Japanese Weekend School – Perth 8 August 2015 3
CURRENT STATUS • Commercial and policy settings in Western Australia and Australia have changed since 2010; • This presentation will focus on what activities involving site characterisation in the South West of Western Australia; • The area is close to major industries such as power stations and alumina refineries; • Collie coal is a domestic market; • Collie coal has enormous potential for gasification; • The Gorgon project on Barrow Island, in the North West will commence Carbon Storage in mid 2016 – world’s largest CCS project 4
DEPARTMENT OF MINES AND PETROLEUM Will manage early stage activity including the provision of detailed geological information, establishment of research capability, acquisition of data and core and establishment of the community engagement process 5
LOCATION • In the heart of South West industry • Does not compete with potable water • 125 land owners; next to town 7
Screening Studies : 1998 – 2007 • CO2CRC study (2002-2005) looked closer at this issue. • GEODISC (1998 – 2000) studies considered containment as a high • Lightly explored: limited well and risk. seismic data • Lack of the thick shallow • Collie Basin screened out aquifer (Yarragadee) • Harvey Ridge identified as a potential area of interest • Structural geometry VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING System System System System System System System System System System System System SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN • Thick marginal MANDURAH MANDURAH MANDURAH MANDURAH MANDURAH MANDURAH MANDURAH MANDURAH MANDURAH MANDURAH MANDURAH MANDURAH TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE High High High High High High High High High High High High PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH PERTH seal/reservoir Roe High Roe High Roe High Roe High Roe High Roe High Roe High Roe High Roe High Roe High Roe High Roe High Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Fault Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge a a a a a a a a a a a a i i i i i i i i i i i i l l l l l l l l l l l l e e e e e e e e e e e e m m m m m m m m m m m m overlying the r r r r r r r r r r r r a a a a a a a a a a a a P P P P P P P P P P P P Cockburn 1 Cockburn 1 Cockburn 1 Cockburn 1 Cockburn 1 Cockburn 1 Harvey Transfer Harvey Transfer Harvey Transfer Harvey Transfer Harvey Transfer Harvey Transfer Harvey Transfer Harvey Transfer Harvey Transfer Harvey Transfer Harvey Transfer Harvey Transfer Rockingham 1 Rockingham 1 Rockingham 1 Rockingham 1 Rockingham 1 Rockingham 1 Badaminna Badaminna Badaminna Badaminna Badaminna Badaminna Badaminna Badaminna Badaminna Badaminna Badaminna Badaminna injection zone South Perth Shale South Perth Shale South Perth Shale South Perth Shale h h h h a a a a e l l e l e e l Leederville Leederville Leederville Leederville Leederville Leederville Leederville Leederville Leederville Leederville Leederville Leederville t t t t hP hP hP hP e e e e r r r r t t t t h h h h S S S S S S S S o o o o u u u u Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Pinjarra 1 Pinjarra 1 Pinjarra 1 Pinjarra 1 Pinjarra 1 Pinjarra 1 Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Yarragadee Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures YILGARN YILGARN YILGARN YILGARN YILGARN YILGARN YILGARN YILGARN YILGARN YILGARN YILGARN YILGARN Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge Harvey Ridge CRATON CRATON CRATON CRATON CRATON CRATON CRATON CRATON CRATON CRATON CRATON CRATON Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Cattamarra Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Coal Measures Eneabba Eneabba Eneabba Eneabba Eneabba Eneabba Eneabba Eneabba Eneabba Eneabba Eneabba Eneabba VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING VLAMING Lake Preston 1 Lake Preston 1 Lake Preston 1 Lake Preston 1 Lake Preston 1 Lake Preston 1 SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN SUB-BASIN O O O O O O O O O O O O U U U U U U U U U U U U G G G G G G G G G G G G H H H H H H H H H H H H Lesueur Lesueur Lesueur Lesueur Lesueur Lesueur Lesueur Lesueur Lesueur Lesueur Lesueur Lesueur Cockleshell Gully Fm Cockleshell Gully Fm Cockleshell Gully Fm Cockleshell Gully Fm Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone Sandstone FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT FAULT 8 Wonnerup 1 Wonnerup 1 Wonnerup 1 Wonnerup 1 Wonnerup 1 Wonnerup 1 BUNBURY BUNBURY BUNBURY BUNBURY BUNBURY BUNBURY BUNBURY BUNBURY BUNBURY BUNBURY BUNBURY BUNBURY TROUGH TROUGH TROUGH TROUGH TROUGH TROUGH TROUGH TROUGH TROUGH TROUGH TROUGH TROUGH
INITIAL LOWER LESUEUR STORAGE CONCEPT – 2007 S. Varma, T. Dance, J. Underschultz, R. P. Langford and K. Dodds injection surface Leederville Aquifer Yarragadee Yarragadee (Not to Scale) Cockleshell Gully > 2km thick Secondary Percolation Upper Lesueur Primary Migration Lower Lesueur Sabina Fm Immobilized CO 2 Inject at ~ 3km 9
Seismic Line 11GA-LL2 (in time) 12
NEW DATA HARVEY 1 WELL FEB 2012 GWSA Harvey 1 Quaternary Eroded Core Unconformity Eroded Logging 13
RESULTS: INJECTIVITY Sector Model - Field Injection Rate Scenario No. 7 Total injected mass [Mt] 6 S1 236.4 5 Mass Rate[Mt/y] S2 236.0 4 S1, S3, S5, S6, S7, S8 S3 236.4 3 S2 S4 S4 188.1 2 S5 236.4 1 S6 236.4 0 0 10 20 30 40 Time [yrs] S7 236.4 Total Dissolved Immobile Mobile Scenario No. Formation injected S8 236.4 [mass % of total CO2] mass [Mt] S9 236.4 Yalgorup <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 S1 236.4 Wonnerup 39 55 6 • All scenarios apart from S2 Yalgorup <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 and S4 can achieve the S4 188.6 Wonnerup 41 52 6 target rate Yalgorup 1 1 1 • Effect of closed boundaries S7 (Shale 236.4 Case) Wonnerup 43 47 7 apparent Yalgorup 5 6 3 S8 (Silt Case) 236.4 Wonnerup 40 43 2 14
Uncertainty Activity to Address Data Required Uncertainty UNCERTAINTIES Faults – Location, 3D Seismic survey Interpreted seismic, reactivation pressures and Geomechanical information images, logs juxtaposition effects and modelling Faults and fracture Log data location, orientations Containment Fracture gradient Drilling Leak off tests Core tests Rock strength Well logs MDT stress tests Basal Eneabba Seal – Cores Interpreted well ties and Quality and Continuity. Well Logs correlations. Well tests – single well and Yalgorup palesols extent and Well test interpretations 2 Main Areas to be Investigated : ability to act as baffles multiwall laterally and vertically. 3 D Seismic Secondary Containment – Upper Lesueur and Eneabba: Capillary entry pressures Lab core analysis MCIP measurements 1. Kv/Kh ratios (Injection Coring Lab perm. horizons and overlying Well tests measurements Injectivity and Primary Containment – Lower Lesueur 2. formations MDT data interpretation Absolute Permeability Logs NMR, MDT meas. Cores Core flood data Injectivity Well tests Pressure interpretation Relative permeabilities Coring Core flood data Rel Perm end points Initial Pore pressures Well Logs MDT, test Pressure data Well tests Reservoir fluid salinity, Coring Core floods and samples reactive flow and transport Well Logs analysis (SEM) effects Fluid Samples MDT samples and Reactive transport Modelling analysis Faults – Location, 3D Seismic Survey Interpreted seismic Logs – Interference tests compartmentalisation Pressure interference data Capacity Gross thickness of reservoir Well Logs Lithology data Seismic inversion Quantitative processing Net to Gross Well Logs Vsh computation Log – Core calibrations Cores 15 Regional Reservoir Digenetic Well Logs Facies and other core trends Cores information
SEISMIC AND DRILLING STRATEGIES Harvey 2, 3 and 4 December 2014 to June 2015 16
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