Chapter 1 – Information on ECE master program Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud
Master program description 1 . Program Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes 1.1 Program Objectives 1. Graduates of the MSECE program will have the technical competence to be successful in the chosen area of study in electrical and computer engineering professional practice or research. 2. Graduates of the MSECE program will have the skills to undertake technically sound analysis independently and present their work at professional meetings or publish their work in scholarly journals. 3. Graduates of the MSECE program will have the technical competence to successfully undertake further advanced study at the doctoral level in electrical and computer engineering or a related area, and pursue lifelong learning through professional education. 1 - 1
1.2 Student Learning Outcomes Students of the MSECE program at the time of graduation will be able to: 1. Demonstrate clear understanding of the chosen area of emphasis in electrical and computer engineering covered in course material in the graduate program. 2. Apply advanced methods in the development of solutions in the chosen area of emphasis in electrical and computer engineering. 3. Give professional presentation or write scholarly manuscripts worthy of publication in peer reviewed journals. 1 - 2
MS-ECE with Thesis Option The thesis option MSECE is recommended for students who are planning a career in corporate or academic research, design, and development and who may pursue a Ph.D. in the future. Intro to Graduate Research (1 credit), at least eight graduate courses (24 credits), at least 6 credits of research for thesis completed under the supervision of the graduate thesis advisor, an approved thesis, and an oral thesis defense are required for graduation. The coursework shall include: ECE 6910 - Introduction to Graduate Research, during the first semester of study; at least 15 hours of graduate ECE courses (5000, 6000, 7000 levels) that must include 9 credit hours of ECE graduate level breadth courses from a list maintained by the ECE Department; no more than six (6) hours of directed/ independent study courses and no more than six (6) hours of 5000 courses, to satisfy the required minimum of 24 hours of coursework. 1 - 3
The thesis requirement includes research and the findings of which must be submitted in writing subject to the policies and satisfaction of the College of Graduate Studies and the advisory committee. In addition, each student must defend his/ her research work before the advisory committee. The advisory committee shall be chaired or co-chaired by ECE faculty member and include an additional member from the ECE Department. As far I know, financial support is given only to thesis option student. You can check. 1 - 4
Non-thesis Option The non-thesis option MSECE is recommended for students who desire an industry-oriented degree, and who may be attending school part-time while working. An MS-ECE program of study with non-thesis option requires a minimum of 34 credit hours of course work and shall include: ECE 6910 - Introduction to Graduate Research (1 credit hour), during the first semester of study; 9 credit hours of graduate level breadth courses from a list maintained by the ECE department; a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours of graduate level ECE elective courses; a three (3) credit hours ECE 6970: Non-Thesis Design Project course that will enhance independent learning skills and a maximum of nine (9) hours of graduate level elective courses from outside the department. Additionally, each student should also pass a written comprehensive exam administered by the department. 1 - 5
Summary of MS Program of Study Requirements 1 - 6
The ECE Breadth courses are: • ECE 6040 - Signal Analysis • ECE 6170 - High Performance Embedded System Design • ECE 6200 - Linear Systems Analysis • ECE 6510 - Electromagnetic Field Theory I You m ust take at least three out of these four 1 - 7
Advisory Committee - Each MS student must have an advisory committee composed of at least three Graduate faculty members. - They assist the student in the development and executing his/ her Program of Study and monitor the student's progress towards completion of the degree. - The student is responsible for identifying a faculty member who is willing to chair his/ her advisory committee. - The advisor has the responsibility to guide the student's research toward degree completion within a reasonable period of time (usually two years for full-time students). - New students have a temporary advisor until they choose a permanent advisor from the ECE faculty during their first semester. - In consultation with his/ her advisor, the student is responsible for identifying at least two other TTU graduate faculty members who are willing to serve on his/ her committee. - The other members are selected such that they have either taught the student in a course or have some expertise relevant to the student's research. 1 - 8
- At least two members of the MS advisory committee, including the chairperson/ advisor, must be from the ECE faculty. - The MS advisory committee may include more than three members. - Students with a Computer Engineering focus should include at least one Computer Science faculty on their committee. - A graduate student's advisory committee is selected during his/ her first semester of study and each member must approve and sign the student's Program of Study form by the beginning of the student's second semester. - Failure to form a committee by the end of the second semester is cause for dismissal from the MS program. 1 - 9
Program of Study - Each MS student is required to develop and submit a Program of Study by the beginning of the second semester of study. - The student prepares this Program of Study in consultation with his/ her Advisory Committee. - The student's advisory committee members, the ECE Chair, the CoE Assoc. Dean for Graduate Studies, and the Assoc. VP of Graduate Studies must approve and sign the Program of Study. - Any subsequent changes to courses on the approved Program of Study must be made via a Substitution (Course Addition/ Deletion) form. 1 - 10
Additional Program of Study Requirements The following restrictions apply to the MS Program of Study. For the thesis option: (a) no more than six hours of 5000-level courses such that 5000-level ECE course, if any, in the program of study are outside the student's area of primary research; (b) no more than six hours of directed/ independent study courses; (c) Make a paper presentation in a conference or a poster presentation in research day at TTU held in April in each year Once a year opportunity. For the non-thesis option: There are no restrictions. ---------------------------------------------------------- A maximum of nine credits (3 courses) of approved graduate coursework may be transferred form another university to satisfy the MS requirements. You should find equivalent TTU courses. 1 - 11
Thesis Defense (Thesis option) - A fundamental milestone in the graduation requirements is completion of the oral defense, which consists of an oral presentation by the student of her/ his thesis research results, followed by questioning. - The overall intention is to test the student's breadth of knowledge in the discipline, depth in the specific area of research, and ability to integrate concepts and techniques learned in the various courses. - The student should schedule the thesis defense date well in advance to insure that all members of the committee are in attendance. - Students must submit a draft copy of their theses to their committees and to Graduate Studies at least two weeks before the defense date. - The defense begins with an open session in which the candidate makes a presentation to the committee and other faculty and students. - The audience then asks questions regarding the candidate's research work. 1 - 12
Thesis Defense (Thesis option) - Afterward, in a closed session, the committee members examine the candidate on the details of the thesis, as well as any other relevant material. - Then the candidate is asked to leave the room, and the committee member discuss the performance of the candidate and vote to pass or fail the candidate. - The student must pass this examination by three (3) positive votes or three-fourths of the committee members eligible to vote. - A signature form is then forwarded to Graduate Studies which keeps the results of the examination. - If the candidate passes the exam, the committee instructs the candidate on any required changes or new work needed to complete the thesis. - If the candidate fails the exam, the committee informs the candidate in writing regarding the additional work that must be undertaken before taking the examination a second time. - The second attempt may be scheduled as soon as these deficiencies are rectified. However, failure on the second attempt results in dismissal from the graduate program. 1 – 13
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