climate change mitigation potential in the solid

Climate Change Mitigation Potential in the Solid Waste Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Climate Change Mitigation Potential in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Developing countries: Case study in Hanoi city, Vietnam Student: Hoang Trung THANH ID: 201326035 Supervisor: Prof. H. Yabar Graduate School of Life and Environmental

  1. Climate Change Mitigation Potential in the Solid Waste Management Sector in Developing countries: Case study in Hanoi city, Vietnam Student: Hoang Trung THANH ID: 201326035 Supervisor: Prof. H. Yabar Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences University of Tsukuba

  2. Contents 1. Introduction of study area 2. Solid waste and climate change 3. Objectives 4. Methods 5. Results 6. Conclusions and future work

  3. Study area – Hanoi city • Area: 3,325 km2 • Population: 6,725,700 (2011) • Rank in Population: 2 nd in Vietnam • Density: 2,023 persons/km2 • Population growth: 1.1%/year • GDP total: 19.5 billion USD (2013) • GDP per capita: 2,750 USD • Economic growth: 8.25%/year (2013)

  4. MSW management in Hanoi

  5. MSW management in Hanoi  MSW generation: 6,500 tons/day ( 2,372,500 tons/year) in 2011: • accounted for 11% of total MSW generation of whole country • generated rate: 0.96 kg/person/day  Waste collection rate: • 95% in inner city • 60% in suburban areas • overall, collection of MSW: 85% of total of whole city • MSW generation increases 15%/year (MONRE’s report, 2011)

  6. MSW management in Hanoi (cont.) MSW treatment in Hanoi Physical composition (%) Composting Incineration Recycling Landfill 2% 5.4% 1.30 8.2% 0.40 13.00 Organic waste Paper 9.00 Textile 1.60 Plastic 70.90 Metal 3.80 Glass Others 8 4.4 % ( Source: JICA, 2011) (Source: URENCO, 2011)

  7. MSW management in Hanoi (cont.) : Landfill : Composting : Incinerator Fig.1. Location of solid waste treatment facilities in Hanoi

  8. Solid waste management and climate change Why GHG emission from MSW in developing countries? • MSW generation is increasing due to urbanization and population growth • MSW containing high organic waste is often mainly dumped in landfills in developing countries • Have few information to estimate GHG mitigation effects of alternative waste management activities • Most recent researches consider only direct emission from landfills • Limited landfill gas recovery system high potential for GHG mitigation (methane)

  9. Objectives • to estimate GHG emissions associated with the current MSW management in fast growing city, Hanoi, by using the life cycle assessment approach • to create scenarios that project the MSW management situation and GHG emissions in the future • to evaluate potentials for mitigation of GHG emissions from the waste management sector in Hanoi • to help policymakers establish GHG reduction target, especially for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) program in the waste management sector in Vietnam

  10. Method  MSW generation forecast: system dynamic modeling (Stella package software) Fig.1. Causal loop diagram of MSW management

  11. Method  MSW generation forecast : system dynamic modeling Fig.1. Flow stock diagram of MSW model

  12. Methodology  GHG emission estimates: LCA approach A process based-LCA in waste management : (Forbes et al., 2001)

  13. Method  Scenario proposals: • Considering the national strategies, policies on solid waste management; and feasible scenarios • Scenario group 1 (7 scenarios) : to compare and evaluate GHG emissions and reduction between treatment options with the same amount of waste of 2011 • Scenario group 2: to compare and investigate GHG emissions and reduction potentials for future waste management: 2011, 2015, 2020 and 2025 FS1 : 2011 management path applied FS2: Government oriented path

  14. Scenario group 1 • 2 Scenario Com- Anaerobic Recy- Incine- Landfill Assumptions posting Digestion cling ration (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) • 0 S0 - Baseline - no energy recovery 2 0 8.2 5.4 84.4 • 8.2 - no LFG recovery S1 -Governmental - no energy recovery 30 10 10 10 40 • 5.4 - no LFG recovery Plan • 84.4 S2 - LFG - no energy recovery 2 0 8.2 5.4 84.4 - LFG recovery (efficiency: 90%) recovery - captured methane is flared S3 - Composting - source separation 30 0 8.2 5.4 56.4 - no energy and LFG recovery upgrade - compost used as fertilizer S4 - AD 2 30 8.2 5.4 54.4 - source separation - no energy and LFG recovery upgrade - biogas is to produce electricity S5 - Material - no energy recovery 2 0 10 5.4 79.8 - LFG recovery (efficiency: 90%) recycling upgrade - captured methane is flared S6 - Integrated 20 10 10 10 50 - energy recovery, source separation management - LFG recovery (efficiency: 50%) - captured methane is flared

  15. Scenario group 2 FS1 FS2 Government oriented path 2011 management path applied Assumptions: Assumptions: • 2011 solid waste management still • 2015: 85% waste collected, remains for future years (2015, 2020 sorting partly, 60% of collected and 2025) waste recycled (composting, • Changes in compositions and biogas production, WTE, material generation of waste Targets will be recycling); adjusted in this Composting Incineration • 2020: 90% waste collected, research Recycling 2% 5.4% sorting completely, 85% of Landfill 8.2% collected waste recycled; • 2025: 100% waste collected, 90% of collected waste recycled; 8 4.4 %

  16. Results Treatment and disposal: 5,072 Landfill: 4,662 Collection and MSW transportation Nam Son: 4,412 generation (5,525) (6,500) -URENCO Hanoi Kieu Ky: 150 -Households served 4 inner -Institutions districts Xuan Son: 100 -Markets -17 other enterprises -Restaurants -Hotels -Business Composting: 110 Recycling offices Cau Dien plant: 50 -Streets, etc. (453 tons) Seraphin plant: 60 Incineration: 300 Fig.2. Waste stream in Hanoi 2011W (Unit: tons/day)

  17. GHG emissions by gas (group 1) • CH 4 : main contributor 3,000 Thousand tons of S0, S1, S3, S4 and S6 2,500 CO 2 e at 2.7; 1.06; 1.58; 1.55 N2O 2,000 and 0.61 M tons of CO2 CO 2 e, respectively. 1,500 CH4 • CO 2 : the largest 1,000 contributor of S2 and 500 S5 because CH 4 0 captured and flared Scenario S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 • N 2 O: the smallest -500 amount emitted from Fig.4. GHG emissions from scenarios scenarios studied studied by greenhouse gas

  18. GHG emissions by source (group 1) • Landfill: > 90% of total 3,000 emission), followed by 2,500 Biological Thousand tons incineration and treatment 2,000 Incineration CO 2 e collection; 1,500 Recycling 1,000 Landfill • Biological treatment 500 and recycling: avoid 0 emission through S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 replacing raw material -500 extraction and processing Fig.5. GHG emissions from scenarios studied by source

  19. Net GHG emissions (group 1) 100 3,000 Thousand tons 100 % Total GHG % Compared to baseline 90 CO 2 e 2,500 80 70 2,000 60 58 50 56 1,500 40 42 1,000 30 30 29 20 500 22 10 0 0 S0 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 Fig.3. Net GHG emissions from scenarios studied

  20. Sensitivity of GHG emission to LFG capture • The sensitivity of emission to different LFG capture efficiency from 0% to 90%; 3,500 (Thousand tons) 3,034 • CO 2 e : dependent variable 2,799 3,000 2,564 CO 2 e 2,329 2,500 2,095 • LFG capture efficiency: 1,860 2,000 1,625 independent variable 1,390 1,500 1,155 920 • The amount of total CO 2 e has 1,000 strong inverse relation with 500 LFG capture efficiency with 0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% coefficient of the LFG capture efficiency determination, R 2 = 0.960 Fig.6. Sensitivity of LFG capture efficiency

  21. Conclusions  The current MSW management practice has released a large amount of greenhouse gas emission (GHG) into the atmosphere • Different treatment options have varied impacts on greenhouse gas mitigation, in which diversion of organic waste from landfill and LFG recovery application could reduce the most GHG emissions in the solid waste management.  Integrated solid waste management should be adopted by country because it has a high potential for climate change mitigation (i.e. reduce current GHG emissions by 78%)

  22. Future work  Calculating the GHG emissions from scenarios group 2  Considering other environmental impacts associated with scenarios studied  Estimating costs-benefits associated with scenarios studied  Making an overall evaluation of GHG mitigation potentials in the solid waste management sector

  23. Many thanks for your listening! Have a nice Merry Christmas and New Year!


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