
buildingSMART Improving Digital Workflows with openBIM Aidan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

buildingSMART Improving Digital Workflows with openBIM Aidan Mercer, Marketing Director building SMART International 2018 Agenda 1. Who we are 2. What we do 3. How we can help % Construction productivity growth remains dramatically

  1. buildingSMART “Improving Digital Workflows with openBIM ” Aidan Mercer, Marketing Director building SMART International 2018

  2. Agenda 1. Who we are 2. What we do 3. How we can help

  3. %

  4. Construction productivity growth remains dramatically low 64.5 (87%) Manufacturing 200 190 180 Total economy 170 160 150 $1.6 trillion/year! 140 130 120 Construction Source: 110 Imagining Construction's Digital Future 100 Capital Projects and Infrastructure 0 June, 2016 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 McKinsey Productivity Sciences Center, Singapore 1 Real (2005 USD) gross value added per hour worked by persons engaged, indexed 1995 = 100, 20-year CAGR SOURCE: OECD, WIOD, GGCD-10, WorldBank, US BEA/BLS, Turkish National Statistics Bureau, Singapore National Statistics Agency, Malaysian Statistics Agency, Rosstat, McKinsey Global Institute Analysis, Global Insight; ISSA

  5. buildingSMART Vision Enable full benefits from digital ways of working in the built asset industry

  6. buildingSMART Values Open Neutral Non-Profit

  7. buildingSMART Goals openBIM Solutions openBIM Standards openBIM Adoption openBIM Use openBIM Compliance

  8. buildingSMART 1995 Established History 2000 IFC2 2001 IFD ISO 2012 IFC4 + bSDD 2013 IFC ISO 2014 IFC Infrastructure 2015 BCF 2016 Enabling workflows

  9. Members Strategic Members – expectations

  10. Members Multinational Members

  11. Members Standard Members

  12. Chapter Community New New New New

  13. Chapters Interest continues to grow Countries expressing interest Nordic Chapter/Hub Portugal Poland Latvia Estonia Italy Turkey Fresh Approaches Lithuania Peru Brazil UAE

  14. Working with others

  15. World Economic Forum An action plan to accelerate BIM adoption – Feb 2018 “ IU companies should support similar bottom-up consortia to standardize BIM data exchange …One such consortium exists – buildingSMART , which developed the Industry Foundation Class (IFC), the only open (non- proprietary) BIM data exchange standard – but more needs to be done.” IU = Infrastructure and Urban Development Industry

  16. Programs Users Drive our Process Three Core Programs User Standards Compliance Industry Testing & Standards Outreach Compliance Process Problem Reliable Problem Identification Solutions Solutions

  17. User Program

  18. International Awards – 2018 A record year 85 Total submissions 40 Final for review 37 Independent jurors 4 Category winners 6 Special Distinction awards

  19. 2018 buildingSMART Award Winner Operations & Maintenance Fast facts:  150,000 passengers  400 operational trains  44 designs  7 stakeholder orgs  IFC 2x3  2 apps developed  SAP integrated  BCF  bSDD  openBIM Minnucci Associati s.r.l. BIM Process Application Case Study: Naples Central Station Naples, Italy

  20. 2018 buildingSMART Award Winner Construction Fast facts:  90 Meter Housing  366 Apartments  EURO 100 million  IFC 2x3  50 different disciplines  350 different IFCs  BCF used Bouwcombinatie Pontsteiger The Pontsteiger Project Amsterdam, Netherlands

  21. Standards Program Domains Rooms Building Infrastructure Product Technical Airport Regulatory Construction Railway

  22. Project Case Study Rail Mission : To set global open and interoperable BIM standards for the rail industry by extending the IFC schema to create the “IFC Rail Candidate Standard” Timeline : April 2018 – March 2019. International collaboration : 4 bSI Summits and 8 expert panel meetings for project participants Resources : • Project leaders and project team • Expert panel • Infra Room Administrator • 24 team members (plus 70+ in-kind contributors) Funding raised : € 2,500,000 +/-

  23. Summits Paris Summit 2018 400 People from 38 Nations & 225 organisations Strong Industry and Government Representation

  24. Tokyo Summit 2018 475 People from 42 Nations & 245 organisations Strong Industry and Government Representation

  25. Thank you
