EOS-SEI Learning Goals Workshop January 25, 2008 Workshop Learning Goals: After this workshop you should be able to … 1. Use guidelines provided to justify & construct learning goals. g p j y g g Closing the Loop: Connecting Closing the Loop: Connecting 2. Apply a three ‐ part framework to build assessments that learning goals to assessment learning goals to assessment . explicitly target goals. 3. Discuss implementation of assessment and feedback. Francis Jones Brett Gilley 4 4. Constructively critique your (and peers’) goals & assessments. Constructively critique your (and peers’) goals & assessments EOS EOS EOS Workshop activities: Activity 1: Brainstorming Some presentation … lots of practicing • Write a few characteristics of learning goals 1. Introduction: characteristics of useful learning goals. th t that will make them useful to: ill k th f l t 2. Practice writing them. – Students – Instructors 3. Consider characteristics of assessments that work. 4. Discuss implementation, evidence and measurement. Practice and collaborate in working groups ⇒ No substitute for discussion with peers & iteration. ⇒ General & small group discussion, and revisions. 1
EOS-SEI Learning Goals Workshop January 25, 2008 Goals at any level should emphasize students Are all your goals visible? • Students must do their own learning; • Students miss important information if they We can not do the learning for them. are NOT explicitly looking for it. are NOT explicitly looking for it • Goals that will help students learn must focus on • Hidden goals do not help students learn. what students do , not instructors or content. • As experts, we often forget what we did not know. p , g • Think: Think: – “How will students demonstrate achievement?” – “What should students remember 2 ‐ 5 years on?” Why students like them: Context for learning goals: • Example from Simon etal http://www.cwsei.ubc.ca/resources/learn_goals.htm • Course level : most useful for … • 597 student responses from 3 classes – Defining the course (curriculum, Dep’t, external…) – Courses A & B : 60% relevant comments ‐ computing literacy. Course A – Students making choices 50% Course B 40% – Course C : – Helping with design of module goals Course C 30% ‐ upper ‐ level 20% microbiology. 10% • Lesson or module level : benefits to % of r 0% 0% – Students: Define what they should be learning, why, and how well. – Instructor: To better define, guide, check and transfer your teaching. 2
EOS-SEI Learning Goals Workshop January 25, 2008 Topic ‐ level learning goals Developing learning goals Check ‐ list for creating topic ‐ level learning goals (in handout) 1. Does the goal use a verb that clarifies what students will be able to DO ? 1. Exams � goals 2. Is terminology familiar/common? If not, is terminology a goal? – Start with old exam questions St t ith ld ti 3 3. I Is each goal unique and independent? h l i d i d d ? 4. Are relevant contexts clear? – Investigate content details 5. Is the Bloom’s level aligned with your expectations for students’ learning? – Generate learning goals; Iterate …. – Eg: if you expect reasoning for “why”, does the goal convey that? – Could you expect a higher level goal? 2. Topics � goals (probably most common) 6. Is expected student performance evident? 7. Is it clear how achievement would be tested? – Start with old topic lists Start with old topic lists 8. Are all goals visible? i.e. there should be no “hidden” goals. – Generate learning goal equivalents Not every goal can achieve the following, but it is better if you can: – Consider assessments (followed by active learning) 9. Is it clearly relevant and useful to students? (e.g. connected to their – Iterate …. everyday life), or does it represent a useful application of ideas? Activity 2: Example from EOS Activity 2: Example from EOS • Course – EOSC 111 Introduction to Earth and • Course – EOSC 111 Introduction to Earth and O Ocean Sciences S i Ocean Sciences O S i • Course Level Goal: • Lab Level Goal: Bad: “Learn how geoscientists use data.” Bad: “Understand how ground affects safety in earthquake prone regions”. q p g Make it better? … Make it better? … Make interpretations and draw conclusions based Make it better: on observations and evidence in an Earth System Compare the benefits and drawbacks of buildings Science context built on different types of ground in an earthquake prone region . 3
EOS-SEI Learning Goals Workshop January 25, 2008 Activity 3: Think/Pair/Share Workshop Learning Goals: Theoretically we should do some work now …. After this workshop you should be able to … But … 90 minutes is a short workshop! 1. Use guidelines provided to justify & construct learning goals. g p j y g g • For one minute, list characteristics that you 2. 2. Apply a three Apply a three ‐ part framework to build assessments that part framework to build assessments that think make an effective assessment explicitly target goals. explicitly target goals. 3. Discuss implementation of assessment and feedback. • Pair up with a partner and discuss your 4 4. Constructively critique your (and peers’) goals & assessments. Constructively critique your (and peers’) goals & assessments th thoughts ht • Share with the larger group � 1. Conditions Under Which Assessment Assessment fundamentals Supports Student Learning Key points: • Clarity of purpose and meaning. • From students point of view … • From students’ point of view • Good assessments depend on clear learning goals G d d d l l i l – What’s important, feedback, marked assignments • Frameworks; as you develop assessments, • Marked assignments vs exams: consider aspects of the following: – Assig. scores predict long term retention better than exams. � 1. Conditions that support student learning • Assess tasks related to learning goals � � 2. Bloom’s taxonomy 2 Bl ’ – Time on task, frequent, appropriate forms of study/effort k f f f d / ff • Clarity is key (tasks, how to learn, rubrics) � 3. Three learning domains • Focus on Feedback! – Frequent, timely, focus upon performance & learning, be specific & detailed, assign student follow ‐ up tasks. 4
EOS-SEI Learning Goals Workshop January 25, 2008 � � 2. Blooms Taxonomy of Learning 2. Blooms Taxonomy of Learning 1. Factual Knowledge: remember and recall factual information 1. Factual Knowledge: remember and recall factual information Define, List, State, Label, Name, Describe 2. Comprehension: demonstrate understanding of ideas, concepts 2. Comprehension: demonstrate understanding of ideas, concepts Describe, Explain, Summarize, Interpret, Illustrate 3. Application: apply comprehension to unfamiliar situations 3. Application: apply comprehension to unfamiliar situations Apply, Demonstrate, Use, Compute, Solve, Predict, Construct, Modify 4. Analysis: break down concepts into parts 4. Analysis: break down concepts into parts Compare, Contrast, Categorize, Distinguish, Identify, Infer mp , , g , g , fy, f 5. Synthesis: transform, combine ideas to create something new 5. Synthesis: transform, combine ideas to create something new Develop, Create, Propose, Formulate, Design, Invent 6. Evaluation: think critically about and defend a position 6. Evaluation: think critically about and defend a position Judge, Appraise, Recommend, Justify, Defend, Criticize, Evaluate See the handouts These levels expect deeper conceptual understanding also Google – many resources. Activity 4: More Examples from EOSC 111 � 3. Three learning domains Course level goal: Make interpretations and draw conclusions Each question sends a message to students: about Earth systems using observations and analyses. 1. Content Goal: Topic goal: Approximate the location of an earthquake using p g pp q g – Does the question test an essential aspect of the material? Does the question test an essential aspect of the material? seismograph data provided, and consider possible errors. – Is it aligned with your learning goal? Defines students focus … what they think your goals are. Defines students focus … what they think your goals are. Are question levels Low? Moderate? High? Cognitive? Skill? Are question levels Low? Moderate? High? Cognitive? Skill? 2. Cognitive Goal: – How do students use the content to arrive at the answer? 1. Given three seismograms and their locations, estimate the location of – What does it mean to learn or “do” this subject? the earthquake’s epicentre. Low level, (cognitive & skill) Low level, (cognitive & skill) Low level, (cognitive & skill) Low level, (cognitive & skill) – What are the cognitive processes involved? What are the cognitive processes involved? 2. What is a reasonable way to "pick" the epicentre location IF your – Are they comparing and contrasting phenomena, ranking, distance circles do not intersect exactly? classifying, or performing a mathematical manipulation? Moderate level; (cognitive � implications) Moderate level; (cognitive implications) 3. If you only had two seismometers, could you determine the location of 3. Metacognitive Goal: the epicentre? Explain. Higher level; (cognitive “what if …”) Higher level; (cognitive “what if …”) – Are students examining their own thinking? 20 120mins 5
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