carlisle public school

CARLISLE PUBLIC SCHOOL FY20 Finance Committee Preliminary Budget - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CARLISLE PUBLIC SCHOOL FY20 Finance Committee Preliminary Budget Presentation October 29, 2018 District Objectives Provide a rich, rigorous, and relevant curriculum Build a community of respect and inclusion in a safe and healthy

  1. CARLISLE PUBLIC SCHOOL FY’20 Finance Committee Preliminary Budget Presentation October 29, 2018

  2. District Objectives Ø Provide a rich, rigorous, and relevant curriculum Ø Build a community of respect and inclusion in a safe and healthy learning environment Ø Ensure equity and excellence in learning

  3. Objecti tive 1 1: P : Provide a a r rich, r , rigorous, a , and r relevant t curricul cur culum um • Class s size i is d directly r related t to s student a achievement • Elementary s school c class s size g guidelines a are s supported b by research: re Grades K-2 18 or fewer Grades 3-5 21 or fewer • Middle s school b benefits f from a a t transitional m model o of 1 1 teacher f for e each c core s subject a area: Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies • Diverse C Curricular O Offerings a across a all o of K K-8: 8: Art, Music, French, Spanish, Chinese, Engineering, Physical Education, Health, Library/Media/Coding

  4. Objecti tive 2 2: B : Build a a c community ty o of r respect a t and inclusion i in a a s safe a and h health thy l learning e environment • Social a and E Emotional S Support: • School Psychologists Elementary, RISE, MS • Board C Certified B Behavior A Analyst ( (BCBA) • Behavioral support for students • School B Based P Programs: • Social Groups • Advisory • Olweus • Buddy Program • Challenge Success

  5. Objecti tive 3 3: E : Ensure e equity ty a and e excellence i in lear le arning • Multi T Tiered S Support S Service M Model • Support services most effective when tailored to meet individual needs • Tier I I • In-class instructional modifications designed to support all students • Tier II II • In and out of class support • Additional instruction provided by Math and Literacy specialists • Additional instruction supervised by paraprofessionals • Aides trained to provide services

  6. Objecti tive 3 3: E : Ensure e equity ty a and e excellence i in learning, c , cont � d • Tier III III • Special education • Support Services identified in Individual Education Plan (IEP) • Services include specialized classroom instruction, academic support, speech and language, occupational and physical therapy, psychological and behavioral support. • Specialized instruction and programming delivered in district when possible. • Out o of D District P Placements • Specialized placements to support the learning needs of students. • Investigating opportunities to develop programming and supports to allow students to have their needs met within the district.

  7. Is Is i it Wo t Working? ■ The School “walks the talk” regarding its objectives. ■ CPS makes it a priority to provide support to all students who might be struggling with social, emotional or learning issues. ■ Parents report that they feel their children are treated as individuals and agree CPS is student centric. ■ CPS is annually ranked among the highest performing districts in the Commonwealth based on test results ■ We are meeting or exceeding all state designated improvement targets for all our subgroups. ■ Regardless, achieving affordable sustained excellence in a small district is a challenge, and CPS seeks continuous improvement in its service delivery model.

  8. Historical E Enrollment 20 2019-20 P Projected Gr Grade 20 2014-15 15 20 2015-16 16 20 2016-17 17 2017-18 20 18 20 2018-20 2019 Ra Range Pre-K 14 14 14 15 14 15 K 52 55 51 63 57 55-57 1 71 53 58 57 62 57-59 2 58 75 54 60 62 62-64 3 72 53 73 59 62 62-64 4 71 66 59 75 64 62-64 5 75 71 70 65 76 64-66 6 71 73 70 70 65 76-78 7 77 69 73 74 73 65-67 8 85 80 68 76 73 73-75 Total To 64 646 609 609 590 590 61 614 608 608 591-609 59 609 Note: Historical end of year, 2018-2019 as of Oct 1.

  9. Projected E Enrollment Actual Actual Average Average Grade Actual Average Grade Actual per Projected Projected per Sizes Sections Class sizes Sizes Sections Section Class Size Class Size Section Grade 17-18 17-18 17-18 18-19 18-19 18-19 19-20 19-20 19-20 Guideline Pre-K 15 1 15 14 1 14 15 1 15 Kindergarten 63 4 16 57 3 19 55-57 3 18 First 57 3 19 62 4 16 57-59 4 16 Second 60 4 15 62 4 16 62-64 4 16 Pre-K - 2 195 12 16 195 12 16 189-195 12 Guideline<18 Third 59 3 20 62 3 21 62-64 3 21 Fourth 75 4 19 64 3 21 62-64 3 21 3 - 5 134 7 19 126 6 21 124-128 6 Guideline<21 Fifth 65 4 16 76 4 19 64-66 4 16 5 65 4 16 76 4 19 64-66 4 Dyad Model Sixth 70 4 18 65 4 17 76-78 4 19 Seventh 73 4 18 73 4 18 65-67 4 17 Eighth 76 4 19 73 4 18 73-75 4 18 1 Teacher/ 6 - 8 219 12 18 211 12 18 214-220 12 Subject Area Total (Pre-K-8) 613 35 18 608 34 18 591-609 34 TOTAL SECTIONS 35 34 34 Notes: Numbers do not include out of district students

  10. FY2020 B BUDGET P PROPOSAL $11,6 ,634,2 ,251 = = 3 3.7 .79% i increase o over F FY 1 19 Net t to T Town $ $11,6 ,609,2 ,251 = = 3 3.5 .57% i increase o over F FY19 $14,000,000 4.50% Year over Year % Increase, 4.00% $12,000,000 3.50% $10,000,000 3.00% $8,000,000 2.50% (gold) 2.00% $6,000,000 1.50% $4,000,000 1.00% $2,000,000 0.50% $0 0.00% FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 Historical Budget Increases FY15 – FY19 5 Year Average – 2.84% FY10 – FY19 10 Year Average – 2.29% *Historically, $25K annual maintenance was absorbed in LTC budget

  11. Historic Out of District % Actual/Anticipated % Circuit Breaker % Increase Spend Increase Applied Increase FY Budgeted Net Spend 18 $501,000 $519,057 $141,444 (FY17) $377,613 19 $497,825 0% $775,825 49% $117,654 (FY18) $658,171 74% 20 $691,365 39% $691,365 -11% $138,371 (FY19) $552,994 -16%

  12. MUNIS Account Detail % Increase FY20 ORG ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FY18 Actual FY19 ORIGINAL Approp FY20 Proposed Approp Comments over FY19 12102 District $163,600 $176,781 $179,045 1.28% 12103 Sch Committee $38,819 $34,367 $36,085 5.00% 12203 Administration $318,760 $319,237 $326,075 2.14% 12213 Business Office $107,038 $116,330 $121,877 4.77% Transition plan for new business manager 12301 Regular Ed Program $5,529,024 $5,820,677 $5,886,215 1.13% 12302 Student Serv/SPED $2,177,271 $2,485,161 $2,562,520 3.11% Increase in contracted services; steps/lanes 12401 Texts,Regular Education $217,695 $213,853 $213,853 0.00% 12503 School Library $13,023 $14,000 $14,000 0.00% 12801 School Psychologist $328,057 $331,327 $347,333 4.83% 13203 Health Services $168,492 $137,266 $143,428 4.49% 13301 Student Activities/Trans $339,630 $378,000 $420,000 11.11% Pending new 3 year bus contract 13302 SPED Trans $83,556 $79,860 $100,000 25.22% Based on # of OODs needing transportation 13303 Educational Equipment $20,174 $32,250 $32,250 0.00% 13523 Student Activities $2,011 $4,000 $4,000 0.00% 14113 Custodial $532,442 $552,843 $559,542 1.21% 14123 Gas Heat $67,897 $93,437 $75,109 -19.62% New rates 14133 Utility Services $159,957 $183,494 $172,551 -5.96% New rates 14213 Maint Grounds $3,537 $3,714 $3,899 4.98% 14223 Maint Buildings $99,921 $115,500 $141,275 22.32% Includes$25K from annual maint, otherwise <1% 14233 Maint Equipment $53,714 $66,150 $60,000 -9.30% 15102 Out of District Tuition $519,057 $497,825 $691,365 38.88% See detail next slide TOTAL $10,943,675 $11,656,072 $12,090,422 3.73% Less: Offsets $446,806 $456,171 Requested Budget $10,946,247 $11,209,266 $11,634,251 3.79% Less: OOD and assoc transportation $577,685 $791,365 36.99% Net of OOD/Trans $10,631,581 $10,842,886 1.99%

  13. Distr trict C t Comparison F FY17 Carlisle Concord Dover Lincoln Sherborn Sudbury Bedford Harvard COMMUNITY FY16 (K-8) FY16 (K-8) FY16 (K-6) FY16 (K-8) FY16 (K-6) FY16 (K-8) FY16 (K-12) FY16 (K-12) Students 596 2141 498 1225 437 2831 2667 1167 General Fund $11,326,952 $38,673,287 $11,045,644 $13,421,974 $7,665,305 $41,073,196 $45,130,715 $15,888,561 Grants, Revolving & Other $ $826,365 $2,696,255 $570,711 $14,681,807 $447,919 $3,372,462 $2,770,043 $4,929,231 Total $ $12,153,317 $41,369,542 $11,616,355 $28,103,781 $8,113,224 $44,445,658 $47,900,758 $20,817,792 PerPupil Cost $20,395 $19,324 $23,335 $22,944 $18,553 $15,699 $17,959 $17,843 Administrative & Instructional Leadership 10.34% 9.53% 10.57% 12.93% 12.31% 11.48% 11.52% 10.42% Direct Service to Students 54.94% 53.95% 40.18% 46.65% 47.28% 49.51% 44.68% 41.38% Total SPED Expenses ' FY15 24.4% 23.5% 37.1% 14.3% 34.2% 22.6% 26.2% 20.9%


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