Case Study: Luke Air Force Base Bioremediation Transition Jeanette Macias Benjamin Frelka Wayne Warrington
Conventional Oil and Water Separator Oil and Water separators work on a gravitational system that settles solids at the bottom oils rise to the top and water flows in between. Gravitational oil and water separators are not design for other contaminants aside from oil and petroleum. Water is then pumped and transported to a water treatment facility to be treated.
Bioremediation The use of microbes to clean contaminated water Microbes eat and digest contaminants
Implementation at Luke Air Force Base Effectively integrated with the existing work processes Grease traps and bacterial buckets at food facilities. Water runs to LAFB water treatment facility and certified to redistribute wherever.
Before and After Bioremediation Before After
Data Analysis 96% Reduction in Gallons Pumped 94% Cost Savings 200,000 175,926 180,000 160,000 140,000 120,000 pumps in gallons 100,000 cost of pumping 80,000 $66,208 60,000 40,000 20,000 7,440 $3,760 0 1 2 2013 2014
Potential Converts
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