Black Oak Mine Unifi fied Scho hool District ct “Committed to educational excellence.” A Long Range Facilities Master Plan 2030 VISION March 12, 2019 B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 1 1 Steering Committee | Agenda 4:30 Welcome + Introductions 4:35 Highlights from FMP Workshop #1 Principles for 21 st Century Schools | Trends 4:45 5:00 Large Group Reflections 5:10 LCAP Goals #1-3 | NEEDS Activity 1: (5:10 – 5:25) Group 1: ES + Group 2: MS + Group 3: HS Activity 2: (5:25 – 5:40) Group 1: MS + Group 2: HS + Group 3: ES Activity 3: (5:40 – 5:55) Group 1: HS + Group 2: ES + Group 3: MS 5:55 Large Group Report Out 6:05 School Site Constraints & Opportunities 6:25 Reflections + Next Steps 6:30 Adjourn B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 2 2 1
Master Plan | Philosophy A Comprehensive Living Document that Links: EDUCATION | Vision + Goals + FACILITIES | Existing Facility Conditions + Needs + PARTNERSHIPS | BOMUSD’S Parent + Community Engagement Equals = Long Range Road Map for Achieving BOMUSD’s 2030 Vision B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 3 3 Master Plan | Approach IMAGIN INE Step 1 | Capture the Big Picture “Vision” “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you Step 2 | Identify Educational Goals & Needs everywhere” ~ Albert Einstein DESIGN Step 3 | Assess Existing Conditions “First we shape our buildings…then they Step 4 | Develop Transformation Concepts & Priorities shape us” ~ Winston Churchill CREATE “The thing constructed can Step 5 | Document a Comprehensive Facilities only be loved after it is Master Plan constructed; but the thing created is loved before it Step 6 | Approve “Black Oak Mine USD 2030 VISION” exists” ~ Gilbert Chesterton B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 4 4 2
MASTER PLAN: Schedule B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 5 5 Visio ion | Black Oak Mine USD Schools San Juan USD | Elementary STEM Lab as Center of Community(s) B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 6 6 3
Black Oak Mine USD | Past + Present + Future Gold Rush Era & Mining - Nickname: Growlersburg CA Historical Landmark #484 Forestry & Logging B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 7 7 Black Oak Mine USD | Past + Present + Future Forestry & Logging Industry Recreational Opportunities Generational Ties Cradle-to-Career Thinking Relationship Based – Small Enrollment Community Partners - Georgetown Divide Recreation District - Divide Wellness Center - Georgetown Divide Ready by 21 - Divide Ready by 5 - First 5 - Community Based Organizations in El Dorado County - Music on the Divide - Girl Scouts Internet Bandwidth The “Divide” – Branding B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 8 8 4
Black Oak Mine USD | Past + Present + Future Vision | Schools as Center of Community Opportunities / Potential Partners Black Oak Mine & Outdoor Learning El Dorado County Library Garden Valley Fire Department: Forestry & Logging: CTE Mill Program Fire Science & Paramedics Entrepreneur; “incubation” Los Rios CCD, Folsom Lake College B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 9 9 Black Oak Mine USD | VISION for 2030 What is your vision for BOMUSD? B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 10 10 5
Black Oak Mine USD | VISION for 2030 “Schools as Centers of Community” LEARNING FACILITIES COMMUNITY Learning Centers Quality Instruction Inviting Exciting & Unique Easier Site Circulation Feeling & Engagement - Bus & Parents Center of the Divide Challenging Opportunities Child Centered Programs State of the Art Source of Pride Unique & Quality Critical & Essential Trade Education Human Centered High Levels of Education “Green” Schools Community College Virtual Classrooms Lifelong / Generational New Furniture & Equip. Public / School Library High Tech – High Touch Outside “4” Walls Multipurpose Fields Interface Gym & Sport Facilities Year-Round Community Center B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 11 11 DESIGNING FOR THE WHOLE LEARNER Real-World & Relevant Hands-on & Engaging Purpose Driven & Fun Howard Garner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences National Training Laboratories B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 12 12 6
Black Oak Mine USD | Form Follows… CONTENT: CONTEXT: LEARNING WHERE WE LEARN WHAT WE LEARN PROCESS: HOW WE LEARN Labs Fields Arts Citizenship Online On Stage Critical Thinking Acting Asking Home Work Customer Service Collaborating Gym Camp Democracy Constructing Gardens Nature Emotional Development Competition Lunchroom Libraries Failure Follow Doing Failure Classrooms Field Trips Directions Experiences Band Rooms History Math Experimentation Church Patience Physical Fitness Exposure Social Media Perseverance Imagination Shop Class Responsibility Lectures Teaching Competitions ROP / Tech Skills Observation Maker Spaces Science Practice Reading Extra-Curricular Sportsmanship Repetition Internships/ROP Social Skills & Norms Research Recreation Area Success Success Fire Department Self Reliance Community Tolerance Vacations Does this outline a new definition for a Classroom / Learning Environment? B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 13 13 Black Oak Mine USD 2030 | HOMEWORK: PART 1 B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 14 14 7
for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 15 15 for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends Shift in Educational Delivery Mid-20 th Century Learning: Emerging 21 st Century Learning: B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 16 16 8
for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends What do our classrooms look like? B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 17 17 for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends What do our classrooms look like? B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 18 18 9
for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends What do our classrooms look like? B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 19 19 for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends 21 st Century Furniture B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 20 20 10
for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends Maker Spaces, Media Labs, STEAM Labs B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 21 21 for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends Green Schools B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 22 22 11
for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends Biophilic Design B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 23 23 for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends Outside Learning Spaces B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 24 24 12
for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends Teacher Collaboration Centers B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 25 25 for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends Student Community & Culture B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 26 26 13
for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends Schools as Center of Communities Orange County Public Schools, Orlando, FL B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 27 27 for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends School + Community Facilities Hillsdale Elementary in Partnership: Winters High School YMCA, City of Meridian, Meridian Library Winters Branch Public Library; District, St. Lukes Health Systems County of Yolo, CA B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 28 28 14
for 21 st Centu Princi ciples fo tury Schools | Trends School + Community Facilities Emeryville Center of Community Life B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 29 29 Black Oak Mine USD 2030 | Reflections What are your likes & dislikes when considering these Trends & Principles for 21 st Century Schools? Likes Dislikes B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 30 30 15
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