chapter 12 phenomena

Chapter 12: Phenomena Phenomena: Different wavelengths of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Chapter 12: Phenomena Phenomena: Different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation were directed onto two different metal sample (see picture). Scientists then recorded if any particles were ejected and if so what type of particles as well as

  1. Chapter 12: Phenomena Phenomena: Different wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation were directed onto two different metal sample (see picture). Scientists then recorded if any particles were ejected and if so what type of particles as well as the speed of the particle. What patterns do you see in the results that were collected? K Wave le ngth of L ight Whe r e Par tic le s E je c te d Spe e d of E xp. Inte nsity Dir e c te d at Sample E je c te d Partic le E je c te d Partic le 4.9×10 4 � 1 5.4×10 -7 m Medium Yes e - � 3.5×10 6 � 2 3.3×10 -8 m High Yes e - � 3 2.0 m High No N/A N/A Electromagnetic 3.5×10 6 � 4 3.3×10 -8 m Low Yes e - � Radiation Ejected 5 2.0 m Medium No N/A N/A Particle 2.7×10 8 � 6 6.1×10 -12 m High Yes e - � 7 5.5×10 4 m High No N/A N/A F e Wave le ngth of L ight Whe r e Par tic le s E je c te d Spe e d of E xp. Dir e c te d at Sample E je c te d Partic le E je c te d Partic le 5.4×10 -7 m 1 Medium No N/A N/A 3.4×10 -11 m 2 High Yes e - 1.1×10 8 � � 3.9×10 3 m 3 Medium No N/A N/A 2.4×10 -8 m 4.1×10 6 � 4 High Yes e - � 3.9×10 3 m 5 Low No N/A N/A 2.6×10 -7 m 1.1×10 5 � 6 Low Yes e - � 3.4×10 -11 m 1.1×10 8 � 7 Low Yes e - � Chapt Chapter 12: r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory

  2. Chapter 12: Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Theory o Electromagnetic Radiation o Quantum Theory o Particle in a Box o The Hydrogen Atom Big Ide a: The structure of atoms must be explained o Quantum Numbers using quantum o Orbitals mechanics, a theory in o Many-Electron Atoms which the properties of o Periodic Trends particles and waves merge together. 2

  3. Electromagnetic Radiation omagne tic Radiation: Consists of oscillating  E le c tr (time-varying)electric and magnetic fields that travel through space at 2.998 � 10 8 � � (c = speed of light) or just over 660 million mph. Note: All forms of radiation transfer energy from one region of space into another. No Ex Examples amples of of Electromag Electromagne neti tic Radia c Radiation: n: • Visible light Radio Waves • • X-Rays Chapter 12: Chapt r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 3

  4. Electromagnetic Radiation  Wave le ngth ( λ ): Is the peak-to-peak distance. Note: Changing the wavelength changes the No region of the spectrum (i.e. x-ray to visible).  Amplitude : Determines brightness of the radiation. e que nc y ( ν ): The  F r number of cycles per second ( 1 �� � 1 � � ). Chapter 12: Chapt r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 4

  5. Electromagnetic Radiation Chapt Chapter 12: r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 5

  6. Quantum Theory  If white light is passed through a prism, a continuous spectrum of light is found. However, when the light emitted by excited hydrogen atoms is passed through a prism the radiation is found to consist of a number of components or spectra lines. Chapt Chapter 12: r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 6

  7. Quantum Theory  Blac k Body: An object that absorbs and emits all frequencies of radiation without favor. He ate d Blac k Bodie s � � ��� � �. �� � �� �� � � � � � � �� ��� � �. ���� No Note: λ max is the most prevalent wavelength, not the longest wavelength. Chapter 12: Chapt r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 7

  8. Quantum Theory T he or y  Scientists used classical physics arguments to derive an expression for the energy density (Rayleigh Jens Law). ������ ������� ∝ � � � T he Pr oble m With E xplaining Blac k Body Radiation Using Classic al Me c hanic s  Classical mechanics put no limits on minimum wavelength therefore at very small � , � would be a huge value even for low temperatures. Chapt Chapter 12: r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 8

  9. Quantum Theory  Max Plank: Proposed that the exchange of energy between matter and radiation occurs in quanta, or packets of energy. His central idea was that a charged particle oscillating at a frequency � , can exchange energy with its surroundings by generating or absorbing electromagnetic radiation only in discrete packets of energy.  Quanta: Packet of energy (implies minimum energy that can be emitted).  Charged particles oscillating at a frequency, � , can only exchange energy with their surroundings in discrete packets of energy. Chapter 12: Chapt r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 9

  10. Quantum Theory ffe c t: Ejection of electrons from a  Photoe le c tr ic E metal when its surface is exposed to ultra violet radiation. Chapt Chapter 12: r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 10

  11. Quantum Theory  F indings of the Photoe le c tr ic E ffe c t No electrons are ejected unless the radiation has a 1) frequency above a certain threshold value characteristic of the metal. Electrons are ejected immediately, however low the 2) intensity of the radiation. The kinetic energy of the ejected electrons 3) increases linearly with the frequency of the incident radiation.  Albert Einstein  Proposed that electromagnetic radiation consists of massless “particles” (photons)  Photons are packets of energy  Energy of a single photon = � � � Chapt Chapter 12: r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 11

  12. Quantum Theory  Photoe le c tr ic E ffe c t  Electromagnetic radiation consists of streams of photons traveling with frequency, � , and energy � � � .  Photons collide with metal.  If the photons have enough energy, electrons will be removed from the metal. unc tion ( � ): The minimum amount of  Wor k F energy required to remove an electron from the surface of a metal.  If � ������ � Φ no electron ejected  If � ������ � Φ electron will be ejected No Note: This relationship is not intensity dependent. Chapter 12: Chapt r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 12

  13. Quantum Theory  With what speed will the fastest electrons be emitted from a surface whose threshold wavelength is 600. nm, when the surface is illuminated with light of � 7 wavelength ? Chapt Chapter 12: r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 13

  14. Quantum Theory H atoms only e mit/ absor b c e r tain fr e que nc ie s. What is c ausing the se pr ope r tie s?  Electrons can only exist with certain energies.  The spectral lines are transitions from one allowed energy level to another. Chapt Chapter 12: r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 14

  15. Quantum Theory  F inding e ne r gy le ve ls of H atom  ∆� � � �������� � � ����� � � �� ������� � �  � ������� � 3.29 � 10 �� �� (Found experimentally) � � � � � � � No Note: In this equation n 2 is always the large number which corresponds to the higher energy level. � � � �  �� 3.29 � 10 �� �� � � 6.626 � 10 ��� � · � 3.29 � 10 �� �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � No Note: The negative sign appeared because a negative sign was taken out of parenthesis. � �  - 2.178 � 10 ��� � � � � = � �������� � � �������� � � � �  E ne rgy le ve l o f H ato m �  � � �2.178 � 10 ��� � n= 1, 2, 3, … � � ne rgy le ve l o f o the r 1e - syste ms  E � �  � � �2.178 � 10 ��� � n= 1, 2, 3, … � � Chapter 12: Chapt r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 15

  16. Quantum Theory Student Question What is the wavelength of the radiation emitted by a �� 2 � atom when an electron transitions between � � 4 to the � � 2 levels? He lpful Hint: c = 2.998×10 8 � � -1.664×10 24 m a) -5.399×10 -8 m b) c ) 1.621×10 -7 m d) 4.864×10 -7 m e ) No ne o f the Abo ve Chapt Chapter 12: r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 16

  17. Quantum Theory  Constr uc tive e nc e : When the Inte r fe r peaks of waves coincide, the amplitude of the resulting wave is increased.  De str uc tive Inte r fe r e nc e : When the peak of one wave coincides with the trough of another wave the resulting wave is decreased. Chapt Chapter 12: r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 17

  18. Quantum Theory  When light passes though a pair of closely spaced slits, circular waves are generated at each slit. These waves interfere with each other.  Where they interfere constructively, a bright line is seen on the screen behind the slits; where the interference is destructive, the screen is dark. Chapt Chapter 12: r 12: Quant Quantum Mechanic m Mechanics and A s and Atomic Theor omic Theory 18


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