Changes to Comprehensive Program Review at EVC Professional Development Day - Fall 2019 EVERGREEN VALLEY COLLEGE Office of Research, Planning & Institutional Effectiveness Hazel De Ausen, Ph.D. Fahmida Fakhruddin, Ph.D. Jacque Honda, Ed.D.
Presentation Goals Why we do Program Review Understand Comprehensive Program Review Template and Process Understand where Program Review is housed in CurriQunet Timeline 2
Why do we do Program Review? Ensures Institutional Effectiveness by measuring Program Effectiveness Required by our Accreditors Is part of the Educational Code to conduct Program Review Helps us improve our programs by highlighting our work 3
Comprehensive Program Review Occurs every six years for Academic Programs Occurs every three years for Student Support Programs Occurs every two years for CTE Programs Is housed in the Institutional Effectiveness Committee Data and templates are provided by the Institutional Effectiveness Office Takes place across a full academic year 4
EVC’s Program Review Webpage ss/program-review 5
CurriQunet Curriculum Student Learning Outcomes Program Review 6
EVC Program Review Process Start of Fall Semester convene Faculty/Staff responsible for Program Review Review data provided by Research Office, request additional data if necessary Work collaboratively with Program faculty and staff to answer questions in Program Review Template Submit by November 30 th to Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) Curriculum, Student Learning Outcomes and Data sections will be reviewed by each respective committee IEC mentor and readers provide feedback and ask for clarifications Budget requests submitted to respective committee Approve Budget request in May for next academic year 7
EVC Resource Allocation Process through Comprehensive Program Review Fall 2019/ 2 3 Spring 1 STEP TWO STEP THREE 2020 STEP ONE IEC approves first Vet data requests draft, forwards through the Program Review resource committees: is submitted by requests to Technology, November 30 committees, Feb Academic Senate deadline to IEC 28 and Facilities for prioritization in March Spring 5 6 2020 4 STEP FIVE STEP SIX STEP FOUR Budget The College Council Committee will Budget will send their send recommendation to Committee will the EVC President recommendation review requests by end of May for s to College and prioritize funding for Council in May funding to be Academic Year spent in next 2020-2021 Academic Year in April 8
Institutional Effectiveness through Program Review Program Set Standard Program Success Goal Success Rate (completion with “C” or (established during last (new) Program EVC better) comprehensive PR) 71.23 % F’14-F’17 average 9
Institutional Effectiveness through Program Review 10
Data Request Form Needs approval* of your supervisor *Your supervisor should know you are requesting this type of information; supervisor’s name and contact information will be required on data request form and may be contacted for more details 11
CROA-Data Available Training for users: Most faculty and staff have a regular CROA account. If you are not able to access CROA, please contact the Office of Research, Planning and Institutional Effectiveness. 12
California Community College’s Chancellor’s Office (CCCO) Data Student Success Metrics The Student Success Scorecard IEPI-Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Portal Data Mart 13
Questions? You can always contact IEC Chair: Fahmida Fakhruddin IE Dean: Jacqueline Honda Research Analyst IE: Hazel DeAusen 14
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