collaborative annual health checks

Collaborative: Annual Health Checks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes Managing Deterioration West of England Learning Disability Collaborative: Annual Health Checks @NatPatSIP Delivered by: Led by: NHS England NHS Improvement Welcome to

  1. National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes Managing Deterioration West of England Learning Disability Collaborative: Annual Health Checks @NatPatSIP Delivered by: Led by: NHS England NHS Improvement

  2. Welcome to the webinar To connect your audio click “Join with Computer Audio” OR If you have difficult connecting click “Phone Call” but YOU MUST use 912 8433 your participant ID 8380 XXX 2 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  3. Set up your view… Gallery view OR Speaker view  Split screen Split screen  3 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  4. You can ask questions via the Zoom chat room… At any time during the webinar you’ll have the opportunity to submit your question to First click onto chat at the today’s presenters. To do so, just type bottom of your zoom screen your question into the chat. As time allows, the presenters will address as many questions as they can during the Q&A session at the end of the presentation. There will be an optional 30 minute virtual coffee break after the session if you have more questions that we don’t cover in the If you have any questions or tech issues please let us session. know in the chat by messaging ':) Greg Harris' directly We will share all slides and a transcript of the chat after the session. 4 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  5. Webinar ground rules; consent for recording When not speaking please go on mute to minimise background noise; click on the microphone icon to mute / unmute. Introduce yourself before speaking to the group. Use the chat function if you are unable to speak. You can send a private message to a specific individual or a message to everyone in the group. You can share reactions if you want to express yourself without interrupting or if it’s difficult to be heard (at the bottom of the main screen) or use the ‘raise your hand’ option in ‘manage participants’. Use of the video is optional; turn the camera off if you do not wish to have your camera on. 5 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  6. National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes Managing Deterioration Introduction Hannah Little Learn Live Lead @NatPatSIP Delivered by: Led by: NHS England NHS Improvement

  7. Today's hosts Alison Tavaré Kevin Elliott Nathalie Delaney Greg Harris Hannah Little Today's speakers Salim Razak Priyesh Shah Iain Jarvis 7 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  8. Overview of content Learning Importance of Learn, Live and Video proposal disability AHCs Lead register Mental capacity Quality AHCs Arranging Leading and remote and health AHCs change consultations action planning 8 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  9. 9 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  10. Learn, Live, Lead Learn At the Learning level you may be new to the subject or feel you need more knowledge before being proficient. Live At the Living level you will be able to apply your knowledge and will be on the road to developing your skills in practice. Lead At the Leading level you will be confident that you are able to lead yourself and others in the implementation of a subject area. Learn Live Lead 10 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  11. Poll Q1. Where do you feel you are on the Learn, Live, Lead spectrum? Learn Live Lead Q2. Where would you like to be on the Learn, Live, Lead spectrum? 11 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  12. Learn, Live, Lead: Today's Webinar Learn We will hear from expert speakers on different aspects of annual health checks Live As we hear from speakers, think about how what you are hearing relates to your everyday practice / life. Lead Later, we'll be guided through a tried-and-tested technique for progressing learning and experience into leadership action Learn Live Lead 12 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  13. National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes Managing Deterioration West of England Learning Disability Collaborative: Annual Health Checks Alison Tavaré @NatPatSIP Delivered by: Led by: NHS England NHS Improvement

  14. Health Education England Videos 14 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  15. Thanks to Geoff Cooper Wessex AHSN 15 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  16. What videos would you find useful? What videos are already out there? How would you share them with patients, families and carers? What content would you find useful? Information and resources 16 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  17. What videos would you find useful? What videos are already out there? How would you share them with patients, families and carers? What content would you find useful? Mental capacity and remote Information and resources consultations Learning Health What is How to prepare Reasonable Medication disability Action a AHC? for AHC adjustments reviews registers Plans 17 | National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes

  18. National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes Managing Deterioration Learning Disability Register Kevin Elliott @NatPatSIP Delivered by: Led by: NHS England NHS Improvement

  19. Identifying People with a Learning Disability for Inclusion on GP Practice Learning Disability registers • All GP practice are encouraged to keep a register of all people (all age) with a learning disability on their practice list • About 25% of estimated population of people with a learning disability are on these list. • Diagnosis vs identifying people who may benefit from additional support • Inclusion Tool, Snowmed Codes • Potential benefits of being on the register: • For Individual Can offer: • Annual Health Check, • Flu vaccination, • Reasonable adjustments, • SCR with additional Info, & • RA Flag when rolled out • For services it better informs CCGs & Public Health teams on numbers of people with a learning disability & improved understanding of population needs • For Example; General Practice Extraction Service ( GPES) - 19 |

  20. Helping GP Practices Identify People with a Learning Disability When to use Toolkit: • Does the GP Practice suspect person might have a learning disability? • Do they believe person would benefit from being on the register? What is included?: • This tool aims to help clinical judgement – it is not a diagnositic tool • Relevant Snowmed Codes are include for conditions always associated, and sometimes associated with a learning disability are included • The Toolkit is available at: • proving-identification-of-people-with-a- learning-disability-guidance-for-general- practice/ • See also NHSEI SW region resource hub for more on Annual Health Checks • 20 | professional/learning-disabilities/

  21. GPES – Health & Care of People with a Learning Disability services/data-services/general-practice-data-hub/health-and-care-of- 21 | people-with-learning-disabilities

  22. National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes Managing Deterioration Mental Capacity Act and Annual Health Checks Salim Razak @NatPatSIP Delivered by: Led by: NHS England NHS Improvement

  23. National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes Managing Deterioration Annual Health Checks – Optimising the Process Priyesh Shah @NatPatSIP Delivered by: Led by: NHS England NHS Improvement

  24. Annual Health Checks – Downend Health Group Invitation: > Searches are carried out on the GP clinical system (EMIS) and pre-booked appointments are arranged with an easy read letter sent to the patient. > A reminder phone call is arranged for the practice clinical care coordinator to contact the patient/ carer on the day prior to the appointment. 24

  25. Annual Health Checks – Downend Health Group Completing the Annual Health Check (AHC): > The learning disability nurse completes the health check with the use of the National Learning Disability electronic template and arranges necessary follow ups. > A diary date is entered on the patient’s record as a reminder for the next review date. 25

  26. Annual Health Checks – Downend Health Group How Covid19 has affected us: > The clinical care coordinator contacts the patient/carer to arrange an appointment with the nurse providing that they are comfortable to come to the practice. > The patient is seen at the ‘Cold site’. Some useful resources are available on: 26

  27. National Patient Safety Improvement Programmes Managing Deterioration Annual Health Checks – Clinical Quality Iain Jarvis @NatPatSIP Delivered by: Led by: NHS England NHS Improvement

  28. GP input into a HAP  Guidance re Lifestyle  Responsibility for the Choices Actions Advice re:  Time-frame if needed  Further Health Checks Needed  Written Report  Screening Needed  Further Investigations or Referrals Needed


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