board of regents fy2018 operating budget approval

Board of Regents FY2018 Operating Budget Approval Special Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Board of Regents FY2018 Operating Budget Approval Special Meeting June 27, 2017 June 27, 2017 Operating Budget Summary (unrestricted general funds in millions of $) Bud Budget Gap Gap FY17 Base Funding 325.0 FY18 Proposed Base Funding

  1. Board of Regents FY2018 Operating Budget Approval Special Meeting June 27, 2017

  2. June 27, 2017 Operating Budget Summary (unrestricted general funds in millions of $) Bud Budget Gap Gap FY17 Base Funding 325.0 FY18 Proposed Base Funding 317.0 Base Budget Reduction (8.0) Compensation & other fixed cost increases (3.0) Budget Gap (11.0) Plan to Fund Budget Gap Reallocations 5.0 Program & Service Reductions 6.0 Budget Gap Funding 11.0 Str Strategi gic Investments (6.0) Plan to Fund Strategic Investments Unreserved Fund Balance/Reallocations 4.9 SW Working Capital Fund 1.1 Strategic Investment Funding 6.0 2

  3. June 27, 2017 FY18 Strategic Investment Areas The Strategic Pathways process has identified numerous priorities for improved programs and services. 1. Student Success /Enrollment Aggressive marketing, recruitment and retention programs to increase student enrollment. Improve student outcomes through predictive analytics. Improve student experience through increased faculty collaboration and course and program consistency across campuses. 2. Research Grow research capacity for academic excellence and to leverage additional funds. 3. Workforce Development and On-line Program Development Expand workforce programs (e.g., nursing and teacher preparation) and online program development and delivery. 4. Process Improvement/Automation Integrate and automate back office systems to improve service and reduce long term costs in IT, IR, HR, Finance, and Student Services. 3

  4. June 27, 2017 Proposed FY18 Strategic Investment Targets (in millions of $) Funding Source Investment Area Enrollment: Marketing/Advertising $2.1 Univ. Unreserved Fund Balance/Reallocation UAA 1.1 UAF 0.75 UAS 0.25 $1.8 SW Unreserved Fund Balance Research UAA 0.3 UAF 1.4 UAS 0.1 Workforce Development & On-line Program Development $1.0 Univ. Unreserved Fund Balance/Reallocation UAA 0.7 UAF 0.2 UAS 0.1 Process Automation $1.1 SW Working Capital Fund Total Strategic Investments $6.0 4

  5. June 27, 2017 Student Success /Enrollment Aggressive marketing, recruitment and retention programs to increase student enrollment. Improve student outcomes through predictive analytics. Improve student experience through increased faculty collaboration and course and program consistency across campuses. This investment area will be funded with university unreserved fund balance and/or reallocation. Each university’s contribution to this investment area is as follows: UAA UAF UAS SW Strategic Investment $1.1M $750k $.25M $2.1M Add’l Investments TBD $50k $180k $500k $730k • Projects in Student • Digital & Traditional Initiative Finish College Alaska Statewide • adult degree Services and Marketing Marketing • Articulation Agreements Advancement aimed completion at student success and (2+2) Stay On Track • Admissions Recruiter • support on-time enrollment marketing • Create Vice Provost for • Military/VA Coordinator completion • Marketing Online Student Success Chancellor’s Housing • ANSEP (enrollment) Programs Award • Micro-Targeting Analyst • retaining talented ANSEP project enrolls • Explore high potential students in UAA students classes growth areas: BAM or Transfer Student Recruiting • Recruitment – • promote transfers from Sports/Recreation & One contractor support for Health Masters AK campuses and existing software Lower 48 deployment 5

  6. June 27, 2017 Research Grow research capacity for academic excellence and to leverage additional funds. This investment area will be funded with Statewide Services unreserved fund balance. Each university’s contribution to this investment area is as follows: UAA UAF UAS SW $1.8M Strategic Investment $1.8M $300k $1.4M $100k funded by SW Add’l Investments $753k TBD $730K $23K • Research • MRI lab support Initiatives Alaska Coastal Rainforest • CNSM Joint institute Center • collaborative support research/education • Matching support research grants • R&R fund for funds Collaborative research research equipment with UA partners • EPSCOR, INBRE, & match needs • Research institute BLaST • collaborative support research in fisheries and mariculture 6

  7. June 27, 2017 Workforce Development and On-line Program Development Expand workforce programs (e.g., nursing and teacher preparation) and online program development and delivery. This investment area will be funded with university unreserved fund balance and/or reallocation. Each university’s contribution to this investment area is as follows: UAA UAF UAS Strategic Investment $1M $700k $200k $100k Add’l Investment $55k TBD $30k $25k • Reshaping Nursing • eLearning Recruiter Initiatives Alaska College of Education • Convert courses to • faculty/staff engagement Education Delivery in Alaska online in NWCCU proposal • Career and • Support for Tribal • coordinate statewide Technical Education Mgmt. or Allied ‘grow our own’ teacher • e-Learning Health marketing • Degree completion Innovative hybrid/online initiatives classrooms • enhancing innovation, access, quality 7

  8. June 27, 2017 Process Improvement/Automation Investment $1.1 million annually over the next three years from the Statewide working capital fund. Integrate and automate back office systems to improve service and reduce long term costs in the following areas: • Information Technology • Institutional Research • Human Resources • Finance, and • Student Services Examples and systemwide benefits include: • Travel system: apply discounts, streamline travel processing and reporting • Job form/process automation: reduce time, effort, and errors • Automated workflows: saves time and reduces errors 8


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