upcoming resurfacing projects on sr 60

Upcoming Resurfacing Projects on SR 60 Project Costs (includes both - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Proposed concept SR 60/K ENNEDY B OULEVARD AND J ACKSON S TREET R ESURFACING P ROJECTS November 10, 2016 FPID: 434841 1 & 436491 1 Upcoming Resurfacing Projects on SR 60 Project Costs (includes both projects) Total $3,600,000 SR 60 R

  1. Proposed concept SR 60/K ENNEDY B OULEVARD AND J ACKSON S TREET R ESURFACING P ROJECTS November 10, 2016 FPID: 434841 ‐ 1 & 436491 ‐ 1

  2. Upcoming Resurfacing Projects on SR 60 Project Costs (includes both projects) Total $3,600,000 SR 60 R ESURFACING P ROJECTS (No additional right ‐ of ‐ way is needed for this project) FPID Project Schedule Final Design Begin Construction End Construction 434841 ‐ 1 SR 60/Kennedy Blvd & Jackson St from Brevard Ave to Meridian Ave Winter 2016 Summer 2017 Winter 2017 436491 ‐ 1 SR 60/Kennedy Blvd from Nebraska Ave to Ashley Dr Spring 2018 Summer 2018 Spring 2019 2

  3. Supporting Plans & Policies SR 60 R ESURFACING P ROJECTS FDOT Complete Streets Policy (Adopted September 2014) “Our neighborhoods will be …While maintaining safety and mobility, vibrant, diverse, distinctive, and Complete Streets shall serve the safe and will be linked to each transportation needs of transportation other and to the river through a series of attractive, bicycle and system users of all ages and abilities, pedestrian connections.” including but not limited to: Cyclists InVision Tampa Center City Plan • Freight Handlers • Motorists • Pedestrians • Transit Riders… • 3

  4. Mobility in a Growing Downtown Channel District Transit Encore SR 60 R ESURFACING P ROJECTS Source: www.tbo.com Source: kenbaldwinre.com Port Tampa Bay Channel District Redevelopment Walking Channel Port District Tampa Bay University of Tampa Source: www.ptbchannelside.com Source: www.idahostatesman.com Channelside Waterfront Redevelopment Bicycling Waterfront District Source: Tindale Oliver 4 Source: Strategic Property Partners

  5. Existing Multimodal Existing Bike Lanes Meridian Trail Riverwalk Connections Selmon Greenway Cass Street Cycletrack Cass St Cycle Track Riverwalk Brevard Ave Selmon Meridian Greenway Trail 5

  6. Coast Bike Share – biking happens in Tampa! 300 Bikes 2 Dozen Hubs In & Around CBD 150,000 total miles in first year (GPS Tracked) Blue lines represent each individual trips on Tampa roadways, showing high usage on the Cass Street Cycletrack soon after it opened 6

  7. Jackson Street Existing Typical Section The current roadway configuration on Jackson Street is as shown below SR 60 R ESURFACING P ROJECTS Existing Condition (Typical Section) Currently there is parking on both sides of the road, there are 3 travel lanes and a bike lane on eastbound Jackson Street. There is no bike lane on Kennedy Blvd (parallel roadway westbound) 8.5’ 11’ 11’ 11’ 5’ 8.5’ 7

  8. Jackson Street Recommended Alternative A SR 60 R ESURFACING P ROJECTS 10’ 3’ 7’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 8’ B C D 10’ 4’8.5’ 12’ 12’ 8.5’ 10’ 4’ 11’ 11’ 11’ 8’ 10’ 4’ 11’ 11’ 11’ 8’ 8

  9. Jackson Street Recommended Alternative Jackson Street (SR 60 Eastbound) between Ashley Drive and Tampa Street A dedicated right turn lane was included because of the high number of vehicles SR 60 R ESURFACING P ROJECTS turning right on to Tampa Street. A Parking is included on both sides of the roadway. 10’ 3’ 7’ 10’ 10’ 10’ 8’ 9

  10. Jackson Street Recommended Alternative Jackson Street (SR 60 Eastbound) between Tampa Street and Franklin Street and between Florida Avenue and Morgan Street Traffic volumes are low enough to consider a lane SR 60 R ESURFACING P ROJECTS elimination (or road diet) on these segments. B Parking is included on both sides of the roadway. Eliminating one of the thru lanes can help improve safety, livability and satisfy other community needs by reallocating the space for pedestrians, cyclists or on ‐ street parking. 10’ 4’ 8.5’ 12’ 12’ 8.5’ 10

  11. Jackson Street Recommended Alternative Jackson Street (SR 60 Eastbound) between Franklin Street and Florida Avenue SR 60 R ESURFACING P ROJECTS C A dedicated left turn lane was included because of the high number of vehicles turning left on to Florida Avenue. Parking is included on the south side of the roadway. 10’ 4’ 11’ 11’ 11’ 8’ 11

  12. Jackson Street Recommended Alternative Jackson Street (SR 60 Eastbound) between Morgan Street and Nebraska Avenue Because of traffic volume east of Morgan Street, the existing lane configuration is being D SR 60 R ESURFACING P ROJECTS maintained. Parking is included on the south side of the roadway. 10’ 4’ 11’ 11’ 11’ 8’ 12

  13. Traffic Analysis is part of the process The question that must be answered when considering Jackson Street for a road diet: Does existing & future traffic demand require 3 travel lanes to function at an acceptable level of service? This is currently being studied. Existing volume does not require 3 lanes along the entire corridor. SR 60 R ESURFACING P ROJECTS Future demand is being analyzed. 24 ‐ Hour Corridor Volumes 13

  14. Public/Stakeholder Outreach to Date Meetings have been held with interested parties along the corridor: • Property Owners & Managers SR 60 R ESURFACING P ROJECTS • Business Owners • Tampa Downtown Partnership Committee Meetings (Urban Design Committee, Transportation Committee) • MPO Committees (Bike/Ped, Citizen’s Advisory, Technical Advisory, MPO Board) • City of Tampa • Hillsborough County • Hillsborough Area Regional Transit (HART) • Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority (THEA) 14

  15. Questions or comments? Staff and Consultants are available to answer any questions you may have. Please fill out a comment form before you leave or submit comments on line at: www.tampabaytrafficsafety.com/SR60Resurfacing Please send any comments to: Tana Johnston ‐ Schultz, P.E. Design Project Manager Concept Nov 2016 Tana.Shultz@dot.state.fl.us 15 (813) 975 ‐ 6266 Cass St at Tampa St

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