
BRADLEY LIAISON COMMITTEE PRESENTATION 2 September 2019 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BRADLEY LIAISON COMMITTEE PRESENTATION 2 September 2019 ENVIRONMENTAL UPDATE (from Liaison meeting in May) Christine Hogarth 2 UK National air quality objectives for the protection of human health Pollutant Applies Objective


  2. ENVIRONMENTAL UPDATE (from Liaison meeting in May) Christine Hogarth 2

  3. UK National air quality objectives for the protection of human health Pollutant Applies Objective Concentration Date to be achieved measured as by (and maintained thereafter) Particles (PM10) UK 50 µg/m3 not to be 24 hour mean 31 December 2004 exceeded more than 35 times a year UK 40 µg/m3 annual mean 31 December 2004 Particles UK (except 25 µg/m3 annual mean 2020 (PM2.5) Scotland) Exposure Reduction 3

  4. Air Quality There have been no exceedances of the UK’s air quality objectives for PM 10 or PM 2.5 recorded at the four monitoring locations around the Bradley Surface Mine 4

  5. Our Blessed Lady and St Joseph Church Continuous Air Quality Monitoring May to Aug 19 - 24 hour mean values Moisture due to foggy conditions 5

  6. Church Continuous Air Quality Monitoring - 24 Jun 19 hourly mean Moisture due to foggy conditions

  7. Douglas Terrace Continuous Air Quality Monitoring May to Aug 19- 24 hour mean values Moisture due to heavy rain 7

  8. Douglas Terrace Continuous Air Quality Monitoring 27 Jul 19 hourly mean Moisture due to heavy rain Moisture due to foggy conditions

  9. Pont Road Continuous Air Quality Monitoring May to Aug 19- 24 hour mean values Moisture due to foggy conditions Moisture due to foggy conditions 9

  10. Pont Road Continuous Air Quality Monitoring 24 Jun 19 - hourly mean Moisture due to foggy conditions 10

  11. Low Bradley Continuous Air Quality Monitoring May to Aug 19 - 24 hour mean values Moisture due to foggy conditions 11

  12. Low Bradley Continuous Air Quality Monitoring 30 Jul 19- hourly mean Moisture due to heavy rain & fog 12

  13. Planning Condition - Site Noise Limits Condition 32 Noise emitted from operations on the site shall not result in noise levels greater than those listed below, except when temporary operations are taking place. Brooms Farm 55dB L Aeq , 1Hr (free field) Pont Road 55dB L Aeq , 1Hr (free field) Douglas Terrace 50dB L Aeq , 1Hr (free field) 13

  14. Noise conditions continued Condition 33 During periods of temporary operations (soil stripping, the construction and removal of baffle mounds, soil storage mounds and spoil heaps, construction of new permanent landforms and aspects of site road construction and maintenance) the Noise Monitoring Scheme shall provide that the noise emitted from operations on the site shall not result in noise levels greater than 70 dB L Aeq , 1Hr (freefield) as measured at Brooms Farm, Pont Road and Douglas Terrace. The duration of such activities shall not exceed 8 weeks in relation to each of the respective noise monitoring properties in any 12 month period. 14

  15. Site noise complies with planning condition noise limits at the Bradley site 15

  16. Noise Monitoring Brooms Farm TOTAL NORMAL PLANNING LIMIT AMBIENT DATE TIME OPERATION NORMAL OPS COMMENTS SOUND LEVEL S L Aeq dB L Aeq dB L Aeq dB Total ambient noise level. Road traffic dominant (road quieter with half term) & 30/05/2019 14:29 50.4 55 70 birdsong. Site audible in the breaks of traffic - 785's tipping sub soil on restoration area. Total ambient noise level. Road traffic dominant. Dozer tracks audible at times in 06/06/2019 15:21 56.3 52 55 70 breaks of traffic - 52dBA. Reading cut short a resident came over to talk & then site was on break. Total ambient noise level. Road traffic noise dominant but quieter with schools on 25/07/2019 09:33 53.2 55 70 holiday. Some birdsong. Site operations not audible Total ambient noise level. Road traffic noise dominant & almost constant, some 02/08/2019 10:22 60.7 52 55 70 birdsong. Site operations only audible at times in breaks in traffic 51-52dBA - dump truck engines & clunk from skip 16

  17. Brooms Farm ambient sound levels 2 Aug 2019 Short break in traffic 17

  18. Ambient Noise Monitoring at Pont Road TOTAL AMBIENT NORMAL PLANNING LIMIT DATE TIME SOUND LEVEL OPERATIONS COMMENTS NORMAL OPS L Aeq L Aeq dB L Aeq dB dB Road traffic dominant noise source& birdsong. Site audible - works in Area B 16/05/2019 13:35 63.01 52.2 55 including PC3000 engine, occasional clunk of bucket & dump truck engines. Road traffic dominant, some birdsong. Site audible in breaks of traffic - engines & 06/06/2019 12:30 66.4 44.4 55 odd dozer track Road traffic main source, some birdsong. Site just audible in breaks of traffic - 05/07/2019 09:12 60.7 45.3 55 PC3000, material into skip & dozer tracks Road traffic main source, some birdsong. Site audible in breaks of traffic - 02/08/2019 09:27 65.6 50.5 55 excavator engine, material into skips 18

  19. Noise Monitoring at Pont Road 2 Aug 2019 Road Traffic Birdsong 19

  20. Ambient Noise Monitoring at Douglas Terrace PLANNING LIMIT TOTAL AMBIENT SOUND PLANNING LIMIT TEMPORARY OPS DATE TIME LEVEL L Aeq dB NORMAL OPS L Aeq dB L Aeq dB NOTES Total ambient sound including birdsong throughout the measurement 16/05/2019 14:24 Top of bank 49.9 50 70 & road traffic. Site audible - dozer tracks & dump trucks working on backfill & subsoil restoration Total ambient sound including birdsong throughout the measurement 14:31 Bttm of bank 45.7 50 70 & buzz from pylon. Site audible - dozer tracks & dump trucks working on backfill & subsoil restoration Total ambient sound including some road traffic, birdsong throughout 21/05/2019 16:14 Top of bank 45.9 50 70 the measurement & buzz from pylon. Site audible - dozer tracks & dump trucks working on backfill & subsoil restoration Total ambient sound including some road traffic, birdsong throughout the measurement & buzz from pylon. Site audible - dozer tracks & 16:19 Bttm of bank 46.6 50 70 dump trucks working on backfill & subsoil restoration plus dozer tracks in Area B Total ambient sound including some road traffic, birdsong throughout the measurement & buzz from pylon. Site audible - dozer tracks & 28/05/2019 09:05 Top of Bank 46.2 50 70 dump trucks working on backfill & subsoil restoration plus engines in Area B Total ambient sound including birdsong throughout the measurement 09:05 Bttm of Bank 48.1 50 70 & buzz from pylon. Site audible - dozer tracks & dump trucks working on backfill & subsoil restoration plus engines in Area B Total ambient sound including birdsong, aircraft & some road traffic. Temporary site operations being carried out with higher noise level 06/06/2019 14:03 15 Douglas Terr 52.3 50 70 applicable since the afternoon of 03/06/2019. Restoration of permanent landform, D9 & large dump trucks working on subsoil & topsoil mound being constructed on eastern boundary. Total ambient sound including buzz from pylon, birdsong & horn 25/07/2019 09:12 15 Douglas Terr 45.5 50 70 blasting from road vehicle. Site audible - dozer tracks at times & dump trucks tipping material onto restoration area. 20

  21. Ambient Noise Monitoring at Douglas Terrace PLANNING LIMIT TOTAL AMBIENT SOUND PLANNING LIMIT TEMPORARY OPS DATE TIME LEVEL L Aeq dB NORMAL OPS L Aeq dB L Aeq dB NOTES Total ambient sound including buzz from pylon, birdsong & aircraft. 28/08/2019 09:21 15 Douglas Terr 50.1 50 70 Site audible - sub soil removal & mound construction, dozers & articulated dump trucks. Total ambient sound including buzz from pylon, road traffic, birdsong 09:27 Top of bank 51.8 50 70 & aircraft. Site audible - sub soil removal & mound construction, dozers & articulated dump trucks. NOISE KIT INSTALLED AT DOUGLAS TERRACE ON 3 JUNE 2019

  22. Noise Monitoring at Douglas Terrace 6 Jun 2019 Temporary operations: 22

  23. Ambient Noise Monitoring Our Blessed Lady and St Joseph Church * TOTAL NORMAL AMBIENT DATE TIME COMMENTS OPERATIONS L Aeq SOUND LEVEL dB L Aeq dB Total ambient noise level. Traffic noise dominant, some birdsong. Site operations audible - restoration 02/05/2019 13:55:19 55.8 of Area A, dozer tracks at times 06/06/2019 12:53:57 49.0 Total ambient noise level. Traffic noise, some birdsong - site not audible 25/07/2019 12:08:36 46.8 Total ambient noise level. Road traffic noise, car passing & little birdsong Total ambient noise level. Road traffic noise, birdsong & passing car. Some activity from site workshop 02/08/2019 10:00:00 54.0 audible 23

  24. Low Bradley Ambient Sound Levels * TOTAL AMBIENT NORMAL OPERATIONS DATE TIME COMMENTS SOUND LEVEL L Aeq dB L Aeq dB Total ambient sound level. Birdsong, tractor, sheep & dog barking. Site audible - PC3000 in 16/05/2019 13:08 59.9 area B, dump truck engines & dozer tracks. Tractor & dog barking removed gives 48.9dB 06/06/2019 12:05 48.9 Total ambient sound level. Sheep bleating, birdsong. Site operations audible in Area B Total ambient sound level. Birdsong, aircraft, sheep bleating & cockerel. Site audible - dozer 05/07/2019 08:43 46.6 tracks, dump truck engines & excavators Total ambient sound level. Birdsong, aircraft & sheep bleating. Site audible - dozer tracks, 02/08/2019 08:56 44.7 dump truck engines & excavators 24

  25. Blasting operations: BRADLEY PPV (MM/S) RESULTS 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Brooms Farm Douglas Terr Pont Road 95%<6mm/s All <12 mm/s

  26. Complaints: 1 x Dust 2 x Blasting 3 x Noise 26


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