bicycle advisory committee report

BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT May 28, 2015 Bicycle and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT May 28, 2015 Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation May 28, 2015 Texas Guide to Safe Bicycling and handlebar hanger Safety guide for bicyclists Rules of the road. Explanation of equipment and

  1. BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT May 28, 2015 Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation May 28, 2015

  2. Texas Guide to Safe Bicycling and handlebar hanger Safety guide for bicyclists  Rules of the road.  Explanation of equipment and accessories.  Tips for bicycling with children.  Guidelines if a bicyclist is involved in a crash.  Detail on Texas laws that pertain to bicyclists.  List of bicycle resources. Handlebar hanger  Bicycle safety tips.  Diagram showing how to best wear a bicycle helmet.  Explanation of lights and reflector requirements for Texas.  Review of hand signals.  TxDOT bicycle program website information. Developed by TxDOT staff with consultant support. Reviewed by TxDOT staff, Bicycle Advisory Committee and commissioners. Materials will be available online and in print format. Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation May 28, 2015 2

  3. Community-based bike networks Hub and Spoke Bike Lane Study Tyler, Texas, May 2015 Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation May 28, 2015 3

  4. BikeStripe BikeStripe is a hub-and-spoke lane striping program to improve a community’s bicycle mobility and safety at a low cost.  Takes advantage of existing roadways to improve bicycling connectivity.  Local universities or community colleges can donate engineering studies. Software is available.  After identifying existing wide lanes, the community can request funds for striping, or add striping during routine resurfacing.  Every city’s BikeStripe grid could be available on the TxDOT website for tourism and travel purposes; TxDOT website would show BikeStripe flowchart from concept to implementation. Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation May 28, 2015 4

  5. Tyler Bike Lane Study Prepared By: Dr. Mena Souliman Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering The University of Texas at Tyler Undergraduate research assistants: Pedro Zavagna Bruno Hamdan Source: Department of Civil Engineering - College of Engineering The University of Texas at Tyler April 30, 2015 Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation May 28, 2015 5

  6. Technical analysis: Option B – Old Omen Road Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation May 28, 2015 6

  7. Technical analysis: Intersection of McDonald and Loop Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation May 28, 2015 7

  8. Technical analysis: Evaluation criteria and scoring Conclusi usion: Option A outperforms Option B. Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation May 28, 2015 8

  9. Conclusion: NYC DOT web page example BikeStripe  Practical and affordable.  Leverages all community resources.  Statewide application potential. Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation May 28, 2015 9

  10. TxDOT bicycle and pedestrian strategic direction report  Provide short-term guidance in developing the TxDOT bicycle and pedestrian program.  Reference document for staff, policymakers and stakeholders.  This will be a policy-level document, it will not identify specific projects or corridors.  Will include: – Existing conditions and trends. – Identification of focus areas for TxDOT with specific strategies. – Identify implementation and next steps. Draft Strategic Direction Report to be available Summer 2015. Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation May 28, 2015 10


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