2020-2021 Staffing and Budget Proposal
Personnel/BOCES Personnel Reductions Personnel Reductions Assistant Superintendent for School Administration Supervisor of Special Programs HS English positions due to retirement BOCES Personnel Reductions .6FTE LAN Technician from O-U BOCES (currently vacant) .6FTE Psychologist from SC BOCES (currently vacant) .6FTE Speech Language Pathologist from SC BOCES (currently vacant)
Personnel Requests Personnel Requests 3 Elementary/SPED teachers due to reconfiguration 2 Teaching Assistants at KLR 2 Floating Sub Teaching Assistants 1 Temporary Safety Attendant – due to construction and HS classes in MS LPN for a student IEP Assistant Principal in High School (not included in budget) 1 Tech Integration Specialist (replaces BOCES service) 1 Psychologist (replaces vacant BOCES position) 1 Speech Language Pathologist (replaces vacant BOCES position)
Positions new to 2020-21 budget Positions created in 19-20 Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Two Directors of Curriculum Technical Data Specialist All retiree positions will be replaced except for HS English retirements All current positions (filled and vacant) are included in 20-21 budget
Summary of Cost Description Cost increase/(decrease) Personnel Reductions ($346,145.00) BOCES Reductions ($224,970.00) Sub-total reductions ($571,115.00) Personnel Requests 3 Elementary Teaching positions 180,030.00 4 Teaching Assistant positions 100,000.00 2 non-instructional positions 65,000.00 1 Tech Integration Specialist 70,000.00 2 Pupil Personnel Providers 156,000.00 Sub-total 571,030.00 Net decrease (85.00)
Budget Proposal Draft Budget Proposal $91,276,204 Revenue Budget $91,463,712 Budget Goal $91,227,073 difference $187,508 Change needed $49,131
Revenue Budget 2019-20 Budgeted Current Amount Budget Goal Amount Revenue Amount Proposal Property Taxes $44,000,000 Property Taxes $44,830,813 Property Taxes $44,830,813 Other Tax items $ 2,182,420 Other Tax items $2,508,959 Other Tax items $2,508,959 State Aid $38,189,989 State Aid $38,419,692 State Aid $38,419,692 Federal Aid $155,000 Federal Aid $200,000 Federal Aid $200,000 Charges for $157,500 Charges for $188,500 Charges for $188,500 Services Services Services Interest on $225,000 Interest on $170,000 Interest on $170,000 Investments Investments Investments Refund of prior $1,400,000 Refund of prior $1,800,000 Refund of prior year $1,800,000 year BOCES year BOCES BOCES Miscellaneous $174,613 Miscellaneous $168,650 Miscellaneous $168,650 Transfer from $0 Transfer from Debt $937,098 Transfer from Debt $937,098 Debt Service Service Service Appropriated Fund $ 4,742,551 Appropriated Fund $2,240,000 Appropriated Fund $2,003,361 Balance Balance Balance Total $91,227,073 Total $91,463,712 Total $91,227,073
20-21 Budget Proposal Debt Service/Transfers 4% BOCES Services 19% Salaries Salaries Employee Benefits 43% Supplies/Equipment Contractual/Purchased Services 4% Supplies/Equipment Contractual/Purchased BOCES Services Services Debt Service/Transfers 8% Employee Benefits 22%
Budget Proposal Summary Description Amount Salaries $39,006,045 Employee Benefits $20,411,655 Equipment $986,652 Contractual/Purchased Services $7,723,343 BOCES Services $17,474,577 Supplies and Materials $2,333,043 Debt Service/Transfers to Special Aid and Capital $3,340,889 Sub-total $91,276,204 Reductions needed (to reach budget goal) ($49,131)
Fund Balance Projection Year Ending on 06/30/ 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED REVENUES Real Property Taxes 41,432,788 41,942,066 42,734,771 43,162,119 43,593,740 Other Tax Items 4,523,047 4,240,354 4,605,001 4,697,101 4,791,043 Investment Earnings 385,063 200,000 200,000 200,000 180,000 Sale of Prop., Ins. Recovery 90,307 51,500 52,015 52,535 53,061 Miscellaneous 2,558,343 2,900,050 2,275,135 2,277,410 2,279,688 State Sources 36,950,284 38,257,366 38,419,692 38,995,987 39,580,927 Federal Sources 256,925 259,800 200,000 200,000 200,000 Transfer from Debt Svc fund 0 0 937,098 TOTAL 86,196,757 87,851,136 89,423,712 89,585,152 90,678,458 APPROPRIATIONS Instructional Salaries 27,949,413 28,101,018 29,781,461 30,674,905 31,595,152 Non-Instructional Salaries 8,437,537 8,931,975 9,379,594 9,660,982 9,950,811 Equipment 1,055,230 986,650 950,000 950,000 950,000 Contractual 5,174,649 5,229,000 5,281,290 5,281,290 5,281,290 Supplies 1,895,672 2,332,000 2,333,040 2,333,040 2,333,040 Tuition 1,852,477 2,019,000 2,059,380 2,100,568 2,142,579 BOCES 15,545,990 17,121,000 17,474,585 18,086,195 18,719,212 Employee Benefits 19,023,219 20,215,000 20,411,655 21,024,005 21,654,725 Principle 4,118,580 4,115,050 2,678,241 3,008,406 3,130,299 Interest 348,507 288,295 287,645 2,039,932 1,916,114 Transfers 453,200 500,000 500,000 425,000 425,000 TOTAL 85,854,474 89,838,988 91,136,891 95,584,322 98,098,222 NET CHANGE 342,283 (1,987,854) (1,713,179) (5,999,170) (7,419,764) 6.971% 5.643% 6.474% 3.354% 0.904%
District Historical Information Budget and Tax Levy Year Budget % increase Tax levy % increase 2020-21 proposed $91,227,073 0.00% $44,830,813 1.89% 2019-20 $91,227,073 1.56% $44,000,000 0.802% 2018-19 $89,826,369 5.307% $43,650,000 0.740% 2017-18 $85,299,550 1.379% $43,330,000 0.100% 2016-17 $84,139,614 1.877% $43,287,000 1.650% 2015-16 $82,589,275 0.708% $42,584,228 -5.088% 2014-15 $83,178,573 $44,866,909
District Historical Information Enrollment As of BED’s day Chase Cooke KLR RJK Monticello Total Middle High School October 2019 231 567 458 671 863 2790 October 2018 261 590 446 708 867 2872 October 2017 292 563 449 700 873 2877 October 2016 291 566 466 682 854 2859 October 2015 326 597 458 627 915 2923
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