catie contributions to climate smart agriculture


CATIE: CONTRIBUTIONS TO CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE Hugo Li Pun, Ph.D 8th GRA Council Meeting 10-11 September 2018 | Berlin, Germany . CATIE CATIE Higher gher educ ucation ation, , rese searc rch and d deve velopment lopment suppor

  1. CATIE: CONTRIBUTIONS TO CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE Hugo Li Pun, Ph.D 8th GRA Council Meeting 10-11 September 2018 | Berlin, Germany .

  2. CATIE CATIE  Higher gher educ ucation ation, , rese searc rch and d deve velopment lopment suppor pport organi ganizat ation on  14 14 member mbers  Main in prog ogram ams: :  Agricul ricultu ture, , Live vesto tock and d Agrofor rofores estry ry  Waters tershed ed mana nagem ement nt and d Forestry restry  Develp velpmen ent, , Eco cono nomic ics and d Envi viron onmen ent  Pionee oneer in integr tegrate ted approa proaches, hes, silv lvopa pasto toral al syst stems, ms, policy licy supp pport ort for r sustai stainab ability lity  Diplom plomas, s, MSc c and d Ph.D .D.  Agreem reement nts with th over er 50 univ iversit rsities es at glob obal l leve vel

  3. CA CATI TIE: E: so some me ex exam ample ples s of of re resu sult lts  2,300 300 gradu aduate ates from from 43 43 count untrie ries  140 0 communities munities in Centr ntral al Ameri erica ca have have stren rength gthened ened value lue chain ains  10,500 ,500 professionals ofessionals and d farmers rmers trained ained throu rough gh farme rmer r field eld schoo hools ls  C neutr utral al silvopastoral vopastoral syste stems ms, , 30 % more re productive oductive  Contr ntribu ibution tion to to preparation paration of of lives vestoc tock NAMA MA in Hondu nduras, ras, Costa sta Rica, ca, Guat uatema emala la and d the the Dominican minican Republic public  Metho thodol dologies ogies for for quati atific fication ation of of GHG in LAC: C: three ee courses rses over er 50 50 parti rticipants cipants from om 15 15 count untries ries

  4. Sustainable Intensification of Livestock Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean: a strategy for adaptation and mitigation of climate change 1. Facilitate information exchange of successful cases 2. Strengthen capacity in the livestock sector to promote adaptation and mitigation actions related to climate change 3. Contribute to formulation and dissemination of policies for the sustainable intensification of livestock 4. Work with partners on resource mobilization to achieve objectives

  5. Fir irst regio ional l work rkshop on li livestock and cli limate change  Organized by World Bank, FAO, GRA, CATIE and FONTAGRO  Turrialba, Costa Rica April 16-19, 2018  64 participants from 20 countries, Various national and international organizations  Identify regional agenda for research, innovation, information exchange and project formulation  Topics: livestock and climate change, reduction strategies for GHG in livestock, C fixation in livestock systems, policies to promote sustainability of livestock

  6. CA CATI TIE: E: so some me op oppo portu rtuniti nities es  Metho thodol dologies ogies to to quantify ntify GHG G emissions issions in LAC  Silvo lvopas pastoral toral syste stems ms  Quant antifi ification cation of of ecosy osyste stems ms services vices  Suppo pport rt to to policy icy formu rmulat lation ion: : NAMA MA  Capac pacity ity build ilding ing



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