by aref hammad is an animal that is slaughtered on the

By: Aref Hammad Is an animal that is slaughtered on the day of Eid. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

By: Aref Hammad Is an animal that is slaughtered on the day of Eid. (Al-Adha) In order to seek nearness to Allah the most High Messengers statement: The e son on of of Adam d m does oes not ot per erfor form any deed eed on

  1. By: Aref Hammad

  2. Is an animal that is slaughtered on the day of Eid. (Al-Adha) In order to seek nearness to Allah the most High

  3.  Messenger’s statement: “The e son on of of Adam d m does oes not ot per erfor form any deed eed on on th the e Day of of Sacrifice e (i.e. e. 10th day of of Dhul ul-Hij Hijjah ah) mor more e bel elov oved ed to to Allah th than shed edding th the e blood ood (of of sacrifi fice) e). F For or v ver erily i it t will c come ome on on th the e day of of judgment alo along w wit ith it its horns, clo cloven ho hooves, an and hai hairs. And nd ve veri rily t the he (sca carif ifying) b blo lood is is acc accepted b by Alla llah at at it its lo loca cation p prio rior t to it it is is fall alling o on n the gro round. The Therefore, tre reat at it it (the he an anim imal) in in a a good an and gentle w way ay.” (Ibn Majah and At-Tirmithi)  The prophet was asked “Wh What at are are the hese s sacr acrifices?” He said; “A Sunnah ( (i.e. e. a a tr traditi tion or or way of of life) fe) of of you our fathe her, r, Ibrah ahim im.”  He was asked again “What t do o we e get fr et from om it? t?” He said; “Eve very ry hai hair of it it has as a a good re rewar ard.”  They asked; “What about i t its ts wool ool?” He said; “Eve very ry hai hair o of it its wool l has has a a good re rewar ard.” (Ibn Majah and At-Tirmithi)

  4. It is an obligatory Sunnah upon every Muslim household that is able to afford it. Allah says “Th Therefore tu turn in in pra rayer to to you our Lord ord an and sacr crifice (to (to Him im on only ly). (108:2)

  5. Attaining nearness to Allah by it, as Allah says: “Theref efor ore t e turn 1. in n prayer to to you our Lor ord and nd sacrifice e (to to Him onl only)” )”. Revival of the Sunnah of the Imam of the people of Islam. Allah 2. sent inspiration to Ibrahim to sacrifice his son Isma’il. Later, Allah ransomed him with a ram which he slaughtered instead of Ismail. Allah says: “And And We We rans nsomed ed hi him w with th g grea eat s t sacrifice.” (37:107 107) Showing generosity to the dependent on the day of Eid and 3. spreading mercy among the poor and needy people. Expressing gratitude to Allah for His subjecting the livestock 4. animals to us. Allah says: “Then hen ea eat t ther thereo eof a and nd feed eed the the poor oor w who d ho does oes not not ask (othe others), a and the the beg eggar w who ho a asks (othe others). T Thu hus, We We have m e made e them them s sub ubje ject to to you ou tha that t you ou m may b be e gratef eful. I It t is nei eith ther thei their mea eat nor t nor b bloo ood tha that r t rea eaches es Al Allah, b but ut it t is Taqw qwa (i.e. e. p piety ety a and nd righte teousnes ess) f from om y you ou tha that r t rea eaches es Alla llah”. (22:3 22:36-37 37)

  6. Age 1. Physical Fitness 2. The best type of sacrificed animal 3. The time of slaughtering it 4. Recommendation when slaughtering it 5. The legitimacy of entrusting someone else to perform it 6. Division of its meat 7. The wages of the butcher should be from other than from 8. the slaughter It is enough to slaughter one sheep for all members of 9. the family What should a person avoid after intending to sacrifice? 10. Allah’s Messenger slaughtered the sacrifice on behalf of 11. the entire Ummah

  7.  Sheep - 6 month or older  Goat - 1 year or older  Cow/Buffalo – 2 years or older  Camel – 5 years or older

  8.  It should be free from any natural or physical defects. Such as;  One eyed animal  Lame animal  The animal whose ear is either cut or lacerated  one having broken horn  Sick animal and the old animal that has no morrow. The Prophet said: (there ar are f e four types es o of an animals t that at ar are n e not per ermissible f for s sac acrifice. (they ar are: ( (they ey ar are) e) A one ne-eyed d animal, a a sick animal w with th a an o obvious i illness, a a lam ame an e animal wi with an an obvious l limp, an and an an old an animal whi hich ha has no no morrow a and nd extremely l lean and nd s skinny.) (Muslim)

  9. The best type of sacrificed animal is a white ram with two horns, and black around the eyes and legs. This is the description that the messenger of Allah preferred and he sacrificed such animal himself. Aishah said, “ver erily the p e prophet p pea eace a and b bles essing b g be e upo upon hi him sacrificed a ram w ram with ith h hor orns, a blac ack b k bel elly, b black l k legs egs and d blac ack a k around t the ey e eyes”

  10.  The time to sacrifice the animal is during the morning of the Eid day, after the eid prayer, therefore it is unacceptable to offer the sacrifice before the Eid prayer.  The Prophet (S) said: “whoever er s slaughter ered b before t e the Ei Eid pr prayer, h he on only sl slaughtered f for or h him se self. And d wh whoev ever s slau aughtered ed i it af after t the e Ei Eid pray ayer er, c certai ainly perfecte ted h d his sac acrifice at e at th the pr prescribed ti time a and d followed wed t the sunn unnah of of the he mu muslim lim.” (Al-Bukhari)  It is permissible to delay the sacrifice until the third day of Eid. The prophet said: “All d All days of Al Al-Tashriq riq are va valid lid f for s sacrific ice” (Imam Ahmad). Meaning the 10 th , 11 th , 12 th , and 13 th of Duul-Hijjah.

  11. It is recommended to face the animal towards the qiblah and to say ; “in in th the name ame of of allah, and d allah is is th the mos most g t gre reat, t, th this is is is from rom you ou a and for y or you ou”

  12. It is recommended for the muslim to slaughter the sacrificed animal himself. However, it is permissible for him to authorize someone else to perform the slaughter on his behalf.

  13. Dividing the sacrificial meat into three portions is recommended. 1/3 to be eaten by the family, 1/3 distributed as charity, and the remaining 1/3 as a gift to friends of the family. This is due to the prophets statement; “eat of it, store some of it, and distribute some of it as charity” [al bukhari and muslim] it’s also permissible to distribute all of it as charity

  14. It isn’t permissible to give anything from the sacrificial meat to the butcher as wages for his work. Ali said; “allah’s mes essenge ger comman anded me me to to supervise th the s slau laughtering of of his is sacr crificia ial ca came mels an and to to dis istribute it’s it’s me meat, t, sk skin, a and nd sa saddle c clothe hes i in n charity ty.he als also o recom re comme mended to to me me th that I t I should ldn’t g giv ive any of of it it to to th the butc tcher. H He said aid “w “we will ill giv ive h him im his is lab labor ch char arge f from rom ou ours rselves. i.e i.e ou our ow own mon money” [al bukhari and muslim]

  15. Even if the household consists of a large number of people. This is due to the statement of abu ayyoub, may allah be pleased with him. “a man used to slaughter a sheep during the lifetime of the prophet pbuh for himself and his family members as well.”

  16. It is disliked for one intending to sacrifice to remove any of his hair or his nails. This restriction is effective from the appearance of the crescent on the first day of Dhul-Hijjah, until he sacrifices his animal. This is due to the prophet’s statement : “if you s u see t the he c crescent o of th the mon month of of Dhul-Hijjah ah and nd o one ne o of you u int ntends t to sacrifice a an a n ani nimal, he he sho hould r refrain from re rom remo moving h his is hair airs a and n nail ails u until h il he sac acrifices the e animal”


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