brief history of

Brief History of Title 1 in Solanco Federal Program z z Formula - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

z Brief History of Title 1 in Solanco Federal Program z z Formula Grant What is Title 1? Distributes $ to states, who deliver to districts based on census poor Districts distribute $ to schools based on poverty rates (we use free and

  1. z Brief History of Title 1 in Solanco

  2. Federal Program z z Formula Grant What is Title 1? Distributes $ to states, who deliver to districts based on census poor Districts distribute $ to schools based on poverty rates (we use free and reduced lunch percentages) Schools use funds to support students based on academic or other type of need

  3. z z Supplement NOT Supplant is the Key to Spending Title 1 $ Appropriately This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

  4. z Two Types of Title 1 Programs  Targeted Assistance  School Wide  Narrow Focus  Broad Focus-whole school reform   Strict Criteria for Student Qualification All students in the building are considered "Title 1"  $ to be spent on serving only those  students who qualify $ spent to improve outcomes for all students  Appropriate for schools that receive small allocations  Outreach to Pre-school Aged Children   Funds must supplement district and Needs assessments determine how $ state funds will be spent  Solanco model through 12/13 school  Funds must supplement district and year state funds  Solanco model since 13/14 school year

  5. z Title 1 Purchases • Supplemental reading and math resources • Technology to support reading and math programs • Professional Development for teachers and paras • After/Before school tutoring • Summer Reading Program • Interventionists, Para- support personnel • Parent and Family Engagement Programs and Resources

  6. z Current 19/20 Title 1 Budget $1,950,178 z Significant Changes over Past 4 Years : 2 Retirements not replaced Non-replacement of positions frees up funds and allows us to consider other needs

  7. z z Change in Poverty Rates Since 2009

  8. z Recent Needs Expand ½ time counselor's role to include ½ time Assessments role across all four elementary buildings-- classroom lessons about equity and anti- Show Social discrimination, connecting families to resources and Emotional that support socio-economic and emotional well- Needs of being, connecting and collaborating with Quay Hanna Students and Families as a Add a fulltime Behavior Specialist to supplement the work of Ashley Edwards-Nace Growing Concern


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