BOCES Districtwide Undistributed/Benefits/Debt Service Revenue/Tax Levy/Reserves Ma March ch 16 16, 2015 2015
BOCES 2015-16 Proposed Code 2013-14 Actual 2014-15 Budget Details Budget BOCES Cooperative Bidding Services, GASB 45, & 1310.495.00 - BOCES COOP Bidding Services 8,500 17,685 17,747 Questar State Aid Planning 1430.490.55 - BOCES Advertising 35,317 17,190 37,190 HR Advertising with BOCES / New York Times 1430.491.55 - BOCES Substitute Management AESOP Sub calling service System 7,608 8,092 7,750 Provides a service to districts ensuring that teachers 1430.499.55 - BOCES Teacher Certification 6,950 7,159 7,159 are properly certified. Shared services for emergency supplies, asbestos 1622.494.49 - BOCES Health and Safety Services 11,143 11,700 11,821 abatement equipment & compliance issues BOCES printing services 1670.490.00 - BOCES Printing Services 259 1,208 1,208 Student Management System, Data Warehouse, statewide data collection, Board Docs, new to 2015 Copiers (previously in 2110.421.00) & BOLD Election 1680.497.51 - BOCES Data Processing 333,593 367,476 544,798 System BOCES Admin, Rent, & Capital Projects 1981.491.00 - BOCES Administrative Services 688,168 663,687 681,725 Staff development with BOCES 2070.494.52 - BOCES In-Service Support 11,790 28,569 29,426 BOCES: substitute teachers(test grading) 2110.490.00 - BOCES Substitute Teachers 10,475 15,000 15,000 Research students attend educational symposiums and 2110.490.62 - BOCES Research Services 7,638 10,091 10,091 fairs - LISEF Outdoor Ed, Cultural Arts, Arts in Ed, My Learning 2110.494.00 - BOCES Instructional Support 469,581 571,845 676,092 Plan, Internet Provider, & WAN BOCES-Special Education tuition and related services 2250.492.53 - BOCES Special Education Tuition 2,063,189 2,467,108 2,285,597 (23 students) 2280.494.35 - BOCES Occupational Education BOCES Career Education: 23 students Tuition 138,330 170,320 318,075 BOCES summer school consortium 2332.490.61 - BOCES Summer School Consortium 66,347 70,327 80,185 Repairs & parts for all audio equipment: (rate reduction) 2610.490.40 - BOCES Library Film/Video 3,000 3,250 3,250 Online databases & resource sharing services 2610.491.40 - BOCES Library Online Database 34,634 36,366 58,381 Increase for Discoveries Library Database 2620.496.41 - BOCES Repair Service 334 3,100 3,245 Repairs - electronic equipment BOCES tech services: (6 Tech Support positions, E- Rate, PD, School Messenger, SchoolWire, BOCES 2630.490.41 - BOCES Computer Services 859,809 1,268,873 1,222,559 Lease) Test scoring 2810.495.52 - BOCES Testing/Scoring 34,735 33,230 38,295 2815.494.53 - BOCES Health Services 23,618 35,624 30,825 Health services for students in BOCES programs Officials fees for interscholastic athletics & Section VIII 121,068 2855.498.43 - BOCES Game Official Fees 117,192 124,329 fees 5581.490.49 - BOCES Transportation 105,617 124,615 112,338 Contract transportation provided by BOCES District Total 5,037,827 6,053,583 6,317,086
DISTRICT WIDE 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED Details Districtwide printing 1670-468-00-00-00 CENTRAL PRINTING SERVICES 25,902 25,012 33,870 33,870 Damaged equipment - insurance (These funds are transferred to other codes.) 1910-260-00-00-00 EQUIPMENT LOSS 0 0 5,000 5,000 NYSIR - General Liability Coverage 1910-435-00-00-00 UNALLOCATED INSURANCE 524,431 548,259 576,234 598,074 Student Accident Insurance 1911-435-00-00-00 STUDENT ACCIDENT COVERAGE 35,219 32,089 37,298 36,153 1930-469-00-00-00 JUDGMENT & CLAIMS 301 38,548 60,000 60,000 Judgments & Claims 1980-400-00-00-00 MTA Tax 50 0 0 0 No longer applicable District wide equipment 2110-260-00-00-00 EQUIPMENT - DISTRICT WIDE 6,900 1,304 10,000 10,000 Districtwide repairs 2110-412-00-00-00 CONTRACTUAL EQUIPMENT REPAIR 739 547 4,250 4,250 Lease for copiers district wide (Moved to BOCES 2110-421-00-00-00 CONTRACTUAL COPIERS 356,661 359,788 360,648 0 code 1680.487) Mileage reimbursement for shared staff 2110-431-00-00-00 CONTRACTUAL MILEAGE 4,479 7,098 4,760 7,188 Agendas for POBJFKHS, MMS, & POBMS 2110-520-00-00-00 AGENDA BOOKS 13,264 13,736 14,900 14,900 Copy paper - central supply districtwide 2110-580-00-00-00 SUPPLIES - COPY MACHINE 0 232 1,400 1,400 $967,946 $1,026,613 $1,108,360 $770,833 6.1% -30.5% 2015/16: Please note, district wide copiers moved to BOCES budget $360,000.
Undistributed / Benefits / Debt Service 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED Details Employee Retirement System 9010-810-00 Employee Retirement System 3,160,703 2,689,056 3,457,601 2,973,650 Teachers Retirement System 9020-811-00 Teacher Retirement System 7,264,150 9,737,440 10,971,910 9,287,114 Social Security 9030-813-00 Social Security 5,690,493 5,463,230 5,930,759 6,070,159 9040-814-00 Workers Compensation 559,833 619,375 634,142 688,237 Workers Compensation Unemployment Insurance 9050-815-00 Unemployment Insurance 66,614 53,616 230,226 65,000 Health Insurance, Buyback, & Medicare Reimbursement 9060-816-00 Health Insurance 11,464,279 11,688,662 13,353,272 12,872,258 District Welfare Benefits 9070-817-00 Employee Welfare Fund 1,419,112 1,369,135 1,415,262 1,420,727 Administrative fee for the 9070-818-00 Flexible Benefits Administration 5,667 6,095 6,873 7,022 district's Flex Plan Aides disability policy 9070-819-00 Disability Insurance 0 0 5,000 5,000 Employee Assistance Program 9080-818-00 Employee Assistance Program 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 BAN borrowing for Bond 2015 9731-712-00 BAN Borrowing Interest 0 0 0 475,000 projects TAN Borrowing on $5 Million 9760-712-00 TAN Borrowing Interest 0 0 70,000 70,000 2003 Energy Performance Contract 9789-600-00 Energy Performance Contract: Principal 203,890 212,881 222,270 232,071 2003 Energy Performance Contract 9789-700-00 Energy Performance Contract: Interest 71,907 62,916 53,528 43,726 Interfund transfer to support the district's school lunch program 9901-930-00 Transfer to Food Service Fund 25,000 25,000 20,000 10,000 Summer Special Education program 9901-950-00 Transfer to Special Aid Fund: Summer School 108,599 215,835 66,755 148,500 9901-960-00 Transfer to Debt Service Fund: Principal 1,546,389 1,630,704 1,715,224 1,792,056 District & Library bonds 9901-961-00 Transfer to Debt Service Fund: Interest 662,075 598,700 541,935 484,425 District & Library bonds Bleachers, 2 Boilers, Electrical upgrades, Parking Lot, Resurfacing HS Track, ADA 9950-900-00 Transfer to Capital Fund: Capital Projects 930,140 1,434,966 1,898,770 2,750,000 ramps, sidewalks, and parking lot and lighting additions, Furniture replacement, Gym Curtain $33,188,851 $35,817,612 $40,603,527 $39,404,946 7.9% -3.0%
Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD / Revenue Budget 2015-2016 Superintendent's Proposed Budget Estimated State Aid 2014/15 2015/16 Amount Change Percent Change Budget Budget STATE AID: FOUNDATION AID & OTHER 16,959,049 17,357,974 398,925 GAP ELIMINATION ADJUSTMENT (1,703,905) (1,703,905) 0 TOTAL STATE AID 15,255,144 15,654,069 398,925 2.6% OTHER REVENUE: CONTINUING ED TUITION 37,528 38,000 472 STUDENT FEE / TEXTBOOKS 142,183 126,900 (15,283) DAY SCHOOL TUITION 97,106 48,553 (48,553) OTHER CHARGES - SERV 79,108 80,000 892 INTEREST & EARNING 87,268 85,000 (2,268) RENT: DIST PROPERTY 997,320 982,673 (14,647) HEALTH SERVICES 57,479 57,000 (479) MISCELLANEOUS 377,278 400,000 22,722 INTERFUND REVENUES 75,000 75,000 0 PMTS IN LIEU OF TAXES 1,047,642 1,114,989 67,347 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 2,997,912 3,008,115 10,203 0.3% Appropriated Fund Balance 2,658,000 2,658,000 0 0.0% Appropriated from Unemployment Reserve 215,000 65,000 (150,000) -69.8% Appropriated from ERS Reserve 1,530,000 1,700,000 170,000 11.1% (ERS: Employee Retirement System) Appropriated from EBAL Reserve 344,021 344,021 0 0.0% (EBAL: Employee Benefit Accrued Liability) TOTAL USE OF RESERVES 4,747,021 4,767,021 20,000 0.4% REAL PROPERTY TAX 121,638,961 122,340,928 701,967 0.58% TOTAL Budget 144,639,038 145,770,133 1,131,095 0.78%
POB CSD CAPITAL PROJECTS Funding Interfund Transfer to Capital Interfund Transfer to Capital Interfund Transfer to Capital Interfund Transfer to Capital 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-16 $ 850,140 $1,434,966 $1,898,770 $2,750,000 Sources CAPITAL RESERVE FUND $5,000,000 (Established May 2014) 2015-2016 2013-2014 2012-2013 2014-2015 Parking Lot & Curb Replacements Security Upgrade Bleachers for Gym DISTRICTWIDE Mattlin MS Bleachers for Gym DISTRICTWIDE Stratford Road ES, Old Bethpage ES, Initial Phase POB MS 2 New Boilers Wireless Clock Installation POB MS & Mattlin New Boilers Roof Replacement & Recoats #2 & #3 Electrical Switch Gear Upgrades POB MS & JFK HS Mattlin JFK HS Exterior Door Replacements JFK HS Parking Lot Track Resurfacing 250 KW Emergency Generator POB MS POB MS JFK HS Resurfacing Rubberize Track Pool Filter Room Upgrades JFK HS & POB MS Districtwide ADA Ramps, Sidewalks, Parking and Light Additions Door Replacements DISTRICTWIDE Auditorium Lighting & Sound Upgrades Furniture Replacement Project JFK HS, Stratford Road ES POB MS & Mattlin JFK HS Gym Curtain
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