Agenda Item #8 2045 L ONG -R ANGE T RANSPORTATION P LAN C ANDIDATE P ROJECTS : D ATA C OLLECTION Long-Range Transportation Plan Subcommittee June 3, 2020 Theresa Brooks Transportation Engineer III
D ATA C OLLECTION – C OST E STIMATES ▪ 1 st presentation on data collection given at March LRTP Subcommittee Planning Level Cost Estimates meeting Units Used for Cost (select Estimated Source of 2045 ID Locality Project Name From To Project Cost from Opening Year Cost dropdown ▪ We have received cost estimates menu) Multi- I-64 at Exit Hampton Roads 2045-106 jurisdiction I-64 HOT Lanes 242 MPA Boundary al from most stakeholders Multi- 2045-109 jurisdiction I-664 Widening Bowers Hill College Dr al • Cost estimates under review by 2045-122 Chesapeake Battlefield Blvd Johnstown Rd I-64 G.W. Hwy (US Old Battlefield 2045-123 Chesapeake Ballahack Rd 17) Blvd VDOT 2045-124 Chesapeake Bruce Rd Tyre Neck Rd Taylor Rd ▪ Still missing some cost data 2045-125 Chesapeake Cedar Rd Holt Dr Battlefield Blvd Mount Virginia Beach • Note: projects cannot be 2045-126 Chesapeake Centerville Tnpk Pleasant Rd CL Chesapeake Centerville Tnpk - Mt Pleasant 2045-127 Elbow Rd Phase 1 Rd properly evaluated without cost Chesapeake Centerville Tnpk - Virginia Beach 2045-128 Elbow Rd Phase 2 CL data Hampton Roads 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan 2
P ROJECT E VALUATION P ROCESS ▪ Identify/Confirm Committed Candidate Projects List Projects – ongoing Identify/Confirm Committed Projects ▪ Environmental Mitigation Environmental Mitigation Consultation Consultation – completed Title VI/Environmental Justice Analysis ▪ Title VI/Environmental Justice Spatial Overlay Analysis Analysis – under draft review ▪ Spatial Overlay Analysis – under Stakeholders: Submit and Review Data draft review HRTPO and VDOT: Review Data ▪ Project Prioritization incorporating Project Evaluation and Scenario Planning Scenario Planning - initiated Review Draft Prioritization Scores Finalize Prioritization Scores Hampton Roads 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan 3
P ROJECT D ATA C OLLECTION Examples of Data Needed Project Data Sources • Planning Level Cost Estimates • Congestion (current and future) • Travel Time Reliability HRTPO VDOT • Reduction in Regional Travel Time • Safety Data • Degree of Regional Impact • Resiliency Data Other • Basic Sector Access Localities Stakeholders • Economic Distress Factors Project • Environmental documentation/NEPA Prioritization • Funding • Environmental Considerations • Land Use Compatibility • Etc. Hampton Roads 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan 4
P ROJECT D ATA C OLLECTION ▪ Spreadsheets will be sent electronically ▪ Localities/Stakeholders: • Fill in yellow highlighted cells • Review data in white cells Hampton Roads 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan 5
R ECOMMENDED A CTION ▪ Review and Provide Data to Theresa Brooks ( by COB June 26, 2020 Hampton Roads 2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan 6
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