esa estec gstp analog silicon compiler for mixed signal

ESA-ESTEC GSTP - Analog Silicon Compiler for Mixed Signal ASICs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

ESA-ESTEC GSTP - Analog Silicon Compiler for Mixed Signal ASICs Irradiation of CSA-PSA & Design of a CMOS High-Speed 8-bit 100MS/S ADC core Outline ! Irradiation of CSA-PSA chip [designed and fabricated in ASTP4 project] " Objectives

  1. ESA-ESTEC GSTP - Analog Silicon Compiler for Mixed Signal ASICs Irradiation of CSA-PSA & Design of a CMOS High-Speed 8-bit 100MS/S ADC core

  2. Outline ! Irradiation of CSA-PSA chip [designed and fabricated in ASTP4 project] " Objectives " Measurement setup " Measurements " Conclusions ! Design High-Speed 100MS/s 8-bit ADC " Objectives " Design methodology " Architectural level design " Device level design " Layout " Measurements " Conclusions Jan Vandenbussche 2 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  3. Irradiation CSA-PSA: objectives ! Perform an initial evaluation of the total dose hardness of the commercial 0.7 µ m CMOS process from MIETEC " radiation tolerance evaluation of standard CMOS technology ! Total dose testing on CSA-PSA chip : " designed and fabricated in ASTP4 project “VLSI Design Tools- Module generation for analog silicon compilation” with the ESTEC division of the ESA (Contract 9890/92/NL/GS). ! Workpackage " WP1200 Jan Vandenbussche 3 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  4. CSA-PSA: block-diagram Charge Sensitive Amplifier Semi-Gaussian pulse shaper R f HV C f Rbias Rpz - Q out - τ τ 0 Cdif 0 τ E=hv 0 tr 1 diff. n integr. detector Jan Vandenbussche 4 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  5. CSA-PSA: micro photograph Integrator Pole-zero canceling Differentiator CSA PSA R f Jan Vandenbussche 5 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  6. CSA-PSA: measurement setup ! Compliant with AD3 ! Five samples were exposed to 50 krad ! Two of them were afterwards exposed to 100 krad ! Measurements: " for good comparison additional noise and linearity measurements were done before irradiating the samples " for each sample 11 inputs were applied: varying from 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100fC " for each input signal a histogram, comprising 30.000 samples, was measured " linearity and noise were calculated from histograms Jan Vandenbussche 6 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  7. CSA-PSA: measurement results 1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 00 00 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2 output voltage [V] output voltage [V] output voltage [V] 1000 1000 1000 500 500 500 00 00 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2 output voltage [V] output voltage [V] output voltage [V] Jan Vandenbussche 7 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  8. CSA-PSA: measurement results cont’d 2.5 Output voltage CSA-PSA [V] τ p 2.0 1.5 1.0 ! gain:18mV/fC 0.5 ! peaking time: 1.14 µ s 0 ! noise: 899 e - RMS -0.5 ! linearity < 0.5 % 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 time [ sec] Jan Vandenbussche 8 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  9. CSA-PSA: measurement results cont’d 2.0 1.8 Before irradiation 1.6 Output voltage [V] 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Input Charge [fC] Jan Vandenbussche 9 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  10. CSA-PSA: measurement results cont’d 1.6 1.4 1.2 [V] output voltage 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 After 50 krad 0 -0.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Input Charge [fC] Jan Vandenbussche 10 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  11. CSA-PSA: measurement results cont’d ! After exposure to 50 krad " a slight decrease in conversion gain: from 18mV/fC to 16mV/fC " the peaking time decreases slightly from 1.14 to 1.17 µ s " the noise level shows little change ! Conclusion 50 krad irradiation " all chips survived the irradiation testing of 50 krad quite good " only a slight decrease in performance is noticed " good recovery after 24 hours " full recovery after 168 hours. Jan Vandenbussche 11 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  12. CSA-PSA: measurement results cont’d 1.2 1.0 After 100 krad [V] 0.8 output voltage 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Input Charge [fC] Jan Vandenbussche 12 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  13. CSA-PSA: measurement results cont’d ! After exposure to 100 krad " a further decrease in performance " the conversion gain dropped by a factor of two " the peaking time increased from 1.14 µ s to 1.20 µ s " the noise level increased slightly After 24 hours annealing little recovery was seen, after 168 hours of annealing both samples had fully recovered from the irradiation ! Conclusion 100 krad irradiation " both samples survived irradiation " little recovery after 24 hours annealing " full recovery after 168 hours of annealing Jan Vandenbussche 13 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  14. CSA-PSA: conclusions ! the Alcatel Microelectronics CMOS 0.7 µ m technology shows good radiation tolerance ! deep submicron CMOS technologies can be a viable alternative to expensive radiation hard technology: " gate all around ! the sample set was too small to draw finalizing conclusions, but same message was heard on RadTol meeting Jan Vandenbussche 14 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  15. CSA-PSA: conclusions cont’d ! RadTol 49 meeting " gate allround techniques for analog as well as digital libraries " promising results were presented at the RadTol meeting # plain CMOS is a true candidate for future space applications. ! Publications originating from this work " J. Vandenbussche, F. Leyn, G. Van der Plas, G. Gielen, "Total Dose Testing of a Standad CMOS Particle Detector Front-End for Space Applications", RadTol meeting R49, Geneve, October 28 1998. " J. Vandenbussche, F. Leyn, G. Van der Plas, G. Gielen, and W. Sansen, "A Fully Integrated Low-Power CMOS Paritcle Detector Front-End for Space Applications", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 45, pp. 2262-2272, August 1998. Jan Vandenbussche 15 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  16. Outline ! Irradiation of CSA-PSA chip " Objectives " Measurement setup " Measurements " Conclusions ! Design High-Speed 100MS/s 8-bit ADC " Objectives " Design methodology " Architectural level design " Device level design " Layout " Measurements " Conclusions Jan Vandenbussche 16 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  17. Objectives ! Address how state-of-the-art design can be enhanced using AMGIE functionality " topologies change as technological boundaries move on " what about design re-use? " how to speed up the design, what tasks can be automated? ! Demonstrator design: " 8-bit ADC at 60-100MS/s is a typical component in receiver front-ends " design of high-speed ADC core for high-speed base station application (GPS, video decoding, TV decoding, satellite decoding, WLAN, …) ! Workpackages: " WP 2120, WP 2200, WP 2300, WP 2400, WP 2500 Jan Vandenbussche 17 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  18. Design Methodology D ESIGN P HASE ! symbolic analysis Analog Digital for sizing level Sizing - Synopsis Synthesis: Architectural level ! no analog tools for module level ? ? Sizing " MONDRIAAN - Matlab - Hspice Device Level Tool ? " bus generator Floorplanning " equal delay - Cell Ensemble Layout - Virtuoso Standard cell routing - Avant! P&R Device Level Place & route ! assembly - Virtuoso Layout - Mondriaan Module Level - C++ manually ? ? - Virtuoso Layout Assembly & Verification Jan Vandenbussche 18 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  19. Architectural Level: overview topologies bits GaAs CMOS Bipolar 18 16 14 sigma-delta 12 multi-step 8-bit 100MS/s pipelined 10 flash 8 6 4 1K 10K 100K 1M 10M 100M 1G 10G fs [Hz] Jan Vandenbussche 19 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  20. Architectural Level: overview cont’d ! Possible candidates for 8-bit 100MS/s ADC: " pipelined architecture $ low power $ sampling speed shifts to higher frequencies as technology scales down $ no publications on such high-speed ‘working’ designs " flash: $ consumes a lot of power $ intrinsically the fastest architecture with its full parallel implementation $ 8-bit 80MS/s CMOS flash ADC has been published # Only the flash architectures are capable of obtaining the targeted specifications in the 0.35 µ m CMOS technology Jan Vandenbussche 20 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  21. Architectural Level: Flash ADC ! Problems classical flash ADC " large power consumption (2 N comparators) $ solution: folding " large input capacitance, resulting in bandwidth limitations for input signal frequencies $ solution: interpolation " input feedthrough " kickback noise ! Additional improvements " averaging (Bult ISSCC ) by preamplifiers " new fully differential input stage " new enhanced comparator to avoid kickback noise Jan Vandenbussche 21 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

  22. Architectural Level: block diagram Reference Ladder vin_plus_sh vin_plus S/H vin_min vin_min_sh Preamp Stage 1 Preamp Stage 2 Comparator Error Correction (NAND) pull-up ROM GRAY ENCODER (ROM) Latch clk b 0 b 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 b 5 b 6 b 7 Jan Vandenbussche 22 Final presentation – ESA-ESTEC 7/3/2001

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