biographies and presentations for sunday june 18 please

Biographies and Presentations for Sunday, June 18 Please note these - PDF document

Biographies and Presentations for Sunday, June 18 Please note these are listed in Alphabetical order and are subject to change SUNDAY MORNING PRESENTATIONS Robert Callan - Robert Callan is a certified Diamond Dowser and president of Dowsing

  1. Biographies and Presentations for Sunday, June 18 Please note these are listed in Alphabetical order and are subject to change SUNDAY MORNING PRESENTATIONS Robert Callan - Robert Callan is a certified Diamond Dowser and president of Dowsing Design, LLC. Since founding the company in 2015, Robert has utilized dowsing to identify and cure disruptive earth energies in many homes and business offices in the twin cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota and throughout the country. Through environmental dowsing and space clearing Robert has helped establish higher energy frequency environments promoting improved health, harmony and prosperity in people's lives. Robert also serves as the ASD, Midwest Regional Coordinator. DOWSING TO RAISE THE ENERGY FREQUENCY OF YOUR HOME AND WORK SPACE - Describe and demonstrate how environmental dowsing identifies earth energy disturbances in homes and offices and applies cures to eliminate them. These earth energy disturbances lower the energy frequency in our living environment and impact our own personal energy, health and well-being. Environmental dowsing can identify Positive and Negative Vortexes in our living areas. The application of "cures" can block or convert Negative Vortexes into Positive Vortexes. Also, dowsing identifies Geopathic Stress Lines, Interference Lines causes by cell phone towers and electromagnetic wave energy, along with Negative Hartman and Curry Lines caused by interactions with electric power running through the property. The adjustment and curing of these earth energy disturbances has a significant positive impact on a persons physical, mental and emotional health and well-being, and also raises the energy frequency in the individuals living and work space. Jini Cerio - I have been dowsing since 2008 when I joined the Fingerlakes Dowsers in Syracuse, NY, and a member of ASD since 2009. I have attended convention most of those years. I am a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and Emotion Code Practitioner, Dowser, Reiki Master, and many other modalities. I dowse daily, at any time my pockets, purse etc. will have a group of pendulums in them, and yes there is always a pendulum in my bed. Through all the years of learning dowsing I have become a Master Dowser (According to my dowsing). I use dowsing in most of my health/wellness work, dowsing detail information in ways that most people are not aware of. I have also owned a flower shop for over 30 years and use dowsing in my business daily. THE REALITY OF BEING HEALTHY – Imbalances in the body are caused by negative emotions that block the energy in the body that cause the organs to weaken and be out of balance. We will cover finding the percentages in your body, negative or excess of the elements, minerals, vitamins, that the body needs to have to function. The range that the body needs to be in for it to heal itself. How to bring the body back in alignment, using nutritional food, supplements, pendulums infused with elements, minerals, and vitamins. Learn of the importance of the meridians and the organs that they lead to. Your health is your wealth. This work can also be done distantly. Do you know the real reason people get sick as they get older? Ask me! There will be handouts of class information and dowsing charts.

  2. Kathryn Deputat - Kathryn Deputat has been writing, teaching, and facilitating clarity in clients and students for over 25 years. She draws on highly attuned listening and clairvoyance skills to clear blocks in body/mind expression using methods rooted in her psychology, Zen Buddhism, metaphysics, dowsing, and energy awareness study and training. A high honors graduate of Wellesley College, ULC Minister, and certified Reiki Master, Kathryn is founder of Claritywork, Love’s Freeway, and Boston Reiki Healing. Author of Love ’s Way: Reflections and Practices, and CLARITY NOW: Simple Steps to Your Perfectly Clear Answer, Kathryn is a gifted intuitive, artist, and healer whose capacity for deep listening and seeing permeates all aspects of her life and work. Based in Boston, she serves clients worldwide. For more information, visit:,, and, or write her at: CLEARING THE CHANNEL - If we're not clear, how can our dowsing be? This hands-on session, incorporating device and deviceless dowsing, presents a method for getting clear in self and in life. You will learn tried-and-true methods, presented in my book, CLARITY NOW, for getting clear: clearing out the static that interferes with ourselves, our dowsing, and our lives. You will learn how to root out hidden intentions that short-circuit your expressed intentions. You will leave the session with concrete tools for "internal housecleaning" so to speak--tools that can be used again and again over time to maintain clarity, with benefit to dowsing applications as well as personal well-being and navigating life path/direction. Robert Egby - Robert Egby is an author, novelist, and independent publisher of 12 books, two of them on dowsing. A certified hypnoanalyst, interfaith minister and an “investigative” dowser for over 40 years. Now 85, he is a veteran and award -wining international journalist and broadcaster, his favorite words are Who, What, When, Where and Why?” Currently learning Spanish to facilitate dowsing and historical research in Spain. MAP DOWSING IN THE DIGITAL AGE - Since the advent of Google Earth, map dowsing has taken a new upturn in finding and tracking Earth energies with startling accuracy. Energies such as leys, geopathic zones, geospirals and indeed vortexes can be comfortably mapped at home on a laptop then physically checked later. All energies have areas of influence and even these can be read and mapped. Avoiding natural “bias” and performing “blind” readings for energies in your home town and anywhere in the world. Special elements to watch for when tracking long leys, keeping records and coordinates.

  3. Mary Farrell – Mary has been a presenter of self-awareness concepts for over 20 years. Her area of interest and study include conflict resolution, human potential and metaphysical studies. Mary is a Certified Hypnotist and Holistic Health Counselor. Additionally, Mary has received training in a variety of areas including the Silva Method, Esoteric Healing, Psych-K, Integrated Angel Therapy, Breathwork, Tarot and Dowsing. Mary has attended the Power of Thought School, Warriors of the Heart training, Essential Peacemaking; Women and Men, Feng Shui, studied with Native American Teachers and more. She shares her knowledge to assist people with finding joy in life, achieving their goals and finding their own means of inner exploration. DOWSING AND FENG SHUI: TOOLS FOR MANIFESTATION – What do you want to enhance or bring energy to in your life – a relationship, business success, financial ease or something else? Often, we are manifesting in a default pattern instead of engaging deliberately with the Law of Attraction. Feng Shui and Dowsing provide tools to help. The class will include an introduction to Feng Shui principles and how you can utilize dowsing to achieve desired results. In this hands on class, you are invited to bring pictures or sketches of your front door, bedroom or other areas and leave with solutions to problem areas. Handouts will provide you with the tools to continue the exploration at home. No previous dowsing or Feng Shui experience required. Pat Iyer – Pat Iyer is a Registered Nurse with over 32 years experience in all phases of Nursing. She has presented to various community organizations on a multitude of topics in complementary medicine, Reiki, healing and palmistry. She is a Reiki/Master Teacher in the western lineage of Hayawo Takata and provided Reiki Certification on all levels of this lineage. She is also certified in both Shoden and Okudon in the Jikiiden Japanese lineage of Reiki and Buddhist lineage through Enersence. She is certified in Therapeutic Touch and is a professional palmist. Pat became interested in Palmistry in 1996 and has studied with Roger Lashley and Richard Lanza, however, it is the hundreds of palms she has read that have taught her the most. READING BETWEEN THE LINES – Palmistry offers an opportunity to read the language of the hand. Through palmistry, we can gain a greater understanding of ourselves and the possible directions our lives will take by learning the significance of the shape, structure and lines of the hand. This class will cover the major lines of the hand and how they relate to our emotions, thinking style and health. We will discuss a variety of hand types, shapes and the lines in the hands. Susan Rose - Susan Rose is a Master Dowser, Naturopath and Biohacker and a recognized expert in the field of subtle energy. Susan blends science with subtle energy techniques, teaching others how to access information and the human energy field through dowsing, verbal protocols and energy medicine. As an educator, intuitive, and subtle energy practitioner, Susan blends naturopathic training with holistic techniques for achieving optimum performance and happiness. Using both intuitive abilities and dowsing in her coaching practice,


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