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Buckinghamshire County Council Buckinghamshire County Council - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Buckinghamshire County Council Buckinghamshire County Council Assistive Technology (AT) in Buckinghamshire Jack Workman Assistive Technology Project Officer Buckinghamshire County Council What is Assistive Technology? Multiple

  1. Buckinghamshire County Council Buckinghamshire County Council Assistive Technology (AT) in Buckinghamshire Jack Workman Assistive Technology Project Officer

  2. Buckinghamshire County Council What is Assistive Technology? • Multiple definitions • Buckinghamshire County Council (BCC) are using this high level description to encompass terms such telecare, telehealth, telemedicine and stand alone technology Term Description Example products Telecare 24/7 remote emergency Pendant alarm systems monitoring and associated sensors Telehealth Remote health and Vital signs monitoring wellbeing monitoring systems and associated sensors Telemedicine Remote health and Video conferencing wellbeing consultation systems Stand alone technology Simple aids to daily Magiplug, pendant living pager system 2

  3. Buckinghamshire County Council Assistive Technology Goals • Enable people to do things that they would otherwise be unable to • Promote independence • Increase confidence • Increase self-esteem • Promote safety • Meet the needs of people that we support 3

  4. Buckinghamshire County Council How far has telecare come in Buckinghamshire? • A clear pathway (referral, assessment, installation, maintenance, monitoring, response) • 4,500+ clients (up to 100 new clients per month) • 60+ products available • 24/7 monitoring (in a calendar year; 120 falls, 5000 alerts, of which 290 sought reassurance, 24 fire emergencies, a network of around 3000 people who act as key contacts) • Working with partnership agencies such as Police, Red Cross, Fire Service, Action on Hearing Loss, Age Concern, etc. 4

  5. Buckinghamshire County Council Benefits For Carers • Peace of mind • Reduced carer stress • Increased confidence about the safety of the person that is being cared for • A better night’s sleep • Improved relationship with the person that is being cared for • Opportunity to continue with activities that would be otherwise difficult to participate in. This could include work or school for young carers 5

  6. Buckinghamshire County Council Young Carers Bucks Project • Three possible technology options were presented to the young carers forum to address the highlighted issue • OwnFone was chosen by the young carers forum as the most appropriate option • About Ownfone- “ Hailed as the worlds simplest mobile phone” • Young carers will be allowed to have access to the phone whilst in lessons • The young carers phone will be used as a urgent/emergency contact device • 7 schools across Buckinghamshire with 10 young carers taking part in the pilot 6

  7. Buckinghamshire County Council Seek and Find Project • Thames Valley Police have identified 20-25 people per month with dementia that have gone missing over the past six months. • Ramifications for the client but also their carer or relatives • National statistics show 20% of people that go missing will result in a fatality • Taking a collaborative approach to the way in which this need is addressed • Providing telecare assessments for clients and possible GPS location device technology 7

  8. Buckinghamshire County Council Access to telecare • Referrals can be made by:  Self  By a professional (GP, social worker etc.)  By a voluntary organisation (Carers Bucks, Age UK, Alzheimer’s Society) • Carers Bucks – Telecare Champion (Dave Bone)  Completes assessments  Raises the awareness of telecare and its benefits • Buckinghamshire Assistive Technology Partnership • telecare@buckscc.gov.uk or http://www.careadvicebuckinghamshire.org/technology 01296 383204 8

  9. Buckinghamshire County Council Assistive Technology: The • A move towards wearables and web based technologies • Expectation that if people can do their shopping/banking online why cant they receive there health and social care in a similar accessible way. Skype consultations etc. • Smart patches have been developed and are ready for deployment • Robotics- to help reduce social isolation and loneliness • The technology is already there, but are we as consumers ready to embrace these solutions? 9

  10. Buckinghamshire County Council Summary • There are many different Assistive Technology solutions available • Assistive Technology must be needs focused and clinician/worker driven • Assistive technology is not designed as a direct replacement for services, more as a complementary support tool • More information can be found at care advice Buckinghamshire 10

  11. Buckinghamshire County Council jworkman@buckscc.gov.uk Tel: 01494 586651 07802 967568 11


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