city of riverside solid waste fund 540 fy 2018 23



  1. CITY OF RIVERSIDE SOLID WASTE FUND 540 FY 2018-23 BASELINE FIVE-YEAR PLAN 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUALS PROJECTED PRELIM. % PRELIM. % PROJ. % PROJ. % PROJ. % Curbside Residential 10,497,086 10,693,224 10,869,486 1.6% 10,869,486 0.0% 10,869,486 0.0% 10,869,486 0.0% 10,869,486 0.0% City Addl Automated Waste 222,968 236,400 210,913 -10.8% 210,913 0.0% 210,913 0.0% 210,913 0.0% 210,913 0.0% Driveway Residential Service 100,419 99,396 104,517 5.2% 104,517 0.0% 104,517 0.0% 104,517 0.0% 104,517 0.0% No planned rate Backyard Residential Service 26,260 26,280 25,540 -2.8% 25,540 0.0% 25,540 0.0% 25,540 0.0% 25,540 0.0% increases for years Disabled Residential Service 135,689 137,448 136,956 -0.4% 136,956 0.0% 136,956 0.0% 136,956 0.0% 136,956 0.0% identified and limited Mobile Home Park Service 22,210 23,316 23,386 0.3% 23,386 0.0% 23,386 0.0% 23,386 0.0% 23,386 0.0% USER FEES growth impacts Private Hauler Multi Family Units 54,255 54,780 57,319 4.6% 57,319 0.0% 57,319 0.0% 57,319 0.0% 57,319 0.0% City Multi Family Units 425,705 438,072 401,075 -8.4% 401,075 0.0% 401,075 0.0% 401,075 0.0% 401,075 0.0% Ouside Contract - Hauler 4,010,415 4,055,928 4,153,259 2.4% 4,153,259 0.0% 4,153,259 0.0% 4,153,259 0.0% 4,153,259 0.0% Administrative Fees - Refuse 5,755,930 5,271,516 5,385,406 2.2% 5,385,406 0.0% 5,385,406 0.0% 5,385,406 0.0% 5,385,406 0.0% City Sale Addl Auto Container 22,257 22,056 16,000 -27.5% 16,000 0.0% 16,000 0.0% 16,000 0.0% 16,000 0.0% TOTAL USER FEES 21,273,192 21,058,416 21,383,857 1.5% 21,383,857 0.0% 21,383,857 0.0% 21,383,857 0.0% 21,383,857 0.0% Increases based on FINES approved rate Parking Fines Street Sweeping 1,223,499 1,258,548 1,207,200 -4.1% 1,250,000 3.5% 1,293,750 3.5% 1,339,031 3.5% 1,385,897 3.5% structure TOTAL FINES 1,223,499 1,258,548 1,207,200 -4.1% 1,250,000 3.5% 1,293,750 3.5% 1,339,031 3.5% 1,385,897 3.5% Interest from Investments 66,121 77,592 40,000 -48.4% 40,000 0.0% 40,000 0.0% 40,000 0.0% 40,000 0.0% GASB31 Adjustments (49,436) - - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% Based on historical Refunds and Reimbursements - Collections 149,500 420,000 - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% trends and market for Refunds and Reimbursements - Sweeping 40,524 - - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% recycled materials MISC. REVENUE Misc. Receipts (10,202) 412,656 45,000 -89.1% 45,000 0.0% 45,000 0.0% 45,000 0.0% 45,000 0.0% Settlement Recovery 308 - - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% Curbside Material Revenue 334,334 512,280 312,120 -39.1% 312,120 0.0% 312,120 0.0% 312,120 0.0% 312,120 0.0% City - Recycle Fee 70,260 78,563 65,458 -16.7% 65,458 0.0% 65,458 0.0% 65,458 0.0% 65,458 0.0% TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 601,410 1,501,091 462,578 -69.2% 462,578 0.0% 462,578 0.0% 462,578 0.0% 462,578 0.0% TOTAL REVENUES 23,098,101 23,818,055 23,053,635 -3.2% 23,096,435 0.2% 23,140,185 0.2% 23,185,466 0.2% 23,232,332 0.2% Salaries 2,808,336 2,955,173 3,363,961 13.8% 3,580,541 6.4% 3,680,205 2.8% 3,714,629 0.9% 3,732,234 0.5% Based on Partership Overtime 467,560 484,795 428,183 -11.7% 459,987 7.4% 493,034 7.2% 527,545 7.0% 564,473 7.0% Compensation Model Payoffs 8,216 35,291 65,031 84.3% 68,933 6.0% 73,069 6.0% 77,453 6.0% 82,101 6.0% PERSONNEL and Memorandums CalPERS 691,358 958,280 905,991 -5.5% 1,038,796 14.7% 1,161,013 11.8% 1,266,054 9.0% 1,353,304 6.9% of Understanding Medical and Other Insurance 710,724 785,699 966,657 23.0% 968,795 0.2% 957,504 -1.2% 995,520 4.0% 1,029,252 3.4% Other 187,677 32,399 52,771 62.9% 93,676 77.5% 70,248 -25.0% 68,151 -3.0% 65,652 -3.7% TOTAL PERSONNEL 4,873,871 5,251,637 5,782,594 10.1% 6,210,728 7.4% 6,435,073 3.6% 6,649,352 3.3% 6,827,016 2.7%

  2. CITY OF RIVERSIDE SOLID WASTE FUND 540 FY 2018-23 BASELINE FIVE-YEAR PLAN 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 CATEGORY DESCRIPTION ACTUALS PROJECTED PRELIM. % PRELIM. % PROJ. % PROJ. % PROJ. % Professional Services 81,452 80,766 119,700 48.2% 119,700 0.0% 119,700 0.0% 119,700 0.0% 119,700 0.0% Prof Services Internal 115,523 92,019 47,000 -48.9% 52,000 10.6% 52,000 0.0% 52,000 0.0% 52,000 0.0% Prof Services Regulatory 24,502 50,900 265,891 422.4% 221,436 -16.7% 221,436 0.0% 221,436 0.0% 221,436 0.0% Telephones 593 602 700 16.3% 700 0.0% 700 0.0% 700 0.0% 700 0.0% Cell Phones 8,136 8,587 12,539 46.0% 12,539 0.0% 12,539 0.0% 12,539 0.0% 12,539 0.0% Water 2,965 3,191 5,600 75.5% 5,700 1.8% 5,700 0.0% 5,700 0.0% 5,700 0.0% Electric 23,647 21,752 30,000 37.9% 32,000 6.7% 32,000 0.0% 32,000 0.0% 32,000 0.0% Other Utilities - - 150 14900.0% 150 0.0% 150 0.0% 150 0.0% 150 0.0% Refuse/Disposal Fees 3,492,025 4,078,766 3,742,196 -8.3% 3,816,949 2.0% 3,893,288 2.0% 3,971,155 2.0% 4,050,580 2.0% Motor Pool Equipment Rental 105,118 100,326 108,944 8.6% 114,385 5.0% 114,385 0.0% 114,385 0.0% 114,385 0.0% Street Sweeper Supplies 48,658 50,000 74,500 49.0% 74,500 0.0% 74,500 0.0% 74,500 0.0% 74,500 0.0% Signing Supplies - - 500 50000.0% 500 0.0% 500 0.0% 500 0.0% 500 0.0% Maint/Repair Bldgs & Improv 4,044 6,435 - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% Maintenance & Repair General 295,783 1,003,509 224,500 -77.6% 240,050 6.9% 240,050 0.0% 240,050 0.0% 240,050 0.0% All Other Equipment Maint/Repair 16,947 29,938 44,000 47.0% 44,000 0.0% 44,000 0.0% 44,000 0.0% 44,000 0.0% Central Garage Charges 2,109,363 2,281,906 2,310,225 1.2% 2,425,736 5.0% 2,535,803 4.5% 2,535,803 0.0% 2,535,803 0.0% Includes increases Advertising Expenses 5,940 19,101 28,000 46.6% 28,000 0.0% 28,000 0.0% 28,000 0.0% 28,000 0.0% based on historical Periodicals and Dues 7,767 2,854 700 -75.5% 700 0.0% 700 0.0% 700 0.0% 700 0.0% NON-PERSONNEL CPI, internal policies, General Office Expenses 11,028 10,127 13,050 28.9% 13,050 0.0% 13,050 0.0% 13,050 0.0% 13,050 0.0% and historical trends Postage 214 786 450 -42.7% 450 0.0% 450 0.0% 450 0.0% 450 0.0% Central Printing Charges - - 150 1500.0% 150 0.0% 150 0.0% 150 0.0% 150 0.0% Outside Printing Charges 2,460 1,656 4,000 141.5% 4,000 0.0% 4,000 0.0% 4,000 0.0% 4,000 0.0% Software Purchasing Licensing 1,096 - - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% Computers-Software 183,725 183,725 - -100.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% Computer Equip Purc Undr $5000 2,137 2,616 5,000 91.1% 5,000 0.0% 5,000 0.0% 5,000 0.0% 5,000 0.0% Janitorial Supplies 5,170 3,145 3,600 14.5% 3,600 0.0% 3,600 0.0% 3,600 0.0% 3,600 0.0% Clothing/Linen/Safety Supplies 31,544 39,082 38,098 -2.5% 38,098 0.0% 38,098 0.0% 38,098 0.0% 38,098 0.0% Chemical Supplies 425 42500.0% 425 0.0% 425 0.0% 425 0.0% 425 0.0% Motor Fuels & Lubricants 514,539 521,467 530,962 1.8% 553,460 4.2% 579,080 4.6% 579,080 0.0% 579,080 0.0% Maintenance Tools/Supplies 334 127 5,227 4015.7% 5,227 0.0% 5,227 0.0% 5,227 0.0% 5,227 0.0% Work Boot Reimbursement 2,228 11,861 7,650 -35.5% 7,650 0.0% 7,650 0.0% 7,650 0.0% 7,650 0.0% Special Department Supplies 641,260 572,419 643,800 12.5% 643,900 0.0% 643,900 0.0% 643,900 0.0% 643,900 0.0% Travel & Meeting Expenses 1,091 - 2,525 252500.0% 2,525 0.0% 2,525 0.0% 2,525 0.0% 2,525 0.0% Training 1,754 1,362 13,593 898.0% 13,593 0.0% 13,593 0.0% 13,593 0.0% 13,593 0.0% Liability Insurance 89,453 90,862 188,382 107.3% 160,800 -14.6% 118,445 -26.3% 123,962 4.7% 123,962 0.0% TOTAL NON-PERSONNEL 7,830,495 9,269,887 8,472,057 -8.6% 8,640,973 2.0% 8,810,644 2.0% 8,894,028 0.9% 8,973,453 0.9% 118,583 240,650 317,020 31.7% 317,878 0.3% 318,832 0.3% 319,791 0.3% 320,751 0.3% Includes increases CURE based on historical SPECIAL 4,391,808 4,140,000 4,216,248 1.8% 4,300,573 2.0% 4,386,584 2.0% 4,474,316 2.0% 4,563,802 2.0% CPI, internal policies, Residential Hauler PROJECTS and historical trends 151,244 135,445 139,622 3.1% 140,302 0.5% 144,511 3.0% 148,846 3.0% 153,311 3.0% KRCB TOTAL SPECIAL PROJECTS 4,661,635 4,516,095 4,672,890 3.5% 4,758,753 1.8% 4,849,927 1.9% 4,942,953 1.9% 5,037,864 1.9%


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