculated on the fly and may be used in routing. the fly Generating invoices in different currencies different currencies. Invoices can be generated and sent to partners Invoices automatically or manually automatically manually. Fully customizable invoice format. Any taxes Fully customizable taxes and their calculations can be accommodated.

  9. Monitoring and alerting 5gVision Monitoring solution is extremely 5gVision Monitoring solution is extremely quick quick in delivering data over in delivering data over very very long intervals long intervals and consists of the following main modules: and consists of the following main modules: Charts to instantly view real-time, auto-refreshed information. Charts Reports for per-hour parameters over a long period of time. Reports MDR viewer to quickly access raw MDRs MDR viewer MDRs and open charts, logs, and raw packets from them. Alerts to get notifications on anything that happens in your SMS switch Alerts SMS switch. Please refer to a separate presentation on the 5gVision monitoring suite Please refer to a separate presentation on the 5gVision monitoring suite. .

  10. SMPP logger Collection of all SMPP packets all SMPP packets from the SMS switch SMS switch, the storage period depends only on the HDD capacity. Opening a log or an SMPP flow right right from the MDRs with all hunts, re- from the MDRs sending attempts, or segments of a long SMS shown. Display of raw collected packets raw collected packets in a table with possibility to filter filter packets by SRC/DST IPs, numbers, packets message IDs, etc. Display of contents of individual contents of individual packets and message body text packets message body text. Convenient packet comparison tools. Display of an SMPP packet flow SMPP packet flow as an easy-to-understand chart. Sharing SMPP flows with your Sharing SMPP flows partners via a powerful 5gVision 5gVision data sharing mechanism. Exporting logs as .pcap files .pcap files. Please refer to a separate presentation on the Please refer to a separate presentation on the 5gVision VoIP/SMPP packet sniffer 5gVision VoIP/SMPP packet sniffer. .

  11. Thank you for your time If you wish to request Demo: a fully functional trial Web: or get more information, Skype: support_5gfuture please contact: Email:


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