Board Meeting August 28, 2013
Agenda 1. Welcome, Agenda, Approval of minutes 6:20-6:25 2. Budget & Financial Stmts for 2012/2013 6:25-6:35 3. School Improvement Plan & Principal Update 6:35-6:55 4. Formalize committee structure 6:55-7:10 5. TD staff benefit proposal 7:10-7:15 6. Board Calendar 7:15-7:20 7. PTO/Fundraising Update 7:20-7:30 8. Site/Safety Committee Update 7:30-7:45 9. Recruitment of board members 7:45-8:00 10. Public Comment 8:00-8:15 11. Executive session 192.660 2(e) (real estate) 8:15-8:30
Action Items from last meeting ● Ability of parents to donate to specific causes - ask lawyer
Treasury Update Income Statement (Jul 1st, 2012 - Jun 30th, 2013) Actuals Budget Income received during the period: +$ 647,343.51$ 521,764.00 Expenses paid during the period - $ 476,313.21$ 400,395.00 Net Income $ 171,030,30$ 121,369.00 Balance Sheet (Jun 30th, 2013) Total Assets : $ 324,753.16 Total Liabilities $ 103,217.43 Total Equity $ 221,535,73 ● HCCS ended FY’12/’13 strong financially ● Forecasted financials for FY‘13/’14 are above break-even but very important to stay financially conservative to end above break-even ● Updating 3 year budget to assess financial situation for future years
2012/2013 Financial Stmts ● Actuals were $50 K better than budget due to: ○ Unbudgeted preschool net income: $22 K ○ Higher than budgeted fundraising (auction $30 K, other fundraising of $6 K, after school enrichment programs $2.7 K) ○ Summer school ($1 K for the first week) ○ Confucius Institute grant of $10 K ○ ELL revenue from BSD of $6 K ○ TD Kindergarten $3.3 K due to better enrollment ○ Savings in supplies, technology, assessment of $27 K
2012/2013 Financial Stmts ● Increases in revenue offset by unexpected increases in expenses: ○ $16 K more expenses due to TSPC issue and additional teacher in K-1 ○ VISA fees of $7 K ○ Lower than budgeted before/after school revenue of $15 K ○ Higher than budgeted furniture, insurance costs, curriculum development, bank fees of $15 K
Budget ● Revenue increased $79 K. This is due to: ○ an increase in the ADMw rate - this was updated in June and was higher than we previously expected ○ an increase for ESOL revenue (this was not budgeted previously) ○ an update to the kindergarten scholarship rate ○ an update to the HCCS fee based programs based on preschool enrollment ○ an update to the actual supply fees received ○ taking into account summer school revenue
Budget ● Expenses increased by $71 K : ○ Employment contract updates of $13 K ○ PERS increases of $44 K due to rate going from 18% to 28% ○ increases in insurance to be more in line with 2012/2013 ○ other decreases in expenses to be more in line with 2012/2013
School Improvement & Principal Update
Formalize Committee Structure-Proposal ● Board makes resolution to start committee/subcommittee and states goal for committee ● Committee members have equal vote to board members within committee ● 1 or 2 board members on each umbrella committee ● Proposed umbrella committees:Finance and Development, Site Management, Admissions/Publicity, Executive ● Example: Site would oversee IT and Safety ● Committee lead reports update/recommendations to board for board decision ● Minutes of committee follow public meeting law
Committee Structure-a model
HCCS & TD Staff Benefits A. Proposal: HCCS Board to provide up to $4000 of Tiny Dragons Programs to full time (32-40 hours/week) HCCS and fee-based programs staff. B. For staff working less than 32 hours, the allowable discount will be prorated based on contracted hours. C. Policy for staff benefit will include Preschool, Before and After Care and Summer camp fee-based services. D. Benefits starts after Staff member has been employed for 3 months but staff member must be employed for at least 6 months otherwise they will need to reimburse HCCS E. Benefit will apply as long as class space is available and teacher/child ratios are within school guidelines.
Board Calendar Proposal: Once a month meetings - 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6:15-8:15 PM 9/11 10/9, No School Friday 11/13 12/11 1/8 2/12 3/12, 4/9, 5/14, 6/11
PTO/Fundraising Update ● Teresa Lane will represent PTO
IT/Site/Safety Update ● IT Update: ○ Main Phone number ported to XBLUE VoIP ○ This week ■ Wifi, Data/phone network; New phones ■ Projector in KG ■ Computer Lab ● Site Lease ○ Lease agrement signed - option for up to 3 years in current location
Recruitment of Board Members Discussion topic: add one board member now instead of waiting until there are 2 board members? Review board job description and needs of board
Upcoming Events International Fair?
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