Compatible - Sc ale Infill Housing (R- 2 Zone s) Proje c t Pr oje c t Sc ope : A targeted amendment to the regulations for building bulk/height in the R-2 zones. Obje c tive s: Allow more housing opportunities in the R-2A, R-2D, and R-2M zones, while ensuring the height and scale of new development complements existing neighborhoods: • Replace the 2.5-story construction limit with a more flexible standard for building size; • Reduce the height exceptions for stairwell and elevator access enclosures; and • Mitigate 3-story building design where abutting neighboring streets and properties. Status: Arose from comments by builders, designers, and neighborhoods; created by a team. • One of a group of Anchorage 2040 Land Use Plan actions re: compact infill housing. • Previously a community discussion draft; current draft is now a public hearing draft. • Open House Presentation - December 11, 2018 with some illustrations clarified and enhanced on 12-21-2018. 1
Compatible - Sc ale Infill Housing (R- 2 Zone s) Proje c t R- 2A, R- 2D, and R- 2M Zone s Mixed-income, mixed-housing neighborhoods. • Accommodate a range of low-rise housing types (shown in red-dashed box below). • All of these housing types “fit” into a cohesive, house-scale neighborhood. • 2
Compatible - Sc ale Infill Housing (R- 2 Zone s) Proje c t Whe r e ar e R- 2A, R- 2D, and R- 2M Zone s? Distributed across the Bowl. • > 1/3 of urban residential zone land. • > 30,000 properties. • Primarily built-up neighborhoods • 3
Compatible - Sc ale Infill Housing (R- 2 Zone s) Proje c t Housing Capac ity of R- 2 Zone s Approx. 20% of the 2040 Plan’s forecast housing capacity in the Bowl. • Focus on compact housing structure types, for which demand is greater than land capacity. • Housing capacity is infill and redevelopment lots within built-up neighborhoods. • R-2 Focus 4
Compatible - Sc ale Infill Housing (R- 2 Zone s) Proje c t Anc ho r age 2040 Goals and Polic ie s se t the dir e c tion: 2040 Goals 2, 4, and even 7 complement each other. • Goal 2 Does not “prioritize” goals over each other. • 2040 seeks actions that bring the goals together, and • carry out all the policies. Goal 4 Goal 7 5
Compatible - Sc ale Infill Housing (R- 2 Zone s) Proje c t Pr oposal Ar ise s fr om Builde r , Ar c hite c t, and Ne ighbor hood Consultations Builders and designers requested amending 2.5-story limit: • 2.5-story limit constrains design options • Harder for larger lots in R-2M zone to fit the full number of allowed units • 2.5-story limit does not necessarily protect neighbors Concerns from neighborhoods and designers: Larger and taller new housing units on small infill lots can impact: • Neighborhood character • Livability on neighboring lots (sunlight access, privacy) • Affordable housing stock (replacement of existing units with large, expensive units) Pre-consultations with a small group of expert builders and architects in June/July: • Suggested exempting large sites from 2.5-story limit • Suggested preference for a simpler FAR standard over 2.5-story limit • Architects concerned about impacts of large, 3-story housing built on “spec” 6
Compatible - Sc ale Infill Housing (R- 2 Zone s) Proje c t Public Comme nts about the 9- 27- 2018 Community Disc ussion Dr aft… About the Replacement of 2.5-story Height Limitation with FAR Limitations: • Simply Delete the 2.5-story limit • Retain the 2.5-story limit in Traditional Neighborhoods or on Smaller Lots • Address Sunlight Shadowing Impacts before Replacing 2.5-story Limit • Determine the Potential Economic and Housing Impacts before Imposing FAR Limits • Increase the Proposed Maximum FARs • Clarify the Measurement of a Home’s Gross Floor Area, its FAR, and FAR Exemptions • Make Sure the Muni has the Needed Expertise to Administer FARs • Increase / Decrease the Exemptions for Detached Accessory Structures About the Revisions to Height Exceptions for Rooftop Appurtenances: • Reduce the height exemption for elevator enclosures to five feet • Simplify, relax, and/or allow administrative variances from the reduced height exceptions 7
Compatible - Sc ale Infill Housing (R- 2 Zone s) Proje c t … Mor e Public Comme nts about 9- 27- 2018 Community Disc ussion Dr aft About the Proposed Standards to Mitigate 3-Story Buildings: • Retain the 2.5-story based limitation on building length in traditional neighborhoods • Increase or delete the proposed maximum building length • Do not require building articulation where not necessary to protect neighboring lots • Require upper floor step-backs from neighboring properties • Apply bldg. articulation standards consistently to all buildings in multi-unit developments About other aspects of infill housing / neighborhood compatibility: • More strongly restrict front driveways and garages in traditional neighborhoods • Require more northern climate design features (e.g., daylighting for proposed apt. units) • Accommodate the need and desire for more housing near downtown • Provide a “grace period” after adoption during which builders may select old regulations • Provide more means of administrative variances/flexibility 8
Compatible - Sc ale Infill Housing (R- 2 Zone s) Proje c t L ist of Public He ar ing Dr aft Mate r ials for Public Re vie w Proposed Code Changes: • Draft Adopting Ordinance • Draft Zoning Code Amendment Language (“Exhibit B”) Supporting Information*: • Staff Report and Analysis Summary (“Exhibit A”) • Policy Guidance from the Comprehensive Plan (“Exhibit D”) • Public Comments Received (“Exhibit E”) • Comment/Issue-Response Table (“Exhibit F”) * Supporting Information Materials are being posted on project web page as they are completed. Note: The information on this slide was presented verbally on 12-11-2018. This slide was added on 12-21-2018. 9
Compatible - Sc ale Infill Housing (R- 2 Zone s) Proje c t Public He ar ing Dr aft Re sponds to Appr oximate ly 40 Issue s Raise d by Public Change s fr om Se pt. 27 Community Disc ussion Dr aft (re fe rs to pa g e numb e rs in Pub lic He a ring Dra ft) 1. Page 1, the Minor Modifications process is made available for maximum FAR requirements. 2. Page 2, maximum building length requirement for taller buildings is now based on height in feet rather than number of stories, and is increased from 125 feet to 150 feet (i.e., changed back to current code). 3. Page 2, building articulation requirements no longer apply to duplexes, and wall plane modulation is now required on only one elevation. 4. Page 2, building articulation applies when abutting any residential-zoned property, not just when abutting an existing residence. 5. Page 2, measurement of maximum height of stairs/main entry may be from either grade plane or finished grade at applicant’s choice. 6. Page 3, Single-family home FAR is increased from 0.45 to 0.50 FAR in R-2A, R-2D, and R-2M districts. 7. Page 3, Two-family (duplex) and single-family attached dwelling FAR is increased from 0.50 to 0.60 in the R-2A; and increased from 0.60 to 0.65 in the R-2M district. 8. Page 3, Townhouse FAR is increased from 0.70 to 0.90 FAR in R-2M district. 9. Page 3, Multifamily FAR is increased from 0.70 to 0.80 FAR in R-2M district. 10. Page 4, line 28, the exempted height of stairwells is increased from 10 to 11 feet in R-1 and R-2 districts. 11. Page 4, the max exempted height of parapets is changed from 1 foot in R-1 and R-2 zones and 4 feet in other zones to 3 feet in all zones. 12. Page 4, the maximum exempted height of railings is no longer limited to 5 feet, and open/transparency requirement clarified. 13. Page 5, line 6, the minimum roof pitch for dormers exempted from height limits is relaxed to 2:12. 14. Page 6, a solar access step-back requirement is added along northerly lot lines abutting other homes. 15. Page 7, line 17, the FAR exemption for crawl spaces is deleted as crawl spaces have never been counted as part of gross floor area. 16. Page 7, line 19, the FAR exemption for accessory structures is increased from 0.1 to 0.15, to correspond to the max allowed size of ADUs. 17. Page 7, lines 21-24, an FAR exemption is added to allow pre-existing homes and duplexes one addition that exceeds the maximum FAR. 18. Page 8, Alternative Compliance is made available for R-2M District-specific Standards for 3-story building articulation and max stair height. 19. Page 8, Alternative Equivalent Compliance is made available as a more flexible alternative to the solar access step-back proposed on page 6. 20. Page 11, The revised definition of half story is formatted differently, and the height of a sidewall on a half story is reduced from 5 to 4 feet. 10 21. Page 11, a definition related to the railings provision (see item #11 above) is added to clarify “open or transparent railing”.
Compatible - Sc ale Infill Housing (R- 2 Zone s) Proje c t What the Pr oposal Doe s Not Do • Change the 30-foot height limit, 40% maximum lot coverage, or minimum setbacks. • Rezone any property. • Change how many housing units or what type of housing is allowed by the district. • Make any existing, legally constructed or permitted building a “nonconforming structure” as a result of the proposed FAR building size limits. • Apply the proposed FAR or district-specific design amendments to Chugiak-Eagle River. • Address other site design regulations such as parking, driveways, or landscaping. 11
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