
Community Meeting Celebrating 10 years of housing the homeless! 2 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 2018 Community Meeting Celebrating 10 years of housing the homeless! 2 Strengthening the CoC System Arlington Landlord Partnership Mary Marshall Assisted Living Residence Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Hotline 3 100 Homes and

  1. 1 2018 Community Meeting Celebrating 10 years of housing the homeless!

  2. 2 Strengthening the CoC System Arlington Landlord Partnership Mary Marshall Assisted Living Residence Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Hotline

  3. 3 100 Homes and Zero 2016

  4. 4 Homeless Services Center

  5. 5 Training, Internships and Employment

  6. 6 Reducing Homelessness

  7. 7 Working Together To End Homelessness in Arlington

  8. 8 What’s Next? Within Our Reach Our Community’s Commitment to Prevent and End Homelessness A Three-Year Strategic Plan for Arlington County Katie Cristol County Board Chair

  9. 9 Current Areas of Particular Need • Disproportionate Number of African-American Persons in Need of Homeless Services • Employment • Recidivism • Family Homelessness • Youth Homelessness • Aging Population • Immigrant Households

  10. 10 Strategic Planning Goals Affordable Comprehensive Support Services Housing Prevention Income Maximization


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