community economic development in saskatoon s core

Community Economic Development in Saskatoons Core Neighbourhoods - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Community Economic Development in Saskatoons Core Neighbourhoods Minimum Wage or Social Assistance leave you way below the poverty line I n Saskatoon in 2 0 0 0 , a fam ily of four w ould be considered below the poverty line if they earned

  1. Community Economic Development in Saskatoon’s Core Neighbourhoods

  2. Minimum Wage or Social Assistance leave you way below the poverty line I n Saskatoon in 2 0 0 0 , a fam ily of four w ould be considered below the poverty line if they earned less than: $ 2 9 ,3 5 6 ( before tax) I n 2 0 0 5 A fam ily of four on Social Assistance earned about: $ 1 7 ,7 3 5 A fam ily w ith one earner w orking full tim e at m inim um w age ( $ 7 .0 5 ) w ould earn: $ 1 2 ,8 3 1 (before tax)

  3. Poverty in Saskatchewan - by the numbers I n 2 0 0 2 in Saskatchew an: 1 4 8 ,0 0 0 people lived in poverty Over 1 in 5 of children in w ere poor Alm ost 2 out of 3 single parents w ere poor More than 1 out of 3 poor fam ilies w ere w orking poor

  4. Saskatoon’s Core Neighbourhoods

  5. Core Neighbourhoods Average Family Incomes (2001) Neighbourhood Average Income <$20,000 City of Saskatoon $62,451 9% Core Neighbourhoods $32,475 21% Caswell $40,217 13% King George $33,690 23% Pleasant Hill $26,753 27% Riversdale $29,272 24% Westmount $32,444 21%

  6. Average House Sale Price (2001) City of Saskatoon $126,514 Core Neighbourhoods $ 62,949 Caswell $81,972 King George $59,542 Pleasant Hill $54,107 Riversdale $53,130 Westmount $65,996

  7. Stability and Mobility Indicator Rental vs. Ownership (2001) % Rental %Owned City of Saskatoon 38 62 Core Neighbourhoods 49 51 Caswell 42 58 King George 33 67 Pleasant Hill 75 25 Riversdale 48 42 Westmount 38 62

  8. Education Levels Indicator % with no post secondary City of Saskatoon 34.7 Core Neighbourhoods 51.2 Caswell 38.6 King George 55.3 Pleasant Hill 60.5 Riversdale 55.6 Westmount 45.6

  9. Education Levels Indicator % with less than grade 9 City of Saskatoon 6.0 Core Neighbourhoods 13.2 Caswell 4.6 King George 9.2 Pleasant Hill 18.4 Riversdale 21.0 Westmount 13.0

  10. Daycare Requirements Indicator % one parent households City of Saskatoon 11 Core Neighbourhoods 21 Caswell 17 King George 20 Pleasant Hill 25 Riversdale 24 Westmount 20

  11. Transportation Indicator Vehicles Per Resident City of Saskatoon 0.76 Core Neighbourhoods 0.4 Caswell 0.52 King George 0.46 Pleasant Hill 0.23 Riversdale 0.34 Westmount 0.45

  12. The challenges of the poverty cycle housing nutrition Inadequate mobility income inclusion education good work peace of mind impacts on health?

  13. Community Economic Development (CED) � an alternative to conventional approaches to economic development that explicitly combines social, economic and environmental considerations. � action by people locally to create economic opportunities and enhance social conditions on a sustainable and inclusive basis, particularly with those who are most disadvantaged. � community-based and community-directed process � problems facing communities –poverty, job loss, environmental degradation and loss of community control – need to be addressed in a holistic and participatory way.

  14. Underdevelopment Povert y is not j ust caused because money does not come int o t he core neighbourhoods of Saskat oon. I t is creat ed because money does not st ay in t he core neighbourhoods of Saskat oon. CED is about plugging t he holes in t he rust y bucket .

  15. The Rusty Bucket of Underdevelopment I NFLOW S: • W ages and I ncom e • Shelter Allow ance $ • I nvestm ents LOCAL ECONOMY Groceries, furnishings, OUTFLOW S: clothes, Profits leave the services, etc com m unity to $ $ com panies based $ outside $ $

  16. L e n L e n s p e n d s $ 1 s p e n d s $ 1 o n b a k in g a t o n b a k in g th e B ig B o x T h e G o o d F o o d B o x S u p p o r tin g E u n ic e ’s B a k e r y lo c a l b u s in e s s e s a n d c o -o p s c a n p lu g th e H o m e H a r d w a r e h o le s in th e R u s ty B u c k e t B e n t N a il T o o l C o -o p L ittle S q u ir r e ls C h ild c a r e D a n d D A c c o u n tin g

  17. Quint’s History � Residents and Community Associations struggling with poverty and marginalization in low income neighbourhoods � People were tired of external “solutions” being imposed and ideas of residents never being valued � Community was intent on taking control of economic and social agenda

  18. Quint and the Community � 1995 Community Economic Development workshop � 1995 Quint Development Corporation formed � Quint governed by community residents and community associations � strives to employ a workforce that is representative of and live in the neighbourhoods

  19. Quint’s Affordable Housing Program Background � Late ’60’s development of multi-unit dwellings � Increase of absentee landlords � Increase of substandard single unit dwellings � Low vacancy rates in Saskatoon � Increase in transience of residents � School population – 200% turnover rate

  20. Neighbourhood Home Ownership Co-ops � Co-operative homeownership for low income families � Minimum 5 year membership � Gain/enhance skills to become homeowner � End of 5 years the member has three choices – Assume title and leave the co-op – Assume title and remain with the co-op – Renew with the co-op

  21. Neighbourhood Home Ownership Co-ops � Assisted with the development of 8 co-ops � Provided the opportunity for 110 families to become homeowners � 20 families have assumed title and taken ownership � 13 families currently applying for title � 33 out of 37 eligible co-op members assumed title

  22. Affordable Rental Revitalization � renovation and management of rental housing that was previously run down and unsafe. � Support for Tenants Association � Family room with meeting space, computers, community kitchen � Space for a daycare � Green Space with play areas and community gardens

  23. Affordable Rental Revitalization

  24. Pleasant Hill Place � a co-housing alternative for five student parents and their young children, who are completing high school.

  25. Pleasant Hill Place � To provide safe and adequate housing for five mothers (16 to 21 yrs) and their children � Part time staff provide supports so that young mothers can transition to healthy independent living � To link mothers to community-based support network

  26. Male Youth Lodge � provide housing and support for 10 homeless young men, ages 16-22. � Supports for life skills, completing education, training and employment

  27. Childcares � Kim’s Childcare 136 Avenue U South � Shirley’s Childcare 637 Avenue L south

  28. Core Neighbourhoods at Work � assists community members in developing personal career plans and in securing suitable employment or education/training � connects participants with employment opportunities.

  29. Station 20 West Community Based Childcare Affordable Housing Organizations Centre Good Food Junction Co-op Public Square Public Library Integrated Community Health Clinic

  30. The Community Enterprise Centre at Station 20 West Purpose: This is a intentional “place- making” project designed to: create and sustain a “public place” in the core that builds community To enhance services and amenities in the area To revitalize marginalized core neighbourhoods To build a showcase for green building design.

  31. The Community Enterprise Centre at Station 20 West Community Based Good Food Integrated Community Organizations Junction Co-op Health Clinic CHEP Good Food Inc Westside Community Clinic Quint Development Corp. U of S Dental Clinic Aids Saskatoon U of S Pediatrics Clinic SHR Public Health Clinic Childcare Centre Public Square Good Food Cafe


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