CCAR PROTOCOLS The Agreements Stay Engaged Experience Discomfort Speak Your Truth Expect/Accept Non-Closure
DR. SIEGFRIED’S MESSAGE OCTOBER 2018 Data Highlights: • Course Enrollment • Disproportionality • Continuously Enrolled in CCSD K-12 th
Grade 11 - ACT Reading benchmark C O N T I N U O U S American Indian D A T A P I C T U R E Asian Black Hispanic / Latino Two or more races White Grade 7 - ACT Aspire Reading Benchmark American Indian Asian Black Hispanic / Latino Pacific Islander Two or more races White Grade 3 - CMAS ELA Benchmark American Indian Asian Black Hispanic / Latino Pacific Islander Two or more races White
MINDFUL INQUIRY PROTOCOL What’s on your heart and mind when you consider: • My child is missing from the data set . . . 3 rd , 7 th , 11 th grade data picture Racial disaggregation Disproportionality • My child is represented and getting what he/she needs . . . With a dyad partner, use the Mindful Inquiry Protocol to process your thoughts.
1. Share (2 min.) Considering what’s on your heart and your mind . . . • What’s dialing up for you? Where are you on the Compass? My child is missing from these data? My child is represented and getting what he/she needs. II. Paraphrase & Clarify (2 min.) • What I heard you say . . . MINDFUL INQUIRY PROTOCOL • What I meant was . . . III. Reverse Roles & Repeat the Process (4 min.) Process: Identify Partner A & Partner B Share Your Thoughts Paraphrase and Clarify Reverse Roles
FROM DYAD TO QUAD Share the ideas resonating Identify your from your dyad discussion questions/thoughts as a quad
All Students DATA PRESENTATION Course Enrollment Disaggregated Data
DATA DISCUSSION How will we have a conversation about our data? The Agreements Stay Engaged Experience Discomfort Speak Your Truth Expect/Accept Non-Closure
Table Discussion - Generate a list of questions that surface as you examine the data Note: Produce as many questions as you can connected to the answers you desire Rules for Producing Questions: QUESTION 1. Ask as many questions as you can FORMATION 2. Do not stop to answer, judge or discuss the questions TECHNIQUE 3. Write down every question exactly as it is stated 4. Change any statement into a question 5. Aim for open v. closed questions ~ The Right Question Institute, http://rightquestion.org/education/ •
CLOSED V. OPEN- ENDED QUESTIONS Open-ended questions require more explanation when answering. They will usually have multiple answers and can cause rich discussion because there is more than one correct answer.
TYPES OF QUESTIONS: CLOSED/OPEN-ENDED A closed-ended question contrasts with an open-ended question, which cannot be answered with a simple "yes" or "no”, or with a specific piece of fact-based information, and which gives the person answering the question scope to share opinions and give the information that seems to them to be appropriate. • Can be answered with either a "yes" or "no” – or there is one answer • Has a correct fact-based answer, and it really isn't open to interpretation. • Note: Closed-ended questions don't usually cause rich discussion.
TAKING ACTION 1 Review the questions generated. • Choose three questions from your list. Which three questions are: • Most important • Want/Need to be answered first • If answered, would promote excellence for all students in CCSD
Identify trends and recommendations NEXT STEPS Inform strategic plan Develop action plan
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