scaling dropbox

Scaling Dropbox P R E S L AV L E , N O V E M B E R 7 T H , 2 0 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Scaling Dropbox P R E S L AV L E , N O V E M B E R 7 T H , 2 0 1 6 Zone Zone (west) (east) Zone (central) Zone Zone (west) (east) Zone (central) Zone Zone (west) (east) Zone (central)

  1. Scaling Dropbox P R E S L AV L E , N O V E M B E R 7 T H , 2 0 1 6

  2. Zone Zone (west) (east) Zone (central)

  3. Zone Zone (west) (east) Zone (central)

  4. Zone Zone (west) (east) Zone (central)

  5. Fear of the unknown

  6. M E M O R Y L E A K

  7. S Y N C H O R N I Z AT I O N E V E N T

  8. Success story

  9. TO DAY ’ S TA L K 2012 • SCALING CHALLENGES • 2016 • Q&A •

  10. P R E S L AV L E • At Dropbox since 2013 • Projects: Magic Pocket, Infrastructure Performance, Tra ffi c team

  11. F I L E , S Y N C & S H A R E

  12. 5 0 0 M I L L I O N U S E R S

  13. 2 0 1 2 Dropbox’s datacenters AWS Memcached DB S3 Memcached DB Memcached DB metaserver async metaserver blockserver async processing metaserver blockserver notification async processing blockserver server processing nginx nginx nginx nginx LB LB clients

  14. B LO C K DATA I N S 3 Dropbox’s datacenters AWS AWS Memcached DB S3 Memcached DB Memcached DB metaserver async metaserver blockserver async processing metaserver blockserver notification async processing blockserver server processing nginx nginx nginx nginx LB LB clients

  15. M E TA DATA I N M Y S Q L Dropbox’s datacenters Dropbox’s datacenters AWS Memcached DB S3 Memcached DB Memcached DB metaserver async metaserver blockserver async processing metaserver blockserver notification async processing blockserver server processing nginx nginx nginx nginx LB LB clients

  16. 1 . F E TC H M E TA DATA Dropbox’s datacenters AWS Memcached DB S3 Memcached DB Memcached Memcached DB DB metaserver async metaserver blockserver async processing metaserver metaserver blockserver notification async processing blockserver server processing nginx nginx nginx nginx LB LB LB clients clients

  17. 2 . D OW N LOA D B LO C K S Dropbox’s datacenters AWS Memcached DB S3 S3 Memcached DB Memcached DB metaserver async metaserver blockserver async processing metaserver blockserver notification async processing blockserver blockserver server processing nginx nginx nginx nginx LB LB LB LB clients clients

  18. 3 . WA I T F O R N OT I F I C AT I O N S Dropbox’s datacenters AWS Memcached DB S3 Memcached DB Memcached DB metaserver async metaserver blockserver async processing metaserver metaserver blockserver notification notification async processing blockserver server server processing nginx nginx nginx nginx LB LB clients clients

  19. P Y T H O N E V E R Y W H E R E Dropbox’s datacenters AWS Memcached DB S3 Memcached DB Memcached DB metaserver async metaserver blockserver async processing metaserver blockserver notification async processing blockserver server processing nginx nginx nginx nginx LB LB clients

  20. C LU S T E R I S O L AT I O N meta-client meta-client meta-api meta-mobile meta-client meta-client meta-api meta-mobile meta-client meta-web meta-api meta-mobile Dropbox’s datacenters

  21. Scaling Databases Scaling as Organization Scaling Software Managing Complexity

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  26. Scaling Databases Scaling as Organization Scaling Software Managing Complexity


  28. AVA I L A B I L I T Y I S S U E S

  29. P L AY B O O K 1. Check for ongoing deployments or newly enabled features

  30. P L AY B O O K 1. Check for ongoing deployments or newly enabled features 2. Check for recently started background jobs

  31. P L AY B O O K 1. Check for ongoing deployments or newly enabled features 2. Check for recently started background jobs 3. DBA oncall, please help!

  32. Dropbox grew from 100 to 500 employees

  33. • Slow queries would adversely impact performance across the board

  34. • Slow queries would adversely impact performance across the board • More features => Managing more independent MySQL

  35. • Slow queries would adversely impact performance across the board • More features => Managing more independent MySQL • Reactively (re)sharding individual databases as they hit capacity

  36. • Slow queries would adversely impact performance across the board • More features => Managing more independent MySQL • Reactively (re)sharding individual databases as they hit capacity • Impacted developer productivity

  37. S C A L A B L E M E TA DATA S TO R E D E S I G N E D F O R M U LT I -T E N A N C Y 2013 — Present

  38. S H A R D I N G A N D C AC H I N G B E H I N D T H E S C E N E S

  39. E N T I T I E S A N D A S S O C I AT I O N S

  40. F I R S T G O S E R V I C E

  41. Scaling Databases Scaling as Organization Scaling Software Managing Complexity

  42. P E R F E C T S TO R M

  43. S H A R D I N G

  44. P H OTO A L B U M S

  45. T E A M A D M I N CO N S O L E

  46. R E Q U E S T FA N O U T request

  47. G LO BA L I D 8 bytes 8 bytes Colocation ID Counter • Colocation ID: Identi fi es a shard • Counter: Unique ID within the shard

  48. Lack of colocation also hurts performance

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  51. S H A R D I N G ( PA R T I I )

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  55. S H A R D I S O L AT I O N Limit resources dedicated to processing a single shard

  56. Scaling Databases Scaling as Organization Scaling Software Managing Complexity

  57. M AG I C P O C K E T B LO C K S TO R AG E S Y S T E M 500PB+ user block data 3+ geographic regions 500+ million users

  58. put Zone Zone (west) (east) get put put get get Zone (central)

  59. complicated! complicated! complicated! complicated! ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ simple ☺ complicated! complicated! ☹ ☹

  60. P Y T H O N , G O & R U S T


  62. 2 0 1 6 Magic Magic Pocket File Journal Magic … Pocket File Journal Pocket Auth Cape Auth Edgestore Blockservice Block File Journal Search Auth Block Routing File Journal Search Auth Block Auth Routing File Journal Search Riviera Routing service Riviera Thumbnail Auth service Auth Presence &Notications meta-client meta-client meta-api meta-mobile blockserver meta-client meta-client meta-api meta-mobile blockserver meta-client meta-web meta-api meta-mobile blockserver


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