smart farm smart farm services in agriculture services in

Smart Farm: Smart Farm: services in agriculture services in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Smart Farm: Smart Farm: services in agriculture services in agriculture Smart Farm Flagship, NECTEC Grand thematic session ICT Industry and Regionalization ICT for Civic Empowerment ICT for Social Services ICT for Productivity,

  1. Smart Farm: Smart Farm: services in agriculture services in agriculture Smart Farm Flagship, NECTEC

  2. Grand thematic session ● ICT Industry and Regionalization ● ICT for Civic Empowerment ● ICT for Social Services ● ICT for Productivity, Sustainability, and Quality ● Infrastructure of the Future Smart Farm Flagship

  3. SIG(Special Interested Group) • SIG-crop production/traceability • SIG-knowledge services • SIG-agriculture risk management:predictive model • SIG-safety & quality /consumers trust • SIG-farmer income insurance • SIG-e-Logistics Smart Farm Flagship

  4. Kitchen of the World, Global Niche, New Economy Aquaculture(Tilapia) Learning pilot Seri-culture Dendrobium Oil Palm Mango Premium Rice Orchid Traceability application, Data integration,Logistics tracking Data standardization, GS 1 Traceability IT enabling platform Farm sensors, Sensors for logistic, Farm input system, Cloud, Farm robotics, Sensor for food quality, Information on mobiles, RFID Geo Spatial engines-Location Based Services GLN Agro Cyber Brain DaaS KM Geo Social Networks, Knowledge on-demand on mobiles

  5. Smart Certified Services 2 Cloud computing services Brand, Story, trust Story on Social network 1 Exporters Retailers Consumers Smart Farmers 3 4 Easy life Digitized Co-creation Scalability Innovative value proposition Scalability Easy check Thai Farm Fresh e-Catalog e-Certification(GAP) e-Services E-Logistics for perishable Food safety sensors Single window for export/ products Freshness sensors Farm Sensors Sensors for food quality Smart storage Smart Packaging My-Farm system Smart Logistics I-Farm system Instruments Pick-your-own Services on-demand GLN Geo Spatial Services (on mobiles) Inter-connectivity(stanardization, Internet) QR code QR code E-Phytosanitary certification Single window for export services Trace back-trace forward e-Commerce:services on DHL

  6. December 2009 IT Rank Variety Production Processing Marketing DSS/BI/Database 1 Y Y Y Y Simulation 2 Y Y O Y KM 1 Y Y Y Y Logistics 2 O Y Y Y IT Infrastructure 2 Y Y O Y GI 1 Y Y Y Y Embedded system 2 O Y Y Y IT enabling 2 Y Y Y O iTH(3G, Cloud) 1 Y Y Y Y Robotic 3 O Y Y O Sensors 1 Y Y Y Y

  7. Projects Variety Production Processing Marketing Agricultural BI, SIM, Embedded System Monitoring NECTEC, START, CMU, GISTDA, OAE,MU, CP, MP, MICT, KU System(Decision Support System, Precision Farming) Farmers Income IT Enabling, GI Insurance NECTEC,BAAC, CU , GISTDA, KU Program Legal Change KM (Standard, Cluster ICT, CCKM, KU Compliance) GI for Prediction GI NECTEC, OAE, CMU, BOA, TRF, MICT, GISTDA, Cluster ICT, KU Knowledge KM engineering workers NECTEC, DOAE, DOF, BAAC, TLA, TRF, KU GAP, IT Enabling, GI, KM Traceability NECTEC, KU, DOF, DOAE, ACFS Platform GI, I-Thailand Ready Tech-Embedded System, Sensors, Robotics

  8. Proposed tasks: Pre-harvest Post-harvest Market/consumer ● Farm automation ● E-Logistics ● Freshness sensors ● Crop growth ● Smart packaging ● Ripening indicator monitoring ● Smart storage Traceability Model ● Predictive model ● E-GAP certification services Cluster Farms: services as a products Rice, orchids, tilapia, sericulture,vegetables Smart Farm Flagship

  9. Rice growth model & harvesting Index monitoring through RS and ground sensors Rice traceability Rice knowledge portal on ontology based Adaptation of tilapia farm to climate variability Orchids traceability/logistics Embedded system for farm automation and disaster monitoring

  10. More problems to come: ● Aging society ● Adaptation policy to climate variability ● Water crisis ● Land degradation ● New services on farm/consumers ● New trade issues(carbon footprint, water footprint-water harvest, x-footprint) ● Food quality and accessibility ● Food quality and standard in free trade? 12 Smart Farm Flagship

  11. What's What's the future? the future? 1 st scenario Value Preposition More invest in agriculture services change mindset more service innovation need co-creation 13 Smart Farm Flagship

  12. What's What's the future? the future? 2 nd scenario increase productivity Invest in production factors wisely Zero waste in farm Need ICT Technology 14 Smart Farm Flagship


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