Charles Augustin Coulomb (1736-1806) France Coulomb's Law ~1875
Mini Mini- -Ph.D. Ph.D. – Quantum Mechanics 101 Quantum Mechanics 101 Lesson 1: Lesson 1: Size actually does matter. Size actually does matter. y
Determine the postion and velocity of a car … no problem of a car … no problem
Determine the postion and velocity of a small particle … no problem of a small particle … no problem
Cannot have Cannot have Problem! Problem! perfect Heisenberg knowledge of uncertainty both the position and velocity principle Heisenberg
The fundamental nature of forces: virtual particles The fundamental nature of forces: virtual particles p E t h Heisenberg E = mc 2 Einstein e -
Same mass - Opposite electric charge and magnetic moment pp g g
qq qq e + e - e + e - e + e - e + e e + e - e + e - + + e + + e - qq qq qq qq qq qq -R. Kolb Much ado about NOTHING: Much ado about NOTHING: qq e + + e - qq qq qq qq qq qq qq Nothing is something Nothing is something qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq Nothing has energy Nothing has energy e + e - e + e - e + e - e + e - e + e - e + e - Nothing interacts with something Nothing interacts with something g g g g e + e - e e qq qq e + + e - qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq qq
rength Quantum Chromodynamics Quantum Chromodynamics QCD QCD QCD QCD elative str Why bare quarks Why bare quarks asymptotic freedom re h h have never been have never been b b observed. observed. distance distance energy density, temperature quark-antiquark pair created from vacuum quark “white” 0 0 Strong color field Strong color field E=mc 2 ! “ hit ” “white” proton “white” proton Energy grows with separation !!! (confined quarks) (confined quarks) Thanks to Mike Lisa (OSU) for parts of this animation
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