black oak mine unifi fied scho hool district ct

Black Oak Mine Unifi fied Scho hool District ct Committed to - PDF document

Black Oak Mine Unifi fied Scho hool District ct Committed to educational excellence. A Long Range Facilities Master Plan 2030 VISION February 12, 2019 B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON

  1. Black Oak Mine Unifi fied Scho hool District ct “Committed to educational excellence.” A Long Range Facilities Master Plan 2030 VISION February 12, 2019 B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 1 1 The Team | JK Architecture + Engineering  Located in Auburn DEREK LABRECQUE Partner  Passion for the Schools as the EDUCATIONAL PLANNER Center of Community  Over 30 Years in Educational Architecture  Expertise in 21 ST Century, Flexible, ANDREW TODD Associate Learning Environments PROJECT ARCHITECT  $1B in DSA Educational Facilities  Master Planned over $4B in Educational Facilities  Sustainable Focus; Education + LISA HALPIN Facility Planner Facilities + Operating Costs + Return BIM DESIGNER on Investment B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 2 2 1

  2. Steering Committee | Agenda 4:30 Welcome + Introductions 4:40 Master Planning Philosophy + Approach + Timeline 4:55 BOMUSD + Community: Past + Present + Future 5:10 BOMUSD Vision for 2030 (Individual Reflections) 5:15 Report Out 5:25 Your PEAK Learning Experience (1:1 pair sharing) 5:35 Report Out 5:50 BOMUSD Vision; Context + Content + Learning Process (Small Group Process) 6:15 Report Out 6:20 Case Study 6:25 Reflections + Next Steps + Homework 6:30 Adjourn B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 3 3 Master Plan | Philosophy A Comprehensive Living Document that Links: EDUCATION | Vision + Goals + FACILITIES | Existing Facility Conditions + Needs + PARTNERSHIPS | BOMUSD’S Parent + Community Engagement Equals = Long Range Road Map for Achieving BOMUSD’s 2030 Vision B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 4 4 2

  3. Master Plan | Approach IMAGIN INE Step 1 | Capture the Big Picture “Vision” “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you Step 2 | Identify Educational Goals & Needs everywhere” ~ Albert Einstein DESIGN Step 3 | Assess Existing Conditions “First we shape our buildings…then they Step 4 | Develop Transformation Concepts & Priorities shape us” ~ Winston Churchill CREATE “The thing constructed can Step 5 | Document a Comprehensive Facilities only be loved after it is Master Plan constructed; but the thing created is loved before it Step 6 | Approve “Black Oak Mine USD 2030 VISION” exists” ~ Gilbert Chesterton B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 5 5 Form Follows Function….Curriculum B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 6 6 3

  4. IMAGINE: Step 1 | Capture the Big Picture Vision BOMUSD’S Vision & Mission: “Committed to educational excellence.” The Communities of Georgetown & Cool: - Past | History & Culture - Present | Community & Trends - Future | VISION & GOALS “Schools as Center er of Community” B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 7 7 IMAGINE: Step 2 | Identify Education Goals & Needs BOMUSD’s Strategic Plan / LCAP: Goal 1: Ensure all school sites have safe, welcoming and inclusive climates for all students and their families, so that all students are in their classes ready to learn. Goal 2: Provide high quality classroom instruction and curriculum with an access to a broad course of study promoting school college and career readiness. Goal 3: Reduce the achievement gap by ensuring that all systems are culturally, linguistically, and equitably responsive to the needs of our students. B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 8 8 4

  5. DESIGN: Step 3 | Assess Existing Conditions “Create A Living Document” - Electrical & Lighting Systems - School Entry & Drop-off, Parking & Drives - Technology Systems - Outdoor Activity - Security Systems - Campus Core - HVAC Systems - Site Utilities & Infrastructure - Plumbing Systems - Specialty Systems - Fire Protection Systems - Alternative Energy Systems & Savings - 21 st Century Learning - Signage & Door Hardware - Enhance the Educational Climate - Interior Finishes - The Whole Child - Exterior Finish San Juan USD | Elementary STEM Lab B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 9 9 BOMUSD | School Site Assessments 1. Conduct Individual school site surveys soliciting input from: - Administrators - Teachers - Maintenance & Grounds - Parents - Students Goal to complete survey by Mid/Late February 2. Survey school site campus with representatives of district and/or school site maintenance & grounds staff - Interview school site principals - Discuss opportunities & constraints - Conduct school site assessment Goal to conduct Interviews & Assessments Late February – Early March 3. Solicited input from steering committee & community workshops. (Ongoing) B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 10 10 5

  6. DESIGN: Step p 4 | Develop p Transformation Concept pts Facility Needs; The things we…  Have to do; Code & Health Safety  Need to do: Maintenance & Operations Drop-Off & Parking Want to do: Educational & Facility  Improvements Enhancements Identify Funding Strategies  Traditional, Alternative Funding Existing Site Plan  Public - Private Partnerships PBL Labs  Community + Joint-Use Classroom Building- Portable  Self Funding Strategies + General Fund Replacement Savings Proposed  Prop 39 + State Eligibility Site Plan  Local Opportunities San Juan USD | Elementary STEM Lab B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 11 11 CREATE: Step 5 | Document the Facilities Master Plan OUTCOMES:  Recommended Improvements: - Code & Life Safety - Maintenance & Operations - Equity Enhancements - Transformation  Alignment of Facilities with LCAP Goals  School Site Safety & Security  Capacity Utilization Cost Estimating & Projections  San Juan USD | Elementary STEM Lab B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 12 12 6

  7. CREATE: Step 6 | Approve: BOMUSD 2030 Vision San Juan USD | Elementary STEM Lab B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 13 13 MASTER PLAN: Schedule B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 14 14 7

  8. Visio ion | Black Oak Mine USD Schools San Juan USD | Elementary STEM Lab as Center of Community(s) B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 15 15 Black Oak Mine USD | Past + Present + Future  Gold Rush Era & Mining - Nickname: Growlersburg  CA Historical Landmark #484  Forestry & Logging B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 16 16 8

  9. Black Oak Mine USD | Past + Present + Future  Forestry & Logging Industry  Recreational Opportunities  Generational Ties  Cradle-to-Career Thinking  Relationship Based – Small Enrollment  Community Partners - Georgetown Divide Recreation District - Divide Wellness Center - Georgetown Divide Ready by 21 - Divide Ready by 5 - First 5 - Community Based Organizations in El Dorado County - Music on the Divide - Girl Scouts  Internet Bandwidth  The “Divide” – Branding B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 17 17 Black Oak Mine USD | Past + Present + Future Vision | Schools as Center of Community Opportunities / Potential Partners Black Oak Mine & Outdoor Learning   El Dorado County Library  Garden Valley Fire Department:  Forestry & Logging: CTE Mill Program Fire Science & Paramedics  Entrepreneur; “incubation”  Los Rios CCD, Folsom Lake College B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 18 18 9

  10. Black Oak Mine USD | VISION for 2030 On a sticky note answer this question: What is your vision for BOMUSD? B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 19 19 YOUR PEAK LEARNING EXPERIENCE At your table, choose a partner and share a peak learning experience; when you were truly engaged and excited about what you were learning:  Where were you?  What were you feeling?  Who was with you?  What made it a peak experience?  How is it different from the way we are currently teaching our kids in school? B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 20 20 10

  11. DESIGNING FOR THE WHOLE LEARNER Howard Garner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences (1991) B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 21 21 DESIGNING FOR THE WHOLE LEARNER National Training Laboratories B L AC K OA K M I N E U N I F I E D S C H O OL D I ST R I C T | 2030 VI SI ON | 22 22 11

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