2 nd grade tuesday 3 17

2 ND GRADE TUESDAY 3 / 17 H A P P Y S T. PAT R I C K S DAY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2 ND GRADE TUESDAY 3 / 17 H A P P Y S T. PAT R I C K S DAY JOURNAL 8:00-8:30 Objective: I can interpret my thoughts in writing. Journal Question: (In Journal Notebook) In honor of St. Patricks Day write about something

  1. 2 ND GRADE TUESDAY 3 / 17 H A P P Y S T. PAT R I C K ’ S DAY

  2. JOURNAL  8:00-8:30  Objective: I can interpret my thoughts in writing.  Journal Question: (In Journal Notebook) In honor of St. Patrick’s Day write about something green. Describe it.  TAKE A SCREEN SHOT OF YOUR JOURNAL AND EMAIL IT TO ME. THIS WILL BE YOUR ATTENDANCE BY 10AM

  3. RELI GI ON  8:30-9:00  Objective: I can name one fact about St. Patrick.  Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmuPUrnoyEg  Do St. Patrick’s word search in blue folder and write one fact from video on back of this sheet.

  4. READI NG  9:00-10:00  Objective: I can identify the main idea and key details/I can read with accuracy and speed  Take one sheet of the high frequency words and read and check off all the ones you read within one minute  Power point to review if needed the lesson from last week was emailed.  Read booklet on elephants and fill in the main idea worksheet that went home Friday.  Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_cX4j_9fUU

  5. LANGUAGE ARTS • I can apply being verbs. • Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTxMD3r-dLA • Do pages 80-81in Voyages Book.

  6. M ATHEM ATI CS  11:00-12:00  Do Mid-Year Assessment (Parents please do not help, you can assist with a question, but use good judgement.)

  7. AR AND ST M ATH  12:45-1:25  20minutes of AR ( Students can quiz M-F no later than 4pm ) log onto https://hosted380.renlearn.com/306665/We are on an honor system parents SHOULD NOT ASSIST  ST MATH10 MINUTES OF FLUENCY NO EXCUSE THEN 20 MINUTES OF THE GRAY

  8. SCI ENCE  1:25-2:00  Read assigned pages in Science Book to do Quiz 1 only


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