career education standard

Career Education Standard 53, 000 Five change themes Seven year - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Career Education Standard 53, 000 Five change themes Seven year plan How are we doing? Youth unemployment Be one of the top five performing countries in the EU for youth unemployment by reducing the youth unemployment rate to match the fifth

  1. Career Education Standard

  2. 53, 000 Five change themes Seven year plan

  3. How are we doing?

  4. Youth unemployment Be one of the top five performing countries in the EU for youth unemployment by reducing the youth unemployment rate to match the fifth best country in the EU by 2021 2014 19.0% 2015 13.8% The rate of the fifth best country in the EU was 14.7% The rate of the fifth best country in the EU was 11.7%

  5. Destinations Main Findings • Overall the percentage of leavers entering a positive destination is 92.9% - highest since comparable records began • The majority of school leavers ....... within Higher or Further Education 66.1% - highest level since comparable records began . • The percentage of leavers who are unemployed seeking is 5.4% lowest level since comparable records began

  6. Attainment

  7. PHS Positive Destinations

  8. Leavers Destinations

  9. But ........

  10. Job ready? “Business is clear that the school and college system must deliver young people who are rigorously educated, but also rounded and grounded and ready for adult life. This means developing the key attitudes and behaviours that will underpin their whole career, alongside relevant knowledge and skills”. School Ties, FSB 2016

  11. What are employers looking for? Attitude and aptitude are valued more by employers than qualifications Delivering Excellence: A new approach for schools in Scotland, CBI (2015)

  12. What do young people think they want? Qualifications are what employers want most. How do we address the mismatch between young people’s and employers’ views?

  13. A business perspective 85% of business do not think the current quality of advice about careers is good enough. Just 4% believe it is up to scratch. Delivering Excellence: A new approach for schools in Scotland, CBI (2015) More needs to be done to ensure that our young people are: • Aware of the different career opportunities available to them; • Understand the different pathways into those careers; • And have access to high quality careers advice which is informed by labour market data So over to SDS then?

  14. Career Education “Just 5% said that a careers advisor would help the most in getting a job they would be satisfied with and when asked why they were thinking of a certain career, only 14% said that a careers advisor had recommended it. Respondents were also unable to recognise that good careers advice can help secure a great job. Only 8% of those surveyed agreed that a lack of good careers advice is a barrier to getting a good job”. Great expectations, City and Guilds 2015

  15. There’s more than one path to success

  16. Reflects existing guidance In context Six entitlements for all learners: Entitlement 4: Opportunities for developing skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work Entitlement 6: Opportunities to move into positive and sustained destinations beyond school

  17. EARLY FIRST SECOND THIRD FOURTH In everyday activity and Through taking part in a Opportunities to carry out I am developing the skills Based on my variety of events and different activities and roles play, I explore and make and attributes which I will need interests, skills, activities, I am learning to in a variety of settings have choices to develop my for learning, life and strengths and recognise my own enabled me to identify learning and interests. I am work . I am gaining preferences, I am supported skills and abilities as well my achievements encouraged to use and understanding of the relevance of to make suitable, share my learning as those of others. skills and areas for my current learning to future realistic and HWB 0-19a HWB 1-19a development. This will help opportunities. This is informed choices, me to prepare for the helping me to make set manageable goals and next stage in my informed choices about my plan for my further life and learning. life and learning. transitions. HWB 2-19a HWB 3-19a HWB 4-19a I can describe some of the kinds of work that people do I am investigating different careers/occupations, ways of working, and and I am finding out about the wider learning and training paths . I am gaining experience that helps me recognise world of work . HWB 0-1-20a the relevance of my learning, skills and interests to my future life. HWB 2-4-20a Responsibility of all across the curriculum

  18. How Good is our School? (2015) 3.3 CREATIVITY AND EMPLOYABILITY Theme 4: Increasing employability skills Features of highly effective practice:  The school audits practice using the entitlements and expectations in the Career Education Standard.  Young people experience rich work-based learning. This enables them to make informed career choices. Challenge questions:  How well are we working with learners, parents and carers, employers, colleges and other partners to develop an effective approach to careers education which supports them into sustained positive destinations?  Do young people make effective use of relevant digital and online resources to help them make informed decisions about future pathways?  How knowledgeable and up-to-date is our school team about career and employability prospects? Additionally: 1.3 Leadership; 2.2 Curriculum; 2.3 L&T; 2.5 Family learning; 2.6 Transitions; 2.7 Partnerships; 3.2 Raising attainment and achievement

  19. Career Education Standard Aims • Children and young people should: – learn earlier about career management and the world of work – be better prepared to enter and sustain employment • Recognise key influencers & shared responsibility • Describe and clarify complementary roles

  20. Career Education: a 3-18 journey • Builds on existing practice • Starts early • Systematic • Partnership • Individual needs • Skills focus

  21. ‘I can’ • Inform planning • Describe success • Support self evaluation and profiling • Further developed in ‘Progression Frameworks’ toolkit

  22. Expectations • Describe and clarify roles of the four key influencers

  23. Expectations of all PHS Teachers 2016/17 • Developing your knowledge of the career opportunities available to your students. • Develop your knowledge of the variety of pathways for progression. • When reviewing your courses look for opportunities to include skills for work. • Make skills development explicit. • Encourage diverse thinking and challenge discriminatory and sexist attitudes to career pathways. • Look for opportunities to form partnerships with employers. • Where ever possible contextualise learning.

  24. Learning ... always better in context

  25. How Good is our School? (2015) 3.3 CREATIVITY AND EMPLOYABILITY Theme 4: Increasing employability skills Features of highly effective practice: Expectations  The school audits practice using the entitlements of faculties for and expectations in the Career Education Standard. 2016/17  Young people experience rich work-based learning. This enables them to make informed career choices. Challenge questions:  How well are we working with learners, parents and carers, employers, colleges and other partners to develop an effective approach to careers education which supports them into sustained positive destinations?  Do young people make effective use of relevant digital and online resources to help them make informed decisions about future pathways?  How knowledgeable and up-to-date is our school team about career and employability prospects? Additionally: 1.3 Leadership; 2.2 Curriculum; 2.3 L&T; 2.5 Family learning; 2.6 Transitions; 2.7 Partnerships; 3.2 Raising attainment and achievement

  26. Any questions?


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