CSA-Plan: Strategies to put Climate-Smart Agriculture into Practice 24 May 2017 World Bank Evan Girvetz Todd Rosenstock e.girvetz@cgiar.org @evangirvetz
Africa CSA Alliance
Flexible CSA-Pla lan: Simple A multi-step planning and implementation guide to scaling CSA Stakeholder Driven Linkable
CSA-Plan Situation Analysis Stocktaking for Target Setting, Climate Risks & Enabling Conditions CSA Action Targets, Vulnerability & Impacts, Readiness Capacity Strengthening Prioritizing Interventions CSA Investment Engagement Practices, Programs and Policies Portfolios Value for Money & Trade-offs Program Implementation Taking CSA to Design, Development & Deployment Scale Knowledge into Action Monitoring and Evaluation Learning from Across Scales and Systems Experience Evidence Based Results Framework
CSA-Plan Situation Analysis Stocktaking for CSA Target Setting, Climate Risks & Enabling Conditions Action Vulnerability & Impacts + Readiness 15 Profiles Developed Across CSA Country Africa, Asia and Latin America 15+ additional currently being Profiles developed globally https://ccafs.cgiar.org/publications/csa-country-profiles
Clim limate Change and Im Impacts Tanzania Projected Change in Temperature and Precipitation by 2030 https://ccafs.cgiar.org/publications/csa-country-profiles
Kenya County Climate Risk Profiles: Key Risks and Adaptation Options Identified Across Value Chains Developed to support the World Bank Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project ($250 million) Risk profiles were developed through strong engagement with county-level stakeholder Being developed for 31 Kenyan counties Provides a platform for CSA engagement and capacity building at the county level
CSA-Plan Situation Analysis Stocktaking for Risks and Enabling Conditions CSA Action Vulnerability & Impacts + Readiness Prioritizing Interventions CSA Investment Practices, Programs and Policies Portfolios Trade-offs & Value for Money Trade-offs Synergies among between aspects of aspects of CSA CSA FAO
Prioritizing Interventions Governmental decision-makers (national, local) Research NGOs Development partners Community organizations Results Results Results Results • Scope – region, • Short list of • CSA investment Ranked short commodity priority list based on portfolios • CSA indicator practices and economic • Identified programs analysis selection opportunities • Stakeholder • long list of CSA and constraints selection via practices workshops
CSA Cost-benefit Analysis 350 300 250 Social IRR (%) 200 150 100 50 0
— ’ — “ ” CSA Compendium: Synergies and trade-offs with CSA 1.0 Synergies Tradeoffs 15% 56% Resilience (Effect size) +Yield 0.5 -Net returns +soil C +soil C SOC 0.0 +Yield - women’s − 0.5 labor Rosenstock et al. 19% 11% − 1.0 Tradeoffs − 1.0 − 0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 Productivity Productivity (Effect size) ‘ ’ 2
Priorities Matter for Designing CSA Programs Equal Maize Yield Adaptation & Productivity considering Productivity Adaptation Only Only Maize Yield Only adoption rates Green Manure Green Manure Green Manure Organic Fertilizer Inorganic Fertilizer Mulching Organic Fertilizer Water Harvesting Water Harvesting Intercropping Organic Fertilizer Mulching Mulching Inorganic Fertilizer Water Harvesting Water Harvesting Reduced Tillage Agroforestry Green Manure Organic Fertilizer Pruning Crop Residue Organic Fertilizer Zai Pits Zai Pits Inorganic Fertilizer Pruning Inorganic Fertilizer Intercropping Mulching Agroforestry Inorganic Fertilizer Pruning Mulching Reduced Tillage Crop Residue Intercropping Intercropping Reduced Tillage Crop Residue Reduced Tillage Agroforestry Crop Residue Improved Variety Green Manure Intercropping Water Harvesting Reduced Tillage Crop Residue Crop Rotation Agroforestry Improved Variety Crop Rotation Agroforestry Rosenstock et al.
CSA-Plan Situation Analysis Stocktaking for CSA Risks and Enabling Conditions Action Vulnerability & Impacts + Readiness Targeting & Prioritizing CSA Investment Practices, Programs and Policies Portfolios Trade-offs & Value for Money Program Implementation Design & Implementation Guidelines Taking CSA to Scale Knowledge into Action • CSA Program Development • Business models • Implementation Guides • Incentive schemes
CSA Compendium : Risk vs. Reward of CSA sri High Reward, High Risk High Reward, Low Risk Reward (% yield increase) 200 af Crop if wh Beans of Maize wh Rice 100 Tubers zai rot gm ic rt iv mu af of if res of iv res af afp rt rot if res 0 if Low Reward, High Risk Low Reward, Low Risk iv 40 60 80 100 120 Chance of Success Lamanna et al. in prep
CSA X-Ray: Prioritizing with Data
Linking Farmers to Markets through Climate Smart Value Chains: LINK2.0 http://dapa.ciat.cgiar.org/link-methodology-version-2-0
Program Design & Implementation: Innovative Finance and Business Models for Scaling CSA Resilience, Nutrition, Poverty and Equity Outcomes Markets & Household Consumption Climate-Smart Village Saving Agriculture and Loan Interventions Associations Climate Resilience Gender Equity Social Capital Farmers Input Organizations Suppliers & Groups Farmer Field Business Schools
CSA-Plan Situation Analysis Stocktaking for CSA Risks and Enabling Conditions Action Vulnerability & Impacts + Readiness Targeting & Prioritizing CSA Investment Practices, Programs and Policies Portfolios Trade-offs & Value for Money Program Implementation Design & Implementation Guidelines Taking CSA to Scale Knowledge into Action Monitoring and Evaluation Learning from Across Scales and Systems Experience Evidence Based Results Framework
Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) A practical minimum data approach to create harmonized datasets at scale CHALLENGE APPROACH OUTCOME Idiosyncratic data limits Interoperable monitoring Characterizing and understanding & responses systems by design tracking change at scale Dietary diversity Gross income Cost-effective & rapid survey Flexible, inclusive of a ‘core - set’ Links & builds on existing efforts Every development partner has, Diagnose risks, detect or is developing, a unique relationships and monitor approach to monitoring CSA Innovate to reach changes among climate, which is likely to create a pile of accuracy at scale agriculture, gender, nutrition, information difficult to make and poverty sense of
Big Data Opportunities in Agriculture http://bigdata.cgiar.org
CSA-Plan Situation Analysis Stocktaking for Target Setting, Climate Risks & Enabling Conditions CSA Action Targets, Vulnerability & Impacts, Readiness Capacity Strengthening Prioritizing Interventions CSA Investment Engagement Practices, Programs and Policies Portfolios Value for Money & Trade-offs Program Implementation Taking CSA to Design, Development & Deployment Scale Knowledge into Action Monitoring and Evaluation Learning from Across Scales and Systems Experience Evidence Based Results Framework
World Bank Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project: Design & Implementation Support World Bank Kenya Climate Smart Agriculture Project Key Design Principles • Prioritization of promising CSA interventions • Scaling up of promising interventions • Value chain (VC) approach • Gender Sensitivity • Nutrition informed • Collaboration among agencies • Complementarity with other interventions http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/440241486868444705/pdf/Kenya-PAD-01182017.pdf
24 May 2017 World Bank Webinar Evan Girvetz Todd Rosenstock e.girvetz@cgiar.org @evangirvetz
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