Community Mapping in Africa Mark Iliffe: Horizon Digital Economy CDT Jeremy Morley: Nottingham Geospatial Inst. Robert Houghton: Human Factors Research Grp.
Community Mapping Bottom-up SDI? Perkins (2007) “ local mapping, produced collaborat ively by local people and oft en incorporat ing alt ernat ive local knowledge” , “ … empowers communit ie s” – Hagen (2011) Aberley (1993) and King and Clifford (1985) produces an agenda for community mapping: ● Reasserting indigenous people's rights ● Re-publishing the past for contemporary consumption advancing local claims to land ● Re-mapping lost place-names ● Protecting local wildlife in the face of development ● Conserving landscapes threatened by agribusiness ● Protesting against planners ● Opposing military power ● Rej ecting surveillance ● S howing the powers-that -be what might be locally distinctive. Hence, by nature, Community Mapping = Volunteered Geographic Information
Tandale, August 2011 (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
(c) OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA
Measuring VGI Data Quality Quality Metric Countries References Completeness England, Germany, Haklay (2010), Koukoletsos et al. (2012), France, Haiti Zelestra and Zipf (2010), Girres and Touya (2011), Koukoletsos (2012) France Logical Girres and Touya (2011) Consistency England, Germany, Haklay (2010), Zelestra and Zipf (2010), Neis et al. Positional France, Haiti (2012), Girres and Touya (2011), Koukoletsos (2012) Accuracy France, Haiti Girres and Touya (2011), Koukoletsos (2012) Thematic Accuracy France Temporal Girres and Touya (2011) Accuracy France Girres and Touya (2011) Usage and Purpose
Definitive Total Length 4,728,128.50m OSM Total Length 4,319,135.92m Discrepancy 408,992.58m (8.65%)
Work Domain Analysis • Understand the system with a holistic approach, not just what happens, but what are the drivers and ‘values’ of the system to the physical objects. – Rassmussen et. al (1994) and Vicente (1999)
Future Work • Thematic Mapping, understand the quality attributes and methodologies of Thematic Quality • “Go all the way” with Work Domain Analysis – Getting past first base: Going all the way with Cognitive Work Analysis, McIlroy, R and Stanton, N. Applied Ergonomics (2011) • Mark is in Dar es Salaam at present to test effects of permeation in the community
Contact Mark Iliffe psxmi@ @ markiliffe
Structure 2/7/2014 Research Strategy Workshop 24
GEM Inventory Data Capture Tools 2/7/2014 Research Strategy Workshop 25
References • Getting past first base: Going all the way with Cognitive Work Analysis, McIlroy, R and Stanton, N. Applied Ergonomics (2011) Perkins, C. (2007). Community Mapping. The Cartographic Journal, 44(2), 127–137. • • Rasmussen, J., Pejtersen, A., Goodstein, L.P., 1994. Cognitive Systems Engineering. Wiley, New York. • Vicente, K.J., 1999. Cognitive Work Analysis: Toward Safe, Productive, and Healthy Computer-Based Work. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ. • Haklay, M. (2010). How good is volunteered geographical information? A comparative study of OpenStreetMap and Ordnance Survey datasets. Environment and planning B: Planning and design , 37 (4), 682–703. • Girres, J.-F., & Touya, G. (2010). Quality Assessment of the French OpenStreetMap Dataset. Transactions in GIS, 14(4), 435–459. • Neis, P., Zielstra, D., & Zipf, A. (2012). The Street Network Evolution of Crowdsourced Maps: OpenStreetMap in Germany 2007–2011. Future Internet, 1– 21. doi:10.3390/fi4010001 • Koukoletsos, T. et al. (2012). A Framework for Quality Evaluation of VGI linear datasets. University College London.
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