dealing with separation in logistic regression models

Dealing with Separation in Logistic Regression Models Carlisle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Dealing with Separation in Logistic Regression Models Carlisle Rainey Assistant Professor Texas A&M University paper, data, and code at The prior matters a lot, so choose a good one. The prior matters

  1. Dealing with Separation in Logistic Regression Models Carlisle Rainey Assistant Professor Texas A&M University paper, data, and code at

  2. The prior matters a lot, so choose a good one.

  3. The prior matters a lot, 1. in practice 2. in theory so choose a good one. 3. concepts 4. software

  4. The Prior Matters in Practice

  5. politics need

  6. Variable Coefficient Confidence Interval Democratic Governor -26.35 [-126,979.03; 126,926.33] % Uninsured (Std.) 0.92 [-3.46; 5.30] % Favorable to ACA 0.01 [-0.17; 0.18] GOP Legislature 2.43 [-0.47; 5.33] Fiscal Health 0.00 [-0.02; 0.02] Medicaid Multiplier -0.32 [-2.45; 1.80] % Non-white 0.05 [-0.12; 0.21] % Metropolitan -0.08 [-0.17; 0.02] Constant 2.58 [-7.02; 12.18]

  7. Variable Coefficient Confidence Interval Democratic Governor -26.35 [-126,979.03; 126,926.33] % Uninsured (Std.) 0.92 [-3.46; 5.30] % Favorable to ACA 0.01 [-0.17; 0.18] GOP Legislature 2.43 [-0.47; 5.33] Fiscal Health 0.00 [-0.02; 0.02] Medicaid Multiplier -0.32 [-2.45; 1.80] % Non-white 0.05 [-0.12; 0.21] % Metropolitan -0.08 [-0.17; 0.02] Constant 2.58 [-7.02; 12.18]

  8. Variable Coefficient Confidence Interval Democratic Governor -26.35 [-126,979.03; 126,926.33] % Uninsured (Std.) 0.92 [-3.46; 5.30] % Favorable to ACA 0.01 [-0.17; 0.18] GOP Legislature 2.43 [-0.47; 5.33] Fiscal Health 0.00 [-0.02; 0.02] Medicaid Multiplier -0.32 [-2.45; 1.80] This is a failure of maximum likelihood. % Non-white 0.05 [-0.12; 0.21] % Metropolitan -0.08 [-0.17; 0.02] Constant 2.58 [-7.02; 12.18]

  9. Different default priors produce different results.

  10. The Prior Matters in Theory

  11. For 1. a monotonic likelihood p ( y | β ) decreasing in β s , 2. a proper prior distribution p ( β | σ ) , and 3. a large, negative β s , the posterior distribution of β s is proportional to the prior distribution for β s , so that p ( β s | y ) ∝ p ( β s | σ ) .

  12. For 1. a monotonic likelihood p ( y | β ) decreasing in β s , 2. a proper prior distribution p ( β | σ ) , and 3. a large, negative β s , the posterior distribution of β s is proportional to the prior distribution for β s , so that p ( β s | y ) ∝ p ( β s | σ ) .

  13. The prior determines crucial parts of the posterior.

  14. Key Concepts for Choosing a Good Prior

  15. Pr ( y i ) = Λ ( β c + β s s i + β 1 x i 1 + ... + β k x ik )

  16. Transforming the Prior Distribution ˜ β ∼ p ( β ) π new = p ( y new | ˜ ˜ β ) q new = q (˜ ˜ π new )

  17. We Already Know Few Things β 1 ≈ ˆ β mle 1 β 2 ≈ ˆ β mle 2 β s < 0 . . . β k ≈ ˆ β mle k

  18. Partial Prior Distribution p ∗ ( β | β s < 0 , β − s = ˆ β mle − s ) , where ˆ β mle = −∞ s

  19. Software for Choosing a Good Prior

  20. separation (on GitHub)

  21. Stan Project rstanarm StataStan

  22. Conclusion

  23. The prior matters a lot, so choose a good one.

  24. What should you do? 1. Notice the problem and do something. 2. Recognize the the prior affects the inferences and choose a good one. 3. Assess the robustness of your conclusions to a range of prior distributions.


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