staff regent s report board of regents meeting september

Staff Regents Report Board of Regents Meeting September 09, 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Staff Regents Report Board of Regents Meeting September 09, 2016 Photographs provided by Alexandra Douglass Staff Excellence Awards Purpose Selection Process In order to appropriately recognize the contributions of staff to Eligibility for

  1. Staff Regent’s Report Board of Regents Meeting September 09, 2016 Photographs provided by Alexandra Douglass

  2. Staff Excellence Awards Purpose Selection Process In order to appropriately recognize the contributions of staff to Eligibility for the award with regard to length of service, the mission of Murray State University, Staff Excellence Awards verification of service category, and satisfactory job performance were established by the Murray State University Board of will be confirmed with the Murray State University Human Regents on March 22, 1986. The presentation of these awards Resources Office. provides an opportunity for the administration of the University to The selection committee composition should include a call attention to and to express appreciation for the loyalty and representative of past winners within each of the three service of staff members. Appropriate publicity for this event employment groups, as well as representation from the Board of enhances the purpose of this awards program. Regents, faculty, students, and staff. A new selection committee is formed each year . Award recommendations will be forwarded to Murray State Eligibility University’s President for endorsement and presentation at the For purposes of consideration, awards will be based on three staff recognition ceremony. categorical groups of permanent employees as represented in Staff Congress, i.e. Secretarial/Clerical, General/Facilities Awards Management, Executive/Managerial/Professional, as well as an At-Large category. Two awards of $1,000 each will be made A total of up to eight awards of $1,000 each will be made within each of these groups. across four categories: the three employee categories and an At- To be eligible for consideration, nominees must have Large category should there be more than two award recipients successfully completed a two-year period of employment at in any of the three employment categories. The three employee Murray State University. Past winners are eligible for the award categories as determined by Human Resources are 10 years after receiving the award. Secretarial/Clerical, General/Facilities Management, and Standard criteria for selection for this award are not possible Executive/Managerial/Professional. The awards will also involve to establish given the varied responsibilities of staff on the media coverage and recognition at the Staff Recognition Murray State University campuses. To be considered worthy of ceremony. The winners will be notified in August prior to the the honor, those selected must be perceived as performing their ceremony date. jobs capably, and they must also demonstrate in some way a special effort, a unique contribution, or an unusual level of commitment or service. Nomination Process Nominations may be made by fellow staff members, students, faculty, or the general public. Anyone who has the opportunity to observe extraordinary service by staff members is urged to submit a nomination. The steps for the nomination process are as follows: • Nomination forms are available at the Staff Congress website: . • Nomination forms will be accepted throughout the year. To be considered for the awards to be presented at the upcoming Staff Recognition ceremony, nominations must be received by the deadline which is posted next to the downloadable nomination form. Nominations received after the deadline will be considered for the awards to be presented for the following year. • An individual may nominate more than one person in each of the three staff categories. • Nominations must be signed and dated. • Printed completed nomination forms should be sent through campus mail to Staff Excellence Award, 412 Sparks Hall Murray State University, Murray, KY 42071.

  3. 2016 Staff Excellence Award Winners Secretarial/Clerical Category Sara Miller Francie Ray Administrative Assistant II Parking Supervisor VP Academic Affairs Public Safety

  4. Nominee Name : Sara Miller Effort was “above and beyond” job responsibilities: During the budget crisis of Spring 2016 Sara helped keep the Department of Geosciences functioning while also learning a new job in Student Affairs. She was also instrumental in assisting with Dr. Kit Wesler's memorial event, also while helping Geosciences, and learning a new campus position. Her willingness to help when needed, to stay after-hours, and be generally available during the spring semester and be sensitive to the needs of two campus offices qualifies her for this nomination. Demonstrated “extraordinary” leadership skills: *See above and below. Really. Inspired others to do their best; offered techniques and/or unexpected time and energy to assist others with no expectation of recognition: Sara helped manage and maintain the Department of Geosciences GeoClub, acting as a positive mentor to keep the group focused and organized. As a department Admin Asst, she was tasked everyday with challenges to her time and energy. Faculty are not always the easiest to manage, student workers may not show up for work, and coworkers are not always amenable. Sara took all of these details in stride, always eager to participate, share ideas, and offer her insight and help. Reacted positively to an urgent situation: The passing of Dr. Kit Wesler was sudden and hard on everyone in Geosciences and his absence is noted every day. Sara immediately put herself at Renae Duncan's disposal, helping find a suitable venue, contacting appropriate people, and making arrangements to accommodate Renae's wishes. Dr. Kipphut's retirement also occurred the Spring 2016 semester and the Department of Geosciences was without an Admin Asst. from Christmas 2015 until May 2, 2016. The bulk of the semester was stressful for the entire department and Sara stepped in and ensured service to faculty, staff, and students was maintained. Are there any additional reasons you would like to nominate this person? Sara is one of the good people at Murray State. She willingly learns new tasks, comes to work ready-to-go. The folks in the Provost Office know she can get projects handled efficiently. Her enthusiasm is infectious and clearly makes an immediate impact in her areas and people want to be on her team, to work with her.

  5. Nominee Name: Susan (Francie) Ray Effort was “above and beyond” job responsibilities: Francie has gone "above and beyond" by expecting the best from her employees thru constant checks and balances. She is presenter to many groups on campus, attends all Judicial Board Meetings, and teaches the ins and outs of the Parking Management system at conferences. She also cross trains all of her student workers and staff to work in the office and out in the field. She trains all Police Officers on the parking regulations and has implemented department bundling of permits to help assist faculty and staff. Inspired others to do their best; offered techniques and/or unexpected time and energy to assist others with no expectation of recognition: Francie comes in early and stays late to help train everyone on their schedule. She sets up a time to meet with staff that needs assistance with computers. She walks each individual thru the process of getting their parking permit. Contributed exceptionally to a team-oriented community project: Francie is a strong mentor for the Kappa Delta Chapter here at MSU and has helped plan and assist the MSU Chapter in events with the community, one example is the Girl Scouts. She always goes above and beyond to keep the community involved by assisting the members of the Kappa Delta thru her community contacts. Francie is the lead communicator between the community and the University Parking for large events, as well as always trying to assist and help individuals with their questions and concerns

  6. 2016 Staff Excellence Award Winners Facilities Management/General Category Tracie Jenkins Michelle Lasher Laboratory Technician III Laboratory Technician I Micro Supervisor Breathitt Veterinary Center Breathitt Veterinary Center

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